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  • Day 2

    Our first temple-Joten Ji

    May 9 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Breakfasted after a great sleep and worked out what to do today.

    There is a welcome dinner tonight to meet the rest of our tour group. We did meet a few of them in the hotel lobby as we left to go for a look around Fukuoka.

    We walked a couple of blocks to the railway station as it had been suggested we check out the huge shopping centre there.

    Huge is an understatement! - it is Harvey Norman on steroids.

    Fukuoka is a government and university town, so on checking the tourist map, we decided there were a couple of parks with temples that were in 'easy' walking distance.

    As it was now approaching lunchtime, we looked for somewhere to eat on the way. I am embarrassed to say that we had McDonalds and really enjoyed it.

    The parks we were seeking are near the Mikasagawa River which we found, Trish then asked a very obliging young couple for further directions and we set off again. We found the temples and parkland - well worth the effort of getting to them.

    Met as a group at 7.30pm and walked to the Crown Plaza Hotel for our welcome dinner - a very varied and really nice buffet.
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