My train was about 10 minutes late. I found the luggage storage place and dropped off my bags. Walking to the restaurant, I passed the Diocletian Baths. Wow-- the energy here is so different!
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My train was about 10 minutes late. I found the luggage storage place and dropped off my bags. Walking to the restaurant, I passed the Diocletian Baths. Wow-- the energy here is so different!
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Dinner was great. We walked by the Pantheon and I stopped to watch a fabulous musician playing Hallelujah. The Trevi Fountain was absolutely gorgeous.
We finished the evening with a group gelato andRead more
Fontana delle Naiadi auf dem Plaza delle Republica und von dort aus Richtung Fontana di Trevi am Palazzo Quirinale vorbei.
The Sacred Steps, first time uncovered in 300 years. The statue of David by Michaelangelo
A cidade metropolitana de Roma é uma área de governo local no nível de cidade metropolitana na região do Lácio da República da Itália.
Trevi-Brunnen, Pantheon, Colusseum, Vatikan-Stadt
You might also know this place by the following names:
Obelisco di Dogali