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  • Days 15 + 16 April 2020

    April 16, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Yesterday started with our trip to Benalla. Shopping for Bev and ourselves and I had cuppa and chat on Bev’s verandah (at a distance) whilst John did some mowing. We were getting some plantation shutters fitted in the house in town - amazing that they arrived from China a few days ago (we didn’t know they were made in China until the installer called in February to say there might be a delay). I stayed in town whilst they were fitted and love them. The installer thinks that as they were ordered before Coronavirus they were not held up as long as the later orders may be.

    Today John headed up to do some more cleaning up of fallen timber - I was to follow and start the bonfires. Bev arrived very early after being at home for twenty two days! She lives alone and needs to be sure her car battery does not go flat. Had a cuppa on the verandah, a cook’s tour of the place, and gathered some mushrooms before she headed home. Mental health visit. Ooops ... she left the mushrooms behind. The wind picked up so we will burn off another time. The paddock looks newly swept! Mick came back to do the crossover so we can now access the south west corner of Tiger Hill Park.
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