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    • Tag 53

      Ishigakijima, Okinawa

      23. Februar in Japan ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      My first time in Ishigakijima and I went to Taketomi Island and rode an ox cart. Hummm😬Once was enough. Very touristy.

    • Tag 4

      Arriving on Iriomote

      19. März 2018 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      After a very long and relaxing sleep we slowly packed our belongings and started into another beautiful day. Very close to our apartment was a cute café where we had nice breakfast with fruit and coffee smoothies and sweet cerials with fruits and yogurt. Since we already returned the bicycles we leisurely walked our way to the harbour after the long breakfast.

      The distance between the islands is about 30 km so we thought we could kill some time writing diary or take nap... But that plan was quickly destroyed quite violently^^ Whereas the ferry ride from Ishigaki to Hateruma was very qualm and we could sleep, this ferry was much smaller and shooting with 60 km/h over the pacific ocean. So the nice boat trip turned into a very exciting rollercoaster ride, the boat jumping up and down over the waves an my stomach turning to liquid^^ The weirderst thing was that we were both laughing and very excited whereas all the other japanes passenges just behaved as if it was nothing... And probably laughing from the inside about the giggly tourists!^^

      After surving the ferry we equipped us with sunscrean to protect out already burned skin and picked up our rental car for the next 1.5 days. Beeing a little short on time we just had a quick lunch from the supermarket - rice balls and same grilled vegis with meat - to reach Yabu, a small island close to the main Island. Since going there by boat is too boring we rode a palanquin drawn by water buffalos what was already quite exciting :-) Our original plan was to walk back from the island through the shallow water but they didn’t allow us because of jellyfish we didn’t even see...
      On the island we met a very cool native woman who played a small song for us on a Shari, a typical japanese guitar with three strings. Then we went into a butterfly house where we could see fantastic japanese examplars including csterpillars and cocoons. But since we had to take the buffalos back, we didn’t have just a quick mango icecream and an ananas drink before we went back.

      Iriomote basically has only one coastal rode that goes around 2/3 of island and two small settlements which have a port each. We arrived at one port and then drove to the other where our guesthouse was, stopping occasionally to enjoy the beautiful nature. At one point we even found a big eremit crab :D
      After we came the second small village we had to make a couple round through it until we found our guesthouse...^^ But that way we also found all nececarry places and also some big ananas field. Unfortunaly non of them were ripe... But let‘s see if we can find some on the island. When we finally found the guesthouse we were stunned by the beautiful location on a small hill overlooking the sea with palm and hammocks! Our hosts was a alternative very relaxed couple who gave us some tips to eat out. But unfortunately at 7.45! Almost all recommended shops very already closed or closing... But luckily we still found some place and I had some very delicious soba noodles in broth with delicious okinawa pork :D. The rest of the evening we chillaxed in the hammocks under a beautiflu starlit sky enjoying beers, horse raddish and curry crackers philosophing about everything and anything.
      When we started to fall asleep at this gorgeous place we moved into our traditional room with again six tatamis and and even a small table and went to sleep!
      Tomorrow we explore the island further and see if we can get inside the jungle!

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