Treasures in Winter Sun

Januar - Februar 2025
Ein 20-Tage Abenteuer von Jane & Heath Weiterlesen
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Liste der Länder
  • England
  • Bahamas
  • Amerikanische Jungferninseln
  • Britische Jungferninseln
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Strand, Schiffsreise, Familie, Freundschaft, Ausflüge, Urlaub
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  • 24Footprints
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  • Tag 1

    Welcome to Miami...

    16. Januar in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Welcome to Miami, and to our trip. (Hoping everyone read "Welcome to Miami" just like the 90's Will Smith song 😎🌴🏖)

    We've been packing for a few days including replacing 2 knackered wheels on a suitcase, and yet we still didn't manage to leave on time because if all the last minute things that needed doing.

    When we finally got going, we got 5 minutes down the road and realised that we'd forgotten to pick up the US dollars 💸 . So we span the car around and went back to get the cash. We probably won't use any of it, but "just in case" we collected it.

    After the brief stop off back at home, we finally hit the road proper and made good time to Heathrow. We did note that we can only think of one time in the 21 years we've been driving between home and London when there's been absolutely no roadworks on the M1. At least this time the roadworks were no more delayed than the standard roadworks "50mph average speed cameras".

    Dropped the car at the Meet and Greet and headed for check-in. It's probably the quietest T5 has been on one of our visits. Though interesting to see almost all the passengers split into 3 types: those on business 💻, those going skiing ⛷️ , and those escaping to warmer places (like us) 🌞.

    Quick lunch in the lounge and then off to the gate to get on the big bird. Boarding was quick - especially for the double-decker A380. We'd barely settled into the seats, and we were trundling away from the gate.

    The queue to take off was typically long of Heathrow, but we did get a decent view of the choreography needed to have so many planes in the right place at the right time on the ground. I think that level of organisation and space management surpasses even my capabilities. 🤯

    Super nice dinner after take off. The chocolate praline crisp pudding was 👌

    Heath watched a film and slept, while I slept and read. It always amazes me how quickly a long flight can go.

    Miami airport is undergoing some renovations, so every travelator was ripped out - the walk from plane to immigration to baggage to mini-train to rental car was about a gazillion steps. Also, seeing a baggage cart saying "Welcome to Chicago" confused the hell out of me, especially when it feels like 1am.

    But immigration was fast - i will always advocate for anyone travelling to the US more than a couple of times in 5 years to get Global Entry. Literally, all we did to enter the US was walk past a camera which flashed up "please proceed".

    After the gazillion steps, we picked up the rental car, and drove the 3 minutes to the hotel for tonight. Nothing fancy, but we like the simplicity, and the free breakfast 😋.

  • Tag 2

    Meandering up the Floridian coast

    17. Januar in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Considering the jetlag, we got up at a fairly normal time (7.30) rather than stupidly early, like is often the case coming to the US.

    After a filling buffet breakfast, we hung around a bit in the room before checking out so we could watch the planes taking off. Turns out the hotel was literally at the end of the runway!

    It's been a bit murky and as rain was expected further south, we hit the road to get past West Palm Beach and all the Mar-a-lago vicinity road closures (we didn't pop in to see if "he" was home).

    Pitstop for simple burger lunch at a Dairy Queen, then went for a stroll by the beach . Bit black in the distance, so we moved on. The wind picked up, and the very dark clouds moved away, so we went for a longer walk on the beach to see the Blowing Rocks.

    Some interesting layers of limestone and a ton of bright blue jellyfish that were washed up. 🪼

    Naturalist Google advised they were Portuguese man o' war jellyfish. Good job that I only poked the blue balloon and not the tentacle, else we'd have been off to the hospital 🏥🤦‍♀️

    Walking back from the blowing rocks and deadly dead jellyfish, it started to drizzle, then rain, then pour. By the time we got to the car again, we were a tiny bit damp.

    As we needed to dry off, we turned up the car temp, and drove to the hotel via a supermarket to pick up some odds and ends.

    And in happy news, after a few US trips of not being able to get any, I finally found my favourite flavour of crisps - Honey mustard pringles. 🎊🥳💃

    The hotel is lovely, on the beach, and we have a balcony.

    So lovely, that we ordered dinner in, so we could enjoy the sound of the waves while eating. 🌊🍽

    I sat outside for a while, until it became too cold. You can see ships a long way out and hear the waves breaking. The beach has turtles, but not spotted any yet.

    Listening to the ocean in the dark has been a nice prelude to getting on the ship tomorrow.

  • Tag 3

    Setting sail for Treasure

    18. Januar in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Waking up to the sound of the waves never gets old, and we woke up early enough to kinda see the sunrise. The fishermen were out of the beach already setting up their rods when we got up. 🎣

    We were up to see the sunrise but some clouds got in the way of seeing the initial sun up. But there were enough breaks to get some gorgeous burnt orange skies. 🌅

    The break in clouds didn't last too long but we went for a walk on the beach anyway and watched the birds running around like Benny Hill trying to escape the waves.

    Then it was time to check out and headed to the port to see the Disney Treasure for the very first time. Having only had her Maiden Voyage 4 weeks ago on 21 December, this is her 5th proper cruise. She still has that new ship smell.

    Crazy hiccup at check-in. They couldn't find us. Turns out our room had been changed at the last minute because of maintenance issues with what we had booked, and so searching by our room number drew a blank.

    After having 4 people looking into it, eventually they figured out what had happened and told us our new room number, and we could get through to wait for our boarding group to be called. We were early, so we thought it would be forever but tbh it was only 15-20 mins, and we could get lunch from the buffet. Of course everyone else was doing the same, so the buffet was heaving. Still we found a table and had a first taste of Treasure.

    After eating we went to the room, and found it to be Aladin themed (each deck has different theme) with a gorgeous artwork of Agrabah above the bed. I'd ordered a special room gift as a surprise for Heath, fluffy bathrobes, sparkling apple drink and chocolates. Sadly in all the room changes only the drink and chocolates had made it when we got there. The robes did arrive shortly after. We were also missing our Castaway Club gifts, but Alain, our stateroom host said he was on it for us.

    Mandatory safety drill needed to be done, and our assembly station is out on deck right by the lifeboats. I still think it's a shame that you no longer have to wear your life jacket when attending. That was always fun.

    Next up sail away deck party. We mostly stood by the rail and enjoyed the music, and was then in prime position to turn round and watch us sailing out of Port Canaveral - and looking out over all the launch pads at Cape Canaveral. Even more cool was the landing recovery ships for both SpaceX and Blue Origin being berthed right there. We didn't even notice at first that the SpaceX falcon 9 rocket booster that had been launched and recovered a couple of days before was stood right there on the dock. Now that was cool to see, and pretty close really. Heath is obsessed by all the new space race so he was soon happy to see that.

    There were also dolphins around as we sailed out. The most exciting part, for me anyway, was that they played some of the new ship horns on our way out - including the Haunted Mansion one (in the video).

    More in the next footprint...

  • Tag 4

    On our way to Night 1

    19. Januar, Nordatlantik ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    We had a walk around the ship to refamiliarise ourselves with Triton class layout (it's so different to the older Magic and Dream class ships, and 4 days on the Wish was not really enough time for it to be second nature yet).

    Always time for a drink, so stopped off at Skipper Society bar to try the libations, and Heath duly obliged me by having the drink with a souvenir ceramic cup. We both won, he got a cocktail, I got a cup for the collection.

    We tried to go in the highlight of the ship, Haunted Mansion Parlor, but there was no seats in the bar, so had a quick look, got excited and swore to come back when we could. Haunted Mansion is my favourite ride and a big collecting obsession, so obviously that's essential to frequent as much as is reasonable for Heath to have a souvenir mug cocktail. 🤩

    We headed to the room to have a rest and get ready for dinner. On the way we bumped into Nicole, a friend who we would be sitting with at dinner later.

    Nicole and Shelley we had met on a cruise in 2011, and been dinner table mates. When we went on the Disney Magic in September, we coincidentally bumped into them at the mandatory safety drill, and theb over and over through the cruise. Everywhere we had turned they were there too - cruise twins! Anyway, when chatting to them we figured out that coincidentally we were also booked on the same cruise in January, so decided to link bookings to sit together for dinner. What is even weirder is that we have coincidentally bumped into them on a cruise back in 2013, when we (intentionally) cruising with other friends that we'd met on our first Disney cruise.

    Dinner was in the Coco restaurant, so Mexican themed food and a show with music and characters from the movie, as well as other live Mexican music. The food was excellent, as ever. We both ordered the Mexican chocolate tart for dessert and out server kept telling us it had chilli in. Which we said was fine, and it was fine - although much more chilli than I even expected. 🌶 🌶 🌶
    Still excellent though.

    After dinner finished around 10pm, we totally showed our age by going back to the room to go to bed.
    Our first towel animal was a lovely bear made out of the bedthrow and some towels.

    Disney Cruise ships have the best mattresses, so damn comfy.

  • Tag 5

    Sea Day and some sunshine

    20. Januar, Nordatlantik ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

    Day 2 of the cruise and a sea day. Woke up to nice weather, warm but not hot. Some clouds but not too many. High of 24/25C expected. Can't complain one little bit.

    OK, one complaint, there is a little breeze, which with motion made it quite windy while we ate breakfast outside. Not a problem until I opened a cereal minibus, and the wind carried Special K across the deck under another (thankfully unoccupied) table. 🌬🥣🙈

    Sea days are always lazy days, a bit of napping, a bit of reading, a bit of eating, and a lot of visiting places on the ship to satisfy our personal obsessions.

    We got into Haunted Mansion Parlor just after it opened at lunchtime, and had a drink each before lunch. Heath again kindly obliged by having a souvenir ceramic cup drink, and i had a cocktail and ordered the Hatbox Ghost sipper for taking home. Yes, I am that obsessed🤩. 💸

    We only went for a light lunch, salad and ice cream for me, because we have the fancy restaurant tonight, so need ro be on top eating form at 6pm.

    After eating, we happened to end up in a shop, and bought a few things, only 4 pins, the Aladdin atrium statue (to join our collection of atrium statues from all the other 5 ships), a shirt each and a Christmas ornament. Quite restrained for me.

    We dropped the treasures off in the room, and as we walked down the corridor to our room a guy that looked familiar walked the other way. By the time I clocked who I thought it might be, he'd disappeared. I said to Heath, I think that was Walter, of Walter and Eugene from a previous cruise. He misheard me and thought I said Walter and Jean, and he was confused because we are seeing Walter and Jean next week at Disney World and he was like, they know we're on the Treasure, surely they would have said something? Anyway, confusion resolved and we concluded it might have been the Walter I thought it might have been, so we'd have to look out for them around the ship.

    Heath wanted to go to the open house at the Star Wars bit of the kids club. We got there, found out there was a show in a bit, so I took him to a different shop so I could pick up the Haunted mansion clock that I wanted. More treasure put in the room, and we went to the show at the kids club open house. I should stress the open house is intended for adults to go to to experience the cool kids spaces on the ship, as well as for families to go and enjoy together.

    Anyway, the show was Rey teaching us to use the force, and guess what some stormtroopers turned up so we could practice for reals. Some of the kids were hilarious and really got into it. No comment on the adults.

    By this point it was definately time to have a rest in the room. There's important eatings in the evening.

    Heath took over the bed while I sat on the verandah enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.

    As the sun started to go down, we opened the blue apple drink that came out in the room amenity from yesterday. Yes, it's blue. But really tasty, like a old fashioned cloudy apple juice with bubbles and swirly sparkly cloud in it.

    It was pretty quickly time for dinner, so we headed off to Enchanté and you can see all the yummy food pictures in the Enchanté footprints.

    After dinner, we were pretty stuffed, so went back to the room to change into less constrictive clothes. Our room host had done evening turn down even though we'd had an early dinner, and we chilled for a bit. It appeared we didn't have a towel animak and we were very disappointed. After a while, it became clear that I was too tired to go back out, so Heath went off to watch a Indiana Jones comedy show, and I got ready for bed. Then i found the towel animal. It was a little mouse hiding on the shelf with Heath's hat and sunglasses case. Disappointment abated!

    I'm just about to jump into bed and Heath came back to tell me he'd just been talking to Walter and Eugene and we're seeing them tomorrow for music trivia. So it was the Walter I'd thought I'd seen. Considering the coincidences of bumping into Nicole and Shelley in September, and being coincidentally booked on this cruise same as them, it was so strange that another couple we'd met before were also on board. It really is a small world after all.

    After delvering the message about plans at 4.15pm the day after, Heath then went back to watch the Indy show, I went to sleep and next time I saw him was in the middle of the night when I woke up. I'd entirely slept through him coming in. 💤💤💤

  • Tag 5

    Enchanting Enchanté (Canapes to Mains)

    20. Januar, Nordatlantik ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

    A meal that deserves it's own footprint.
    Enchanté is an adults only restaurant with the menus set by a Michelin starred french chef, Chef Arnaud Lallement. The restaurant is at the fancy level of having a water menu, and a bottle of wine on the menu costing $10,000. 🤯 Thankfully, not a wine Heath wants to drink. 😬

    We've been on the sister ship, the Wish, back in 2023, and dinner at Enchanté was spectacular. And knowing that the menus change every few months means we don't get the same experience this time.

    Enchanté is loosely themed on Beauty and the Beast, and the host is Lumiere, so ue greets you as you arrive. The rest if the restaurant is pretty elegant, with a champagne tilt to it - hence a bubbles chandelier, and light colours.

    We chose the tasting menu - "The Collection". If you include every little course including amuse bouche and "surprises from the chef" it was 10 courses, plus award winning French sourdough bread (and plenty of that!).

    Heath had a glass of champagne to start and I had a fruit cocktail, but through the meal we both had the zero proof drinks pairing. Which turned out to be amazing value and a nice way of tasting some of the zero proof spirits out there.

    Every course was amazing, but the halibut was absolutely perfect and the Wagyu beef phenomenal - and weirdly went well with the zero proof old-fashioned that had arrived in a box with smoke in.

    The courses went, canapés, amuse bouche (didn't catch what it was), hawaiian scallop, John dory on seaweed and sea cucumber mayo, shrimp tartar with caviar, lobster 4 ways, halibut and Wagyu beef.

    The zero proof cocktails were fruit punch, gin and fizz, strawberry split, gin and raspberry, then the old fashioned. All zero proof. V cool and tasty. Not 100% convinced on the old fashioned and bourbon flavour, but it did go with the beef, so it's forgiven.

    So many tasty things that another footprint is needed for the final courses...

  • Tag 5

    Enchanting Enchanté (Cheese and Dessert)

    20. Januar, Nordatlantik ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

    The cheese trolley was brimming with good French cheeses. We could get all of them between the two of us, so we did that and split everything. I think Heath was in heaven. And tbh, I enjoyed big time too.

    After cheese, there was a pre-dessert of petit fours, and the lemon mousse one was divine. I could have eaten dozens of those.

    While tucking into the petit fours, the proper dessert arrived, and this was the only place on the tasting menu there had been a choice. Heath went for chocolate, I went for citrus. I got a super tart tartar and accompanying warm kumquat jam thing. Heath got chocolate tuile - 2 layers of super light chocolate wafer with chocolate cream in between, and a cocoa nib ice cream on the side.
    We swapped bits, and both were good. IMHO, the warm kumquat was the best, then the chocolate tuile.

    Dessert came with a zero proof campari and lemon sorbet cocktail.

    And that was it. A full-on, gorgeous dining experience. We left swaying somewhat from the very full tummies, but very happy. 🌝

  • Tag 6

    Another sea day and more sunshine

    21. Januar, Nordatlantik ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

    We lost an hour overnight with a clock change, so felt like we were getting up super later at 9am, but it kinda wasn't. And most people were still up after us.

    Breakfast on deck, and simple fruit and yogurt for me (and maybe a sneaky doughnut) as we wanted to go to a sit down restaurant for lunch instead of the buffet.

    We tried to go on the Aquamouse water ride but the wind was too strong so it was closed, so went shopping instead. 😆 I did smirk at the lady in the store that said, I'm already spending 5 million dollars in this store so why not buy that as well. I need to try that line. So far I've used "we have a Castaway club 10% discount " and "there's no tax" so obviously we need to buy now.

    Additional shopping done, and it was pretty much lunchtime. Went into 1923, a restaurant dedicated to the beginnings of Disney studios and the start of the company in 1923. It's classic mahogany and 1920's styling. The food was good, rather plentiful. The saladas a starter could have been a main. And the puddings were awesome. Gold rush sundae for me and Macadamia nut brownie pie for Heath. Yum. We did have a giggle at the name of one of the servers- see the photo of his name badge. V infantile, but we can't help ourselves.

    More chill time on the verandah beckoned - nicely in the sun so we could enjoy some warmth while reading. Warmth turned out to be quite hot, so had to have a shade break before a bit more sunny reading, then off to meet Walter (Eugene couldn't make it as they are also travelling with 16 other people including a bunch of kids in the family). Lovely chat with Walter comparing Disney experiences we'd had.

    We also had an unexpected visit from Room service, bringing a bottle of bubbly fruit drink - the gold version of the blue one from yesterday. It was an apology for the unannounced room changes and for the delay in our Castaway Club gifts arriving (which finally arrived today instead of being in the room when we got onboard).

    Before dinner we headed to Haunted Mansion Parlor for a couple of drinks, and got good seats at the bar. We did drinks and then shared a zero-proof restless spirits drink that came on a Gargoyle holder, and some collectable bottles to take home. 😁 Shame we can't keep the gargoyle. The Parlor will get it's own footprint to do it justice, it's so cool and the Imagineers have done an immense job with it.

    Dinner was in Worlds of Marvel with the interactive show to help Ant-man and the Wasp, plus some other Avengers showing up to save the ship from Ultron robots. Spiderman did his turn taking pics too.

    Bedtime after dinner, and there was a dinosaur waiting for us on the bed. Harmless plant-eater though, oh and made of towels, so not too scary.

  • Tag 6

    Tortola, British Virgin Islands

    21. Januar in Britische Jungferninseln ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    A beautiful day in a typical Caribbean island.
    Breakfast on deck again, and then went for a walk round Roadtown where we had docked. Tortola is one of the less developed islands, but has changed considerably since we were here 15 or so years ago on our first Disney Cruise.

    There were way less chickens and the roads were better (a little).

    Going for a walk was nice, not too far and the weather was pleasant, not too hot, although a couple of rain showers for a few minutes but Palm trees make decent umbrellas.

    Caribbean islands definitely run on a different pace and have a more carefree attitude. That's my polite way of trying to explain why there were (relatively new) cars with weeds growing through them, and piles of rusty bikes.

    On the absolute plus side, there were still plenty of chickens running around. 🐓🐔🐤🐤🐤

    After a very light lunch, we were off on a catamaran for a snorkel trip at Norman Island. The go-pro pictures will follow after the holiday as we can't get them off til we're home, but there's a turtle video and plenty of fish.

    The trip over to and back from the Island was fun, the waves were fairly big and lots of water came through the windows.

    The snorkeling spot was nice, 3 caves to explore and quite a few fish.

    After snorkeling, we had a stop at a beach where there was a bar and some non-marine toilets (if you know, you know) , some people did shallow water snorkeling, but we just went for a stroll.

    Back to the ship and got to see the outside of the bea-u-tiful Disney Treasure from the water. We were hungry and salty-skinned when we got back, so grabbed a snack and a shower and then went to watch the magic act, Jessica Jane. She was pretty good, though one of the kid helpers got the instructions wrong and the mind-reading went a little awry. Still, it was fun.

    Dinner was the Pirates menu, as it was Pirate night, arrgghh 🏴‍☠️🦜☠️

    I chose the falafel - 3 giant balls. Balls-lady is back, baby. Dessert was a Macadamia nut and caramel cheesecake, with a side of Mickey bar. Can't believe we made it it to dinner 4 before I asked for one. 😆

    Our nightly addition to the towel menagerie was a rabbit. We're getting quite a little zoo in the room.

  • Tag 7

    St Thomas, US Virgin Islands

    22. Januar auf den Amerikanische Jungferninseln ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Second port day. Started out with quite a bit of cloud, and pulling into St Thomas there were rain showers around. The sun still tried to break through making for an interesting contrast between cloud and sun at sunrise.

    We were up early (for us) as we had an early meeting time for our snorkel trip. Confusingly, all the low level exit lighting was on, which I've never seen before (and thankfully didn't last long - guess they must have been testing it early before most guests were up.

    By the time we met for the snorkel trip, and got outside the clouds had mostly gone and it was mostly blue skies. Boat trip to Buck Island for snorkeling was mich smoother than yesterday, but still quite a few people got wet from the waves. The snorkel location was more open than yesterday, but there were fish and turtles, so we'll worth the time. Mind, I am getting a little queasy from saltwater, either getting in my mouth or just too much salt on lips and skin.after getting out.

    After snorkeling, there was short hop to a beach, where we had time to do what we wanted. We chose to snorkel a little in the hope if seeing turtles, who were supposed to hang out there in the shallows. Sadly, none were there, but it was a nice swim in shallower and warmer waters, plus time just bobbing around. Getting to and from the beach and boat was a painful experience- the water edge was super stony. Think a floor covered in lego pieces with no gaps. Going back to the boat I ended up just floating across the stones as soon as it was deep enough to allow for floating.

    We then took a leisurely sail back to the harbour and more of a good look at the outside of the Treasure. She looks so similar to the older ships but is massive!

    Back on the boat with time for a shower before caching the very end of lunch. Soup and salad out on deck. You may notice a theme of us eating outside a lot. We try and eat out on deck as much as possible on a cruise, simply because it's nice to make the most of the nice weather and actually being able to eat outside.

    After a lot of swimming and walking the last couple of days we were tired, so went to the room to read a little and to nap.

    It was an early all aboard time, so we set sail soon after 4pm, it's a long way to the next port the day after tomorrow. Sitting outside reading as we sailed and the sun goes down is possibly one of the most peaceful times you can imagine. Additional we were blessed with fluffy clouds to do some anthropomorphising of. I see Pluto (Mickey Mouse's dog), Hesth could see a dragon. What do you see in the picture?

    Eventually, we had to get ready for dinner. This night we were heading to Palo Steakhouse, the other fancy, but less fancy than Enchanté, adult restaurant. He host for Palo is Cogsworth from Beauty and the Beast, and yes u know he's French. The 2 fancy restaurants are in an adults only area, themed on Beauty and the Beast. The bar is called The Rose, and both Enchanté and Palo are the focal points of this area.

    Palo is Italian food with a steak focus. Antonio our server was from Sardinia, but had lived in Manchester for 15 or so years. He got very excited when he heard we were from the UK.

    Palo is an old favourite from all the other ships, so we have some particular faves on the menu. The shrimp and calamari starter is one of my all-time favourite dishes in any restaurant. They make the calamari so tender, no element of a rubbery texture at all. Heath had Ciuppin soup - full of seafood. The bread selection is also awesome.

    We both chose the Japanese Wagyu for main course. This was excellent, and well worth the price. Sides were fried potatoes - or jenga potatoes depending on how you want to look at it; and asparagus with parmigiana cheese, lemon and olive oil.

    The piece de resistance to any Palo meal is the Chocolate Souffle, and in the desperation to e joy it's scrumminess, 8 forgot to take a picture. Sorry!

    But trust me, it's the best. I've had probably 25 dinners in Palo (across all the ships) and i have definately had that every single time.

    Anyone is welcome to join me on a Disney Cruise just to go eat my favourite foods in Palo.

    After dinner, we headed back to the room to change out proper clothes and back into shorts and t-shirts, and found our next towel animal. A squirrel. Adorable. We've never had a towel squirrel before.

    Although feeling pretty tired, we had arranged to meet Eugene at Haunted Mansion Parlor later in the evening so we forced ourselves to stay out of bed, past our normal tendency to collapse in a heap straight after dinner (for context late seating dinner usually finishes around 10pm).

    Super lovely time chatting with Eugene and closing out the bar, then it really was time for bed.