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    • Hari 19

      Selinunte Archaeological Parco

      1 Jun 2023, Itali ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      This morning we woke up and had breakfast at home and then went for a walk down to find the fish market enjoyed a cappuccino but there were more men than 🐠. After that we managed to get lost again trying to find the archaeological park but eventually did and it certainly has been worth it. The archaeological site contains many great temples, the earliest dating from 550 BC, with five centred on an acropolis. At its peak before 409 BC the city may have had 30,000 inhabitants, excluding slaves. It was destroyed and abandoned in 250 BC and never reoccupied. However the ruins we saw were truly outstanding. Afterwards we purchased a couple of Sicilian tea towels and had a great antipasta lunch at the Enoteca Sicilia - very yummy lunch.Baca lagi

    • Hari 13

      H-Day 11 - rain & wind - Triscina

      3 April 2023, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Tough start today. Alarm clock rang late. 5:30
      Actually to start at 6am at dawn.
      I left the spot at 6:20.

      It's hard to pack all the wet stuff together and get into these wet and cold socks and shoes. I'm starting in shorts.

      Like yesterday, the given gps track is a bit strange. It is hard to find the way, if there is one. Lots of private property signs, gates and signs of cameras. Posten you can see holes in the fences etc., where people walk through. Even the grass is often stepped down. You have no clue if it is okay to go further or not. Probably a lovely dog will greet you behind that fence.

      We entered a beach again. Immediately you realize on the path that everything gets slippery. The clay sticks at your shoes like crazy. They get heavier and heavier.
      The beach degrades down to the water a lot. This makes walking much harder for me. Above is the sand so soft that walking is hard. Closer to the shore it gets first water soaked and this is even tougher to walk. Second, the sand gets compact, and thus fast to hike. My problem is my ankle. It degrades always to the left side and I feel my right outer ankle. The shoe presses into my feet. And it does not change, cause I do not switch direction.
      Additionally the sea water is chasing you on that hard sand. You often sprint, because the water is approaching fast. A bit tricky.

      This beach changed from sand to rocks and vice versa. Some parts are through dense bush. Nice to get wet and cold led l legs. You get this additionally to the light drizzle. Absolutely enjoyable. But at least, very far away, you can already see the next stop. Some house pretty tiny on the horizon. This must be Selinunte. I hope the Pasticeria is waiting with a Caffé Lungo for me.
      The day has been very windy. Blowing from inland. Not from the sea direction like the last days. In the afternoon or started to rain again. Sometimes more, sometimes less. After one stronger shower we've passed a sport track.a sandy piste which friend a circle I guess. Lots of banks standing around for people watching the event. Nobody there and protected by trees. And a small hut. So I decided to stop and dry my stuff in the wind. Cool done noodles and wait.
      The weather forecast predicts even more wind and also rain. Lupo feel asleep immediately. So I decide to stay. It is early, but we take some rest.

      29.000 steps - 21.4km
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    • Hari 8


      30 April 2023, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Am Morgen regnet es leicht. Ich bin nun alleine, da Wolf bei Freunden in Menfi geblieben ist.

      Ich beschliesse die Ruinen der einst mächtigen Griechenstadt Selinunte anzuschauen. Einen kleinen Campingplatz finde ich ganz in der Nähe. Am gesamten Platz sind gerade mal 3 Autos. Es ist super ruhig.

      Vom Campingplatz gehe ich zu Fuß die ca. 1 1/2 km zu der alten Tempelstadt. Das Gelände dort ist sehr weitläufig und so halte ich mich den ganzen Nachmittag dort auf.
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    • Hari 70

      Selinunte, Sicily

      2 Jun 2023, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      After exploring the Valley of the Temples we made the way to Selinunte, our home for the next three nights. This is a small beachside town right next to the Archeological Park of Selinunte, the site of more amazing Greek temples, and the reason we are staying here. Our accomodation is just across from the beach and we are hoping to enjoy some downtime here.

      Bags dropped off and we were out the door to walk on the beach and dip our feet in the Mediterranean waters. We had a walk along the beach, admiring the golden Greek temples from the beach while Brad found pieces of terracotta and terrazzo that he swears are from the temple grounds. The beaches here are so different to home making us realise how lucky we are. The sand here is quite gritty and we sank so far in as we walked, giving us a work out as we walked. Even though we had lost the sun it was still great to be on a beach again.

      We stopped at the beach bar for a couple of drinks - very strong limoncello spritzes, before walking into “town”. It really is a small collection of accommodations, holiday homes, bars and restaurants, and a few tourist shops along the main harbour and beach front. It was a very relaxed feel, especially as tourist season hasn’t hit yet and not everything is open.

      We popped into one of the souvenir shops to buy a towel and ended up spending a very delightful and funny hour with a nonna who spoke no English but was intent on us sampling all of her jams, marmalades and spreads, and every single type of alcohol she sold - and she sold a lot of different types. Her sales pitch worked as we left with some pistachio liqueur and some pistachio biscuits. She really made our day and we were very merry when we left.

      Nearing afternoon drinks time we made our way to a beach side bar called Bamboo where we enjoyed some more beers and spritzes and the most delicious charcuterie board as well as heaps of free snacks. The prices here are ridiculous and we cannot believe how inexpensive our afternoon was. We were very merry and full by the time we left to return to our apartment to call it a night. No need for dinner. What a fabulous first day in Selinunte.
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    • Hari 73

      Parco Archeologico di Selinunte

      5 Jun 2023, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      This morning we bid farewell to beautiful Selinunte to make our way to Nubia, Trapini. On the way we stopped off at the Archaeological Park of Selinunte, the site of the largest archaeological park in Europe. Even though we had seen the Valley of the Temples we wanted to explore this site too.

      With almost 2.5 acres, this site has the remains of the grandiose city that was Selinunte, developed and designed by the Greeks since the founding of the colony. Founded in 628 BC and abandoned around 250 BC, it is absolutely mind blowing that we can still stand amongst these temples. With the thunder and lightning overhead it was a very surreal experience.

      Thankfully we were able to take shelter from the rain and visit the on-site museum. So much of what they have discovered on the site is displayed and once again, it is unfathomable that items from centuries ago still exist. To this day more and more is being discovered.

      We chose to take the cart ride from one temple to the next so we could see as much as possible before the rain returned. While we did not get to see the whole expansive site, we were so impressed with what we did manage to see. Definitely worth the visit.
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    • Hari 71

      Lido Tuke, Selinute, Sicily

      3 Jun 2023, Itali ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Today has been a day of complete relaxation. We walked down the road from our apartment to Lido Tuke where we hired beach chairs and an umbrella for the day. Our Sicilian nonna from yesterday waved at us as we passed and we shared a laugh - she was probably laughing at how she conned us into spending money we weren’t planning too. It is these interactions that really add to our travel experiences.

      Our beach chairs and umbrella cost us €15 for the whole day - what a bargain. We spent the day lying on our beach chairs enjoying the view of the turquoise waters rolling in. Brad dipped his toes while I have just relaxed in the Mediterranean sunshine. Having the restaurant/bar a few steps away has allowed us to stay hydrated with the local beer and limoncello spritz.

      We managed to drag ourselves up to the restaurant to enjoy a delicious lunch. Brad, once again, had a seafood pasta while I tried the roast calamari and salad. Wow, what a delicious and fresh lunch. It has to be up there with one of my best meals on this trip.

      Then back to the beach for Brad to have a swim in the very cold waters while I just dipped my toes in. It has been the most relaxing day. Unfortunately it wasn’t until we got back to our apartment that I noticed how sunburnt my legs were. I was a very silly woman and didn’t put sunscreen on my legs. I think I will be paying for that mistake for a while.

      Dinner tonight was a pizza in bed with our feet up. We ordered a pizza from the restaurant below where we are staying and it has to be one of the best we have had so far. Italy certainly do food well. It has been a day of fun, food and relaxation. Just perfect (minus the sunscreen).
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    • Hari 12

      Parco Archeologico di Selinunte

      26 Oktober 2023, Itali ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Wie in Agrigento hatten sich auch hier die Griechen verewigt. In Selinunte befindet sich die grösste archäologische Ausgrabungsstädte von Europa.
      Wir spatzierten durch den Park und bewunderten die Tempel und Steinformationen, die heute noch zu sehen sind. Der eine grosse Tempel wurde rekonstruiert, so gut es ging. Jedoch sei dieser Aufbau sehr umstritten. Für uns war er auf jeden Fall ein echtes Highlight. Auch sonst waren die Bauten sehr eindrucksvoll, vor allem mit einem schönen Blick aufs Meer.Baca lagi

    • Hari 28


      2 Februari 2020, Itali ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Die ausgedehnte Fundstätte ist sehr imposant. Beim Eingang gelangt man zuerst zu dem grossen Tempel der Hera, in den man hinein gehen kann - sehr eindrücklich. Dann gibt es weitere Tempel, leider sehr zerstört. In einem zweiten Abschnitt, ca. 1.5km entfernt steht direkt an der Küste die Akropolis. Leider auch diese sehr zerfallen.
      Die Ausgrabungen von Agrigent waren schon toll, aber heute der Spaziergang durch den Tempel - einfach toll. UND :Jenny konnte überall mit! Scheinbar ist das bei allen Ausgrabungsstätten möglich, ok, es laufen auch viele Streuner dort rum.
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    • Hari 11

      Traumhafter Sonnenuntergang

      25 Oktober 2023, Itali ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Nach den Scala dei Turchi machten wir uns auf zum nächsten Hotel. Dies befand sich in Selinunt und bietete uns einen wunderschönen Blick aufs Meer. Wir schlenderten den Strand entlang und genossen ein leckeres Gelati am Hafen.
      Die Stadt war eher klein und die Saison definitiv vorbei. Mehrere Restaurants waren bereits dauerhaft geschlossen. Wir genossen jedoch das Abseitssein von der Touristenschar.
      Am Ende des Tages wurden wir mit einem tollen Sonnenuntergang auf der Dachterrasse unseres Hotels belohnt.
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    • Hari 18


      31 Mei 2023, Itali ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      This morning we had a great breakfast with Giuseppe. This followed his outstanding assistance last night Showing us around all of the old and new Piazza Amerina. He showed us his mum‘s place and great grandmother‘s house and his school and all around the old quarters which were really cobbled and interesting. Eventually he left us at ristorante Toto and we had one of the best meals in Sicily so far. Driving was much easier today and we got to Agrigento around 11. This site was absolutely brilliant. Several temples some in beautiful condition💕💕.Baca lagi

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