• Day 23

    Overwelmed & Exhausted

    August 11, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    It's been awhile since I sat still and checked in with myself. I closed on my condo on Aug 9th and immediately started doubting my decision. It's going to take some work to get the place in shape. It is an older building and although it has new appliances some other things need fixing up. I met a neighbor who seemed nice enough but acted like he was shocked that anyone bought the place. Not what I needed to hear.

    I've made 2 trips over to bring some.of my stuff. I don't want to rush out to furnish it but there's an awful lot of stuff I'll need. Borrowing what I can from Josh & Heather.

    On a happier note, Artemis is doing great. She's over 5 lbs and taking part of her feedings from a bottle and has started breastfeeding. I finally got to hold her this week.

    And we are making progress setting up an actual nursery. It's possible she'll make it home within the next 2 weeks!
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