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Top 10 Travel Destinations Ostuni
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    • Day 15

      Minori to Ostuni and Puglia

      September 20, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      A drive from the Amalfi Coast to Puglia and our Airbnb in Ostuni, known for its whitewashed old town. The journey was through a bleak, bare landscape on roads that had constant roadworks which slowed us down (though seemingly, no workers!). Once nearing the coast, the landscape changed to numerous olive groves before arriving at our destination.

      Our apartment was situated in a narrow stepped street, one of many heading uphill opposite the old town of the ‘White City’. A steep set of stone steps led up to the lounge/dining area, a small kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. A further set of steps led to a second bedroom and a terrace with dining area, followed by further steps up to a second terrace. Fantastic views of the old city and the olive groves heading towards the sea!
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    • Day 6


      June 8, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nach der Besichtigung der Masseria schauen wir uns die weiße Stadt Ostruni an. Vom busparkplatz führt der Weg immer weiter nach oben, rechts und links führen Treppen und steile Wege auch in höher gelegene Stadtteile. Der Aussichtspunkt an der höchsten Stelle bietet eine schönen Blick in das unter der Stadt liegen Tal mit seinen vielen Olivenbäumen.Read more

    • Day 6

      Im Zeichen der Olive

      June 8, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Am heutigen Tag entdecken wir die Herstellung von Olivenöl. Zuerst erkunden wir die historische Ölmühle Masseria Brancato. Beeindruckend sind vor allem die bis zu 2000 Jahre alten Olivenbäume. Am späteren Vormittag sehen wir dann eine moderne ölmühle mit der Möglichkeit der Verkostung.Read more

    • Day 10


      May 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Über Land fahren wir von Alberobello nach Ostuni. In Fasano ist die Durchfahrts-
      strasse gesperrt weil ein Tourenwagenrennen durchgeführt wird. Das Tomtom versteht gar nichts mehr. Über Locorotondo kommen wir dann doch noch ans Ziel. Die neue
      Unterkunft ist nicht dass, was wir uns vorgestellt haben. Auch der Bummel durch Ostuni hellt unsere Laune nur eine wenig auf. Morgen suchen wir eine neue Unterkunft.
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    • Day 10

      Cisternino, Italy

      September 6, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      We woke up early (for us!) and headed out in the car for our boat ride in Pogliano a Mare on the Adriatic Sea. We met our boat driver, Roberto, and spent the next hour exploring all the grotti (caves) along the coast. It was so beautiful out and the kids loved getting wet on the boat and going fast! After visiting all the caves, we stopped for the kids to take a swim in the sea which they loved even though the water was SO salty! We left the marina and drove into the town center to walk around and - wow - what a gorgeous place! It was quite touristy, but the town was super cute and the views over the sea were amazing. We really enjoyed our visit. We stopped for a very average lunch at a seafood place (followed, luckily, by a very good gelato) and then headed back to the villa for a rest and swim. We had loved our time at Coco Pazzo da Stefano earlier in the week, so we decided to take Corinne and Damien back there for dinner. So out we headed to Martina Franca where we encountered the most insane traffic ever trying to get into the town center. We eventually made it to our dinner and it was just as good as I remembered. We sat out on the piazza and even thought the kids were tired (we left at 10:15!), it was such a good meal and worth it!Read more

    • Day 9

      Cisternino, Italy

      September 5, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We all woke up a bit late on Monday and, after a quick breakfast at the villa, headed in to explore the town of Cisternino (the power got cut all day at teh villa so we had to get out of there!). We finally managed to park and then wandered into the old town where we stopped for a gelato and coffee. Thus fortified, we spent the next hour or so wandering through the old streets. It was such a lovely town and the girls loved choosing which windy path to go down. We hopped back in the car and drove one town over - to Locortondo - for lunch where we ordered WAY too much pizza and then wandered around again (the best thing to do in these small Puglian towns!). Everyone was a bit tired, so we headed back to the villa for rest and pool time. Later that evening Anna Maria came over for our very own cooking class. We learned to make macaroni, orecchitte, beans, polpette, brushcetta and SO much more. The kids (and adults) had a blast and we ate dinner outside under the stars which was amazing. Such a wonderful experience to cook with Anna Maria!Read more

    • Day 16

      Discovering Ostuni Old Town

      September 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Wandering the Cathedral area.
      The Duomo di Ostini is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Santa Maria Assunta). The facade acquired its rose window in the 15th century, while the interior has a number of artworks that cover the ceiling and altars. The Scoppa Arch built in 1750 and just up from the Cathedral connects the Seminary to the Bishopric building. Steps then lead into the old parts of the ‘White City’.Read more

    • Day 7

      Cisternino, Italy

      September 3, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We slept in a bit before getting a final breakfast at our cave hotel. We decided to let the girls take us on a little walk around the town before we left and boy was it HOT already! We went back to the cool of our cave, packed up and then grabbed a car to take us back to our rental car which we had parked outside the city walls and we were off - headed towards the town of Cisternino in Puglia! We drove for about an hour and watched the countryside turn red and rocky with cacti everywhere. Welcome to Puglia! We pulled into the small town of Martina Franca - our destination for lunch - and like all Italian towns it was absoutley ugly on the outskirts - big apartment complexes -and then completley charming when you entered. It took us awhile to find the restaurant - Cocco Pazza da Stefano - but when we did we were in for a real treat and had the most decliouc food! Ravioli, meatballs, squash blossoms and some of the best wine we have had since we arrived in Italy. After eating WAY too much we walked to the town center before heading back into the car to make our way to the villa we were renting for the week which sat right outside Cisternino. Stefano (not of the restaurant - a different one) met us and showed us around the old, restored trulli. The girls, of course, went right into the pool and Matt and I relaxed on the patio with some wine. Later in the evening Maria came over to cook us some dinner. We were still a little full from lunch, so we had lots of delicous leftovers :) Finally, off to to bed (on the firmest beds imaginable!).Read more

    • Day 13

      Cisternino, Italy

      September 9, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We woke up and said goodby to Rin and Damien who were heading off to Amalfi. After, the girls jumped straight into the pool and we hung out for a bit before heading out for a beach day! We drove back to the coast to Capitolo near Monopoli to Bambu Lido, this super cool beach club on the Adriatic. It was a bit pricey, but the club amenities were amazing and the beach was perfect. The girls played all morning in the sand and in the ocean and we had an excellent lunch at the beach club. We wer all sad to leave, but home we must go (boo). When we got back, the kids went directly into the pool again while I packed and then at 7:00 Daniela came back to the villa to babysit while Matt and I went out to a solo dinner back in Ceglia Messapacia. We had a very stern waitress with lots of thoughts on what to eat, when to drink etc. BUT the meal was absolutely delicious! After dinner, we walked all through the town which was incredicbly lively and vibrant (in a completely local, non-touristy way). Such a wonderful last full day in Puglia!Read more

    • Day 11

      Cisternino, Italy

      September 7, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We decided that since the kids had been such troopers dealing with all our tours and old stuff, we would take them out for a "kids day" so we packed into the car and drove north to the Indiana Park for a day on the ropes course. It was a lovely drive but VERY twisty and when we arrived, poor Evie got car sick all over the parking lot :( Luckily, she immediately felt better and we were ready to go! The kids harnessed up and had a blast on the courses and ziplines. It was a really cool space and we spent the morning there stopping only to swat mosquitoes and eat an ice cream cone! We were hungry for lunch so we found a place right off the road and what a place it was! Absolutely packed with locals, you picked a number like at a deli and orderd the most delicious food for like 15 euro. Intimidating - but fun. We all loved it even though I almost had a heart attack ordering. We grabbed a few cookies on the way out before heading back to the villa for pool time and cards with Rin and Damien (who stayed around town during the day). Later in the evening we drove over to Ostuni for dinner. Once we got over the crazy parking situation we made our way up, up, up to the white washed and absolutely lovely city. Ostuni is surrounded by old fortress walls and built up on a big hill so you constantly are going up these lovely limestone alleyways to get anwhere. It was magical in the fading twilight. We went to our dinner which was in a big grotto like area and the kids did really well! We kept them up way too late, but had such fun wandering back the old streets to find our car that it was worth it.Read more

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