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  • Day Fourteen - Easter Tuesday

    14 avril 2020, Australie ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Normally Easter Tuesday is the day we spread all the unused prizes around the family room and do our reconciliation of what was won and what is left to use as the base of prizes for the next year. We write off anything looking the worse for wear and pack up in boxes and store in the shed. This year we got up late then took Molly for a walk to the front gate. Normally I take her about another kilometre down the road but John’s back was bad so we turned back. She took a bit of calling - “really ... is this it, really?” she seemed to be saying.

    The injured cow continues to improve and the heifer is on her feet a bit more but back right leg is still swollen.

    Painted two window frames but decided they need another coat ... damn! It started to rain very heavy droplets despite a blue sky and I had to pull the sun blinds down to protect the freshly painted surfaces.

    Collected mushrooms for a friend who loves them. We have oodles at present and I am allergic to field mushrooms as was my grandmother.

    After tree planting yesterday John thought he might go back to fencing for an easier day but ended up doing firewood in the morning and after lunch took the tractor up the top to clean up a lot of fallen timber. It’s a bit like housework - when it’s first done it looks lovely. This area can be seen from the road so comes under the “show-off” banner so needs to look good. Lex would often comment on various neighbours’ “show off” paddocks as we drove to town. They were either tidy with really good pasture and maybe had a good quality bull grazing or they displayed new equipment such as tractors and hay making gear. To the latter paddock he would say “That bloke must have a tax problem!”
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