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  • Tuesday, 2 June & Wednesday, 3 June 2020

    June 3, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Tuesday was pretty quiet. We waited around in case the plumber came and John had over four hours sleep in the afternoon. I always enjoy pottering about and there are always odds and ends to do. Made a curry for dinner which we loved - just wish the smell didn’t linger in the house for so long.

    Wednesday morning we slightly slept over and were not quite ready for the day when the plumber and his crew arrived. They were very organised - one chap did the fit out in the cottage of the toilet and washing machine tap and all the related piping. Another had a small digger and a bobcat and he really got stuck in to digging the hole and to spreading the stones. The main plumber supervised and assisted and coordinated the truck and crane which had the tank on board which was to be dropped into the hole.

    The bobcat operator spread some stone for the truck to back up on to position it to offload the tank. Looked good ... but the tank was very heavy and the truck went down. We went home to get the tractor and John managed to pull him out. OK perhaps he should drive around the back of the cottage and come down the hill in the paddock where the ground seemed much harder. Almost there when down he went again. SOS to neighbours to bring their tractors in the hope that a tractor train would pull him out as this time he was down and on an angle. Darren away. Kevin Jaeger and Robert Erskine both at home - fingers crossed this will work.
    Rob and John managed with a two tractor train as Kevin was delayed. This did work. Once the truck was on firm ground the crane was used to swing the tank off and onto the ground but not into the hole ... that will have to now wait for Mick Pritchard who has kindly agreed to drop everything to bring his excavator and help out tomorrow. We are blessed with great neighbours and friends - something commented on by the plumbing team.
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