Spiaggia di Monterosso

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    • Dag 15

      Day 1 - Cinque Terre

      27 augustus, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today we arrived in Cinque Terra (five towns) on the Italian Riviera. They are beautiful little towns full of colourful houses nestled in the rock faces. We are staying in the beautiful Monterosso al Mare and today visited some of the towns including doing the iconic del’amore (Lover’s Lane) walk between Riomaggiore and Manarola. It really is a stunning part of the world!Meer informatie

    • Dag 12

      Entdeckungstour durch die Cinque Terre

      11 mei 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Ein absolutes Highlight mit Postkartenmotiven stand heute auf dem Plan. Von unserem Stellplatz dauerte es nur 5 Minuten mit dem Shuttle in das erste von fünf Dörfern der Cinque Terre - Monterosso. Wir sind früh los und konnten die traumhafte Kulisse während des Frühstücks auf uns wirken lassen, bevor wir mit der Fähre nach Manarola gefahren sind. Später haben wir den Zug nach
      Vernazza genommen und da das Wetter mitspielte, beschlossen wir spontan den Wanderweg zurück nach Monterosso zu nehmen. Die Jeans erwiesen sich als falsche Wahl für den Tag, denn der sogenannte "Blaue Weg" hat es in sich. Wir liefen ca. 2 Stunden auf und ab und bewunderten dabei die faszinierenden Aussichten- seht selbst.
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    • Dag 9

      Travel Day

      13 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We left Florence and headed to Cinque Terre by train. I had planned the trip to be as stress-free as possible. Late departure (12:30), 15 minute connection time in Pisa, arrival in Monterosso around 3. I would definitely not want to do this with anything other than carry-ons. Flights of stairs to make connections and no elevator in sight.

      We saw some rocky mountains and Google maps told me it was the Apuan Alps. I saw something that looked like mining, and before I could wonder too much, I saw the name of the town we were passing!

      The owner of our B&B in Monterosso met us at the station to walk with us there. It’s in the historic center, the home where she was born. Very charming. La Poesia.

      Joe took a nap and I followed the walking path out of town for 40 minutes out and then back. Got some pretty good elevation in! I won’t be able to do any of the village to village walks, but I plan to do a bunch of out and back walks when Joe is resting. It’s a beautiful setting and the temperature is great. Crowded, but no surprise there.

      We’re at a very cute tapas place for a light supper. Good restaurants all fill up, so I’ve already made reservations for our next two nights!
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    • Dag 10

      Day in Cinque Terre

      14 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Along with about a million of our closest friends, we spent the day hopping on and off boats to go into some of the little villages that have become tourist magnets. We are tourists and we are magnetized, so how can we complain. The owner of our B&B told us in no uncertain terms that we should chuck our plan of taking the train and stick to the ferry. I was dubious, but followed her advice. She was absolutely right. Entering these villages from the water is so much more beautiful than going through a tunnel to town from the train station. Only one of our boat rides was what I would call crowded, though they all had a good number of passengers. Based on what some people at lunch told us, the trains were being used by big tour groups (only saw one on all our boat rides) and that makes things more difficult.

      We bought a day pass and started out on the 9:30 ferry. We spent about an hour and a half in each town, so Joe could have a gelato and I could climb the local castle or hoof it up to the overlook. We did stay several hours in Manarola, where we had a long and excellent lunch of mussels and some exceptional white anchovies, which I haven’t had in a long time (boquerones in Spain). The towns are all very picturesque, but seem to be totally dedicated to the tourist business. There are vineyards nearby, so someone is making a living doing something other than selling gelato and boat tickets!

      People were all extremely patient and helpful when Joe needed extra hands to navigate some especially unfriendly steps or ramps. No jostling or pushing either. I am glad we came, but I don’t think I would come back, unless it was in the dead of winter. I’m sure I’d love walking the trail, but I think I’m too hooked on the Camino to make a switch to Italy.
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    • Dag 11

      Day on the Water

      15 september 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      I was wrong about two things - one, I was afraid that we would have had so much ferry time yesterday that today’s boat trip would not be so fun. And two, I said I wouldn’t want to come back here. Going slowly up and down the coast was really great! And I got a much better view of the trails I could walk if I were to return. So maybe I shouldn’t say never, because they look fabuloso.

      I am so glad I booked this boat trip weeks ago, because a couple in our B&B was very disappointed they couldn’t get anything for the next four days. It was a bit pricey, but oh so worth it. The views of the villages were amazing, the water was super clear and warm, and I even got to swim near a huge jelly-fish, but only after I was assured that this one wouldn’t sting. One of the young guys on our boat (there were 12 of us total) picked it up, but no way I was interested in that.

      Joe did not get off the boat to swim, but had a seat in the shade and did not mind sitting there doing nothing for our swim time (or at least that’s what he said). After swimming they served us a very nice spread of tapas type food (each one made locally and with an explanation of what it was and who made it!) with some prosecco to accompany it.

      The weather looks like it’s turning, and our boat company has already cancelled the trips for the next three days, not only because of thunderstorms but also because the water will be quite choppy and this little boat can’t take too many waves. We have been quite lucky!

      I did some up and down walking on the trail and saw the bunker we had seen from the boat. The Nazis occupied the town for three years and there were many bombardments. It’s so sobering to see a reminder of how horrible things were years ago.

      One last dinner will be in another highly rated place, which I was able to reserve on Wednesday when we got here. If it’s anything like last night’s meal in Osteria (caprese salad, seafood ravioli for Joe and pesto for me), we will be well fed!
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    • Dag 3–5

      Etappe Levanto Monterosso

      13 november 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Die erste Etappe der Küstentour sind wir von Levanto - nach einer Stunde Zugfahrt raus aus der Stadt am Meer entlang - in das nördlichste Dorf der Cinque Terre, Monterosso, gewandert. Links das Meer, rechts Berge mit Oliven- und Erdbeerbäumen. Über Stock und Stein führte der Weg malerisch oberhalb der Küste entlang, manchmal nach unserem Geschmack zu viel bergauf. Aber die Panoramablicke waren jeden Schritt aufwärts am Ende doch wert. Nach knapp 4 Stunden kamen wir in Monterosso an, pünktlich zur Dämmerung. Und als Belohnung am Abend haben wir uns gleich in der Trattoria direkt neben unserer Unterkunft ein ausgiebiges Abendessen gegönnt. Morgen haben wir Zeit, das Dorf zu erkunden.Meer informatie

    • Dag 8

      Angelos boat tours

      24 augustus 2019, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We start the day by wandering around Monterosso old town.
      I buy a pot holder with anchovies on it.
      (the little blue fishies look cute)

      Walk into the striped church which displayed photos of major flooding. Another gelato.

      At 12.00 we met Linda, the host, and Alessandro, the driver, at the harbour. We boarded with eight others. On a little fishing boat. And chugged along.

      I warmed to Linda straight away. She put on some great music and popped the prosecco.
      George Michael's 'Freedom 90' playing loudly made me bop away. Now this is my kind of boat ride.

      We were chatting to the others and then turned around to face wonderful Vernazza. Gorgeous colours.

      Linda spread food out before us. Olives, focccia, pesto, cheeses, salami, all so yum. She kept pouring the wine and I loved everything.

      We anchored for a paddle next to the cliffs. Snorkel and noodle in hand. I jump off the boat and it is glorious. This water is amazing to swim in. Not cold at all. Very salty.

      Everyone comments and one suggests to bring the tequila next time.

      Athena remains on the boat not willing to go into deep water. Me, I was like a kid and jumped off the boat with a big splash 💦.

      All the swimmers just floated and we all chatted. From Ireland, Canada, Seattle. One 50yr old woman with her daughter said she wants to go to Melbourne as hears it is one of the most liveable cities.

      She is a massive fan of the TV show Offspring. And let me tell you she is talking to the right person. Nina Proudman, Billy and Patrick are discussed. When in the water we all chat so freely and openly.

      One of the ladies says she reckons my blog will be funny because I am funny. Yay!
      I just said 'just keeping it real'

      A storm approaches and wind and rain swell. But I am drunk and don't care at all.

      This boat tour is really personable. Highly recommend. Really, just do it.

      When the trip is over, I am toast. I high five all and wobble off the boat. We head back and rest for an hour. Me to blog and Athena to (definately not sleep 😴)!
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    • Dag 6

      Highspeed hike and french invasion

      12 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Turns out backpacking got us quite exhausted, so today we slept in until 8, which is already pretty late for both of us.
      We had breakfast at our Beautiful hostel and it was wonderful. Gabriele had prepared homemade cakes, spinach tartes and had put fresh strabwerries, kiwis and bananas, nature yogurt and a cheese selection on the buffet for us. There were even Glutenfree Crackers, Müesli, Bread and Cookies. Once again, Bingo! After brekkie we got dressed, left the hotel and went to the beach. It was raining a bit but the atmosphere and the scenery were so breathtaking that the weather didnt bother us at all. We walked from Monterosso to Vernazza, stopped there for a bit, I bought earrings (Mami li vedi nella foto sul balcone;)) and walked on to Corniglia. It took us about 2 hours and 10 minutes for both tracks. We didn’t run but we walked quite fast, at least compared to the people aound us. Kai counted about 167 people, we passed. Again on our hike we had great conversations. I love how I can just simply say everything that comes to my mind without having to overthink even a word, knowing that Kai would accept it or if not, we would have an interesting discussion about it. Another funny thing was that most people we passed or crossed were french, so Kai and I pretended to be french from time to time. Oui, certainement, baguette.
      In Corniglia, after enjoying an ice cream with basil, honey and pistacchio flavour, we jumped on a train, which brought us back to Monterosso, where we took extended showers and sat down on our small balcony. Eventually the sun came out, WOW, so we took our wine glasses from our room and…. filled them with fanta and toasted to us, our amazing holidays and our hike.
      (Little update on Kai‘s italian: I always let him ask for everything, tell him how to spell certain words and teach him how to, you know, „act“ italian;) and even though sometimes he gets people a bit confused because he mixes up the order of words in a sentence or the letters, he‘s making great progress!!)
      Gabriele had recommended us to go to Ristorante da Eraldo and the food was really good. Kai had Pappardelle alla Carbonara and I had Calamarata con verdura grigliata.
      The day had gotten us really tired, when we were home at around 8pm we went straight to bed and after reading a bit we fell asleep.
      (Yes we sound like an old married couple in their 80ies, but we were tired so please dont judge:)
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    • Dag 7

      Ultima serata, bagno freddo e fuoco

      13 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      After our dance session we came down from the top balcony and bumped into Gabriele who provided us with breakfast for tomorrow. He gave us yogurt, fruit, muesli, bisquits and more. We then headed down to the lobby, did the check out and went out for dinner to l‘Osteria where Kai commited blasphemy against one of the central pillars of italian cuisine by putting parmigiano (which was meant for the pasta) on the focaccia with olive oil and salt. Lisa was not amused and one of the waitors even rolled his eyes.
      Dinner was „spettacolare“. Kai composed a list of things one should know when travelling with lisa upon her request. The list got very long - you‘re seeing a short excerpt.
      Back at the hotel we bade a long and sincere goodbye to Gabriele and told him about lisas marriage plans (you‘ll probably get to see that one day) - the hotel‘s booked already. Then we went to our room and unwrapped our lampion which we had bought in Florence. We snuck out of the hotel because we had already said bye to Gabriele and thought it was weird to say bye again and went to the beach. We tried to light the little thingy in the bottom of the paper lamp but set the whole thing on fire. It drifted vertically for three metres before falling into the sea. Kai could barely fish it out again and when he did it looked like an abused elephant condom. (Oh god we‘re having so much fun writing this). Then we had the best idea of the entire week and decided to go swimming. Kai surprisingly was already wearing his bathing suit, Lisa had her underclothes. The water wasnt as cold as expected but the wind was. We dodged the street lights as we walked the 100 metres back to the hotel, said goodnight one last time to Gabriele, made sure not to get too much sand in the hotel but Kai still spilled some „beach“ all over our bathroom floor. After we had both showered, we warmed ourselved up with the hairdrier and wrapped ourselved in our blankets.
      What an evening - and we still have to pack.
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    • Dag 2

      Cinque Terre

      2 mei 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      La Spezia 🚆 Vernazza 🚆Monterosso al Mare ♥️

      Unser nächster Halt ist in La Spezia inkl. 2 Übernachtungen. Das Hotelzimmer, direkt im Bahnhofsgebäude, ist ideal gelegen, um die "Cinque Terre" mit dem Zug zu erreichen. Wir haben uns für die zwei Orte Vernazza und Monterosso entschieden und sind begeistert über die herzigen Gässli, Lädeli und typischen farbigen Häuser. Aber auch etwas erdrückt ab den vielen Touristen, obwohl wir uns in der Nebensaison befinden...
      Die Kinder haben am meisten Freude um am Strand zu spielen und haben auch schon erste Kontakte mit anderen Kindern geknüpft! ;-)

      Highlight von Eleni:
      Im Städtli La Spezia hat uns eine Möwe zwei Stücke unserer Pizza direkt vom Tisch stibitzt. Der Kellner hat uns daraufhin eine Wasserpistole gegeben, um die Möwe zu verscheuchen ;-) Eleni war Feuer und Flamme, die Möwe nass zu spritzen.

      Andri's neues Wort: Meer
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