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    • Päivä 30


      4. tammikuuta 2023, Japani ⋅ 🌧 37 °F

      Oh man, alot happened on this day! I'm writing this from about 3 months in the future so my memory might not be as good as it would have writing the day after, but it was extremely difficult getting time to write any time after getting to Fukui. I was too busy doing things!!

      We started off the day by taking a walk to a yakisoba restaurant that was decently close to Atsuya's house. This was my first time having yakisoba in Japan and I think I prefer yakisoba to ramen. I've never been a huge fan of soups and I like how soba is a dry noodle that I was able to dip into a soup-like broth. Once all the noodles were gone, you could add a liquid that was similar to a tea and mix it with the broth. This made the broth change flavors and become more drinkable on its own without the noodles. Apparently the difference between ramen and soba is that soba is made with buckwheat and ramen is made from wheat flour. To me, I find the most important part of the dish to be the flavor of the broth and any noodle will do.

      We finished up at the noodle shop and stopped at a shop that was dedicated to building minature models of various cars, boats, buildings, etc. I had never seen a shop that only had models like this so it felt very surreal. Some of the models seemed overly complex and others seemed overly simple! For example, some of the pokemon models were just a couple plastic pieces that you put together yourself. We shuffled through the narrow hallways of the shop and then made our way back to Atsuya's apartment.

      Later, we went to the fish shop again to take a look and see if there was any more fresh crab than the time before. Ware, Sekki, and Shu had not been here before so they seemed captivated by the variety of seafood that was offered and I think Sekki even ordered some crabs to be delivered to his place in Kasugai.

      While everyone was looking around, I made a stop to the vending machine outside. The vending machines here are dangerous. I feel like every single time I saw one I wanted to grab a drink from it. Maybe it's because everything still felt so new, but I think I would probably still behave this way if I lived here for years 😇 I think the vending machines contributed to my gaining ten pounds while in Japan.

      After getting back to Atsuya's house we began preparing for the takoyaki party. For those not familiar, a takoyaki is a fried dough ball with octopus in the middle and a takoyaki party is a gathering of friends to cook takoyaki dough balls at the center of the table. The pan sits at the center of the table and is oiled up to allow for the dough balls to avoid sticking to the metal. Once they've set in the circular divet long enough, we took small toothpicks and turned the balls to allow for the other side to cook. Eventually, we end up
      with will fully formed dough balls with octopus inside! It's a fun communal experience because everyone is making the food together and it feels more involved than just having a normal meal together. I'm not usually a fan of octopus because of its tough texture but the octupus in Fuki was so good and soft. This was much better than any takoyaki I had before.

      During the party we had a wide assortment of sake and alchohol options provided by Atsuya. I wish I could remember all the names but everything was very delicious. I also discovered sweet potatoe luquor and mixed with milk and in my drunken stupor hugged the bottle and proclaimed my love for the sweet potato. I'm sure I looked like a dork but that's ok, my dorkiness transcends the language barrier. At some point I ended up resting my eyes while laying on the ground because of the amount of alcohol I consumed was making me sleepy. A custom in Japan is to fill someone's drink when they are empty or inquire if they would like more drink. In America, people usually tend to let you get your own drink rather than fill your glass. I think it makes it a bit easier to over drink in Japan because for some reason it's much harder to deny your glass being filled than to deny someone grabbing you a drink from the fridge.

      While I was laying on the ground, I remember sekki taking a picture of me and half-conciously I put up a peace sign. I'm glad I didn't fully go to sleep because after my small nap I was able to come back to the real world and hang out with my friends some more on this last night.

      My friends also explained to me the concept of 匂わせ選手権。This phrase literally translates to "the smell of victory/championship title". Apparently, this is the idea of showing a photo that alludes to the fact that you are happily in a relationship but does not explicitly say so. An example of this is the deer in Aggretsuko who takes photos that allude to the fact that she is with a guy in the photos. We then proceeded to have a competetion on who could take the most 匂わせ選手権なpost. I've attached the entries to this journal post 😸
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    • Päivä 37

      … auf zur Westküste Honshu`s

      29. huhtikuuta, Japani ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      vom Sunny Beach am Biwasee unter die Brücke von Minami-Echizen
      56.35 km, 9h04 Gesamtzeit, 4h45 in Bewegung, 789 hm

      5.50 Tagwache, denn wenn Alex mal munter ist, ist an weiterschlafen nicht mehr zu denken.Unser Schlafplatz war so herrlich, der See lag spiegelglatt da, und die aufgehende Sonne glitzerte im Osten. Beim Zusammenpacken kam von den Häusern an der Straße ein junger Japaner auf uns zu. ‚Er sprach gutes Englisch, und erzählte uns, dass seine Frau dieses alte Haus am See gekauft hatte, und sie nun gerade dabei sind es zu renovieren. Er ist Architekt, und dann erzählte ich, das ich Interior Design mache. Er wollte mich gleich einladen, das Interieur ihres Hauses zu gestalten. Leider musste ich ablehnen, da wir ja heute 2 Bergetappen und wir nun auf dem Weg zur Westküste Japans aufbrechen wollten.
      Dann meinte er, wenn wir wiederkommen, sollen wir vorbeikommen und bei ihm schlafen. Das freute uns sehr und wir sagte haj“, was soviel wie ja heißt.
      Wir machten uns also an den 1. Berg nach Tsuruga. Nach ca. 1 Std hatten wir den Sattel erreicht und Alex fuhr vor mir den Berg hinunter, da er ja auch als Erster oben ankam und wir ausgemacht hatten, bei der 1. Auflademöglichkeit eine Frühstückspause einzulegen.
      Ich erreichte als den Sattel hinter Alex, und froh den Anstieg geschafft zu haben, brauste ich im „Widhalm-Downhill-Modus“ zu Tal. Natürlich sah ich Alex NICHT bei der Vending Maschine stehen, ich sah ja auch die Vending Maschine überhaupt nicht. So blieb ich im Tal beim 1. Combini stehen. Alex hatte hinter mir her geschrien, aber ich hab nix gehört. 5 Minuten später trafen wir uns beim Combini und machten dort Frühstückspause.
      Dann gings weiter und am Ende des selben Städtchens kauften wir im Supermarkt noch alles fürs Mittag- und Abendessen ein.
      Der nächste Anstieg wartete schon auf uns.Alex zog wie immer vorne weg! Ganz Lance Armstrong-Manier. Ich zockelte hinterdrein. Es zog sich, es war steiler als der morgige Anstieg, und ich hatte erst noch ⅓ vor mir. Da bot sich eine Abkürzung, die nahm ich. Scheiß, war die steil! Ich musste also absteigen und schieben, samt Gepäck eine schweißtreibende Sache. Und weil ich so dahinschob und mir ein Reisfeld als Fotomotiv unterkam, stellte ich das Rad auf den Ständer und trat in die Wiese - und auf eine Schlange! Die hatte Gott sei Dank mehr Anst als ich und machte sich nach meinem Aufschrei davon.
      Ich schob also weiter, und es wurde noch steiler. Doch endlich mit übermenschlicher Hulk-Kraft stand ich wieder oben auf der Straße und sah das Rad von Alex vor einem Gebäude stehen, die Powerbanks waren schon an der Steckdose angeschlossen - nur von Alex fehlte jede Spur. Ich steckte gerade mein Handy dazu, als er mich anrief. Er war mir zu Fuß auf der Straße entgegen gegangen um mir zu helfen! Mein Mann! Mein Ritter! Mein unglaublicher Schatz!
      Ich ging ihm also auch ohne Rad entgegen.
      Wieder vereint machten wir Mittagspause und ich bekam ein 2. Blasenpflaster, da sich meine Sattelberührungspunkte wieder meldeten.
      Kurz darauf hatten wir den Peak erreicht. Ich fuhr nun gesittet und mit Abstand hinter meinem Schatzi her, da wir uns schon auf Schlafplatzsuche begeben wollten. Es sollte auch um 17h zu regnen anfangen.
      Alex hatte ihn dann bald gefunden. Einen trockenen Platz unter einer breiten Brücke nur für Fußgänger die ihre Gärten über dem Fluß zu erreichen hatten. In diesem Ort war auch noch ein Combini und eine Münzwäscherei. Idealer kanns nicht sein.
      Während ich das Tarp aufstellte, fuhr Alex zur Wäscherei um unsere Wäsche zu waschen, kam wieder retour, wir stellten das Mash auf und Alex fuhr wieder in die Wäscherei um alles in den Trockner zu schmeissen. Ich begann inzwischen die Kartoffel, Zwiebel und Knoblauch zu schneiden, Alex kam wieder um mir zu helfen, und 30 min später holte er die trockene Wäsche ab. Super!
      Dann aßen wir zu Abend.
      Ich muss noch erzählen, daß uns meine Mama über WhatsApp zum 1. Hochzeitstag gratulierte, das ich vor dem 2. Bergabfahren gelesen habe. Ich hatte das total vergessen.
      Ja, ein Jahr verheiratet und in der Welt unterwegs mit dem besten Mann von ganz überall.
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    • Päivä 9

      Mystischer Schrein im Zedernwald

      14. huhtikuuta, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nach dem Dino-Park machten wir noch einen Stopp an einem zufällig über Google Maps gefundenen Schrein und waren mehr als nur glücklich über diesen Fund, diesen „hidden gem“: ein Schrein, der in einem mystischen Zedernwald mit sehr hohen Bäumen und Moos bewachsenen Untergrund gelegen ist. Die stille Schönheit dieses Tempels im Wald war überwältigend und hinterließ eine ruhige Stimmung in uns - wir fühlten uns „gesegnet“.

      Auf der Weiterfahrt kamen wir an einem weiteren Schloss vorbei und fuhren an einem großen Stausee entlang mit einem Nachbau der Golden Gate Bridge :)
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    • Päivä 9


      14. huhtikuuta, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Manus großer Wunsch war es, in den in der Nähe des Skycastles gelegenen Dinosaurier-Park und Museum zu gehen. Für ihn sind Dinos eine starke Kindheitserinnerung.
      Ich finde Dinos schon auch interessant und der Park mit seinen lebensgroßen, sich bewegenden Dinos und auch das riesige Museum war echt gut aufbereitet.
      Am besten fand ich die unglaublich süßen japanischen Kinder, wie fasziniert sie von den aus ihrer Perspektive riesigen Dinos waren.
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    • Päivä 9

      Das Schloss im Himmel

      14. huhtikuuta, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Noch ein Stück weiter Richtung Nord-Westen, in Ono, befindet sich das im Volksmund bezeichnete „Sky-Castle“ (nach dem berühmten Film von Studio Ghibli). Das auf einem Hügel gelegene Schloss kann an einem nebelverhangenen Morgen aussehen, als würde es auf einer Wolke schweben…
      Heute war das Wetter klar und sonnig, daher konnten wir das so nicht erleben. Dafür liegt das Schloss eingebettet in viele blühende Sakura-Bäume, was es zu einem wirklichen Märchenschloss macht! 🌸🏯
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    • Päivä 11

      Notre repas le plus wild 😨

      24. marraskuuta 2022, Japani ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Dans un restaurant un peu remote, on part sur du sashimi un peu surprise et beaucoup de choses auxquelles nous ne sommes pas habitués.
      Autant le poisson blanc passe sans problème, mais pas tous.., autant la crevette, le calamar, les escargots et le muscle de noix de saint jacques crus, il faut s'accrocher...Lue lisää

    • Päivä 87

      Der Eiheiji Tempel Nähe Fukui

      10. huhtikuuta, Japani ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Unsere erste „richtige“ Bentobox gestern Abend… und der Ausflug heute zum friedlichen Eiheiji Tempel, Nähe Fukui. Wir hatten sogar zufällig die Ehre bei einer Zeremonie mit Trommel & Gesang beizuwohnen. Die Stimmung in und um dem Tempel ist sehr besonders. Unbeschreiblich schön und beruhigend. Witzigerweise lesen wir zufällig zur Zeit das Buch des Leitenden dieses Tempels „It‘s okay not to look for the meaning of life“, den wir dort auch gesehen haben.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 27

      New Years Day

      1. tammikuuta 2023, Japani ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      After an eventful night, I woke up to eat another amazing meal courtesy of Atsu's family. I've really appreciated their hospitality and bringing me into their home. It felt super special to be able to be a part of not only a special occassion in Japan but a special gathering within Atsu's family. I believe showing appreciation is something I want to work on a bit more in Japanese because I don't think I was able to properly show how much I really was moved by everything they included me in. I get a little shy even in English around new people but not being perficient in Japanese makes it a lot more difficult to get how I feel accross! For example, I'm never really sure when I should bow or when I should bow to show appreciation. Everyone was extremely kind and did their best to communicate with me even though I can only understand a very small portion of what they were saying.

      It's a tradition to eat mochi during the morning of new years. Eating this mochi was extremely difficult! The texture of the mochi is almost similar to the thickness of peanut butter and the elasticity of chewing gum. Biting off a piece was difficult without having a long string of mochi hang out of your mouth. Even chewing the mochi is difficult, everything about it was a struggle! While I was eating the mochi, Atsu let me know that every year people actually die from eating this unsweetened mochi. After eating some of the mochi, I completely understand how someone could die from eating it. Every swallow took effort and if it got stuck in my throat I would have probably became one of the mochi-eating statitistics. A couple days later, we actually saw that there were people who died this year eating mochi. When eating leftovers of the soup, Atsu's mom kindly left out the mochi and saved me from certain death. I'm glad I got the experience of a traditional Japanese New Years morning but I think the mochi will be one custom I'll try to avoid from here on 😆

      After eating breakfast, we all headed out to the shinto temple to participate in what one could call a cleansing ceremony. I need to do a bit more research on the meaning of everything I experienced, but the general idea is to remove the impruties from your spirit in preparation for the new year.

      It has been raining quite a bit, so Atsu handed me an umbrella with the writing "fushigi kasa" on it which translates to "mysterious umbrella". I think 不思議(fushigi) has become my favorite word in Japanese. It's used much more often and casually than in english so it's really fun to be able to describe things I don't quite understand as fushigi. We found out later that this umbrella has some cool designs that show up only when it's wet. Super fushigi if you ask me.

      We went up several flights of stairs to reach the temple enterance. I noticed the skyline of Fukui as we walked up and the view of the mountains in Fukui is truely breathtaking. Growing up in Ohio, I haven't had many mountains on the skyline. It's always been super flat so being able to walk around and see a bunch of mountains feels a bit surreal! I'm sure it's super normal for residents here but I think they're really lucky to have something so cool in the backdrop of their everyday lives.

      Before entering the temple, we waited outside next to some cauldrons with a super calming fire inside of them. Atsu's family gave the priests his name and we waited for the next ceremony to begin inside the temple. After entering the temple, there were signs informing us that taking pictures was not allowed. Atsu was telling me that it was because the kami or god could be present in the room and taking a picture of them would not be okay. It's always interesting to learn about ceremonies such as this because it means without being there in person I would not have been able to understand or even see pictures.

      The priest started speaking with a sing-songy voice and walking all accross the room. At one point he picked up a pole with various papers on the end and waved it around. At another portion, he waved a pole with metals that sort of worked similar to a wind chime. All this time, he has been saying things I can't understand in the sing-songy voice.

      We were eventually called up by family name to do the traditional giving respects to the shrine. This is bowng twice, clapping twice, then bowing once more and making a wish or leaving a message for the kami. I didn't realize we would be getting up and standing in front of the whole room to do this before entering the ceremony. Atsu leaned over to me during the beginning of the ceremony and told me to follow whatever actions he did. Since I didn't know what was coming, I was a little nervous 😅 We were the first family to go up so I wasn't sure what was about to happen.

      Afterwards, we went outside where amulets and various charms for new years good luck were for sale. We also did a おみくじ which is sort of like a fortune telling of your year to come. I thought it was a bit funny that even in temples, there is a sort of gatcha game ritual. This fortune is a bit more meaningful that the nomral fortunes you can get throughout the year, since it's the first one and even has a different name for being the first of the year.

      This experience has made me want to learn more about the religions within Japan as well so that my next visit I will have a better understanding of the traditions and what is going on during these ceremonies. Next time maybe it will be less fushigi 😄

      Later that night, we exchanged some American sweets (Buckeyes, Cookies and Creme Hershey Kisses, and Cookie flavored M&Ms) that I brought and some various japanese snacks that Atsu's family put out on the table. It was fun talking about how America and Japan were different in respect to sweets and other various subjects. While eating the sweets, a popular show was on TV where contestants guess whether choice A or choice B is correct. I was wrong every time but the kids were correct so maybe I've lost my edge 😅 Japanese TV is so much different than American television for a variety of reasons, but this day has so much information in it I will leave Japanese TV for another section!

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    Saatat myös tuntea tämän kohteen näillä nimillä:

    Fukui, Präfektur Fukui, Prefektur Fukui, فوكوي, Фукуи, Prefectura de Fukui, Fukui-gâing, فوکوئی, Prefektura Fukui, Gubernio Fukui, Fukui prefektuur, استان فوکوئی, Fukuin prefektuuri, Préfecture de Fukui, Maoracht Fukui, פוקואי, Fukui prefektúra, Prepektura ti Fukui, Prefettura di Fukui, 福井県, Préfèktur Fukui, 후쿠이 현, Fukujaus prefektūra, Fukuji prefektūra, फुकुई, Wilayah Fukui, Hukui-koān, Prepektura ning Fukui, ضلع فوکوئی, Prefectura Fukui, Fukui Prefectur, Fukui prefektuvra, Префектура Фукуј, Préféktur Fukui, Fukui prefektur, Mkoa wa Fukui, Префектураи Фукуи, จังหวัดฟุกุอิ, Prepektura ng Fukui, Префектура Фукуй, فوکوئی پریفیکچر, 福井縣


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