Day 23
Overwelmed & Exhausted

It's been awhile since I sat still and checked in with myself. I closed on my condo on Aug 9th and immediately started doubting my decision. It's going to take some work to get the place in shape. ItRead more
It's been awhile since I sat still and checked in with myself. I closed on my condo on Aug 9th and immediately started doubting my decision. It's going to take some work to get the place in shape. ItRead more
Traveler I think you are up to the condo challenge( one more time). You don’t mind some diy and know when you need help. Remember, from watching hgtv, often folks want completely redone and finished. You knew you weren’t getting that but the new appliances themselves are a real asset at a time where new stock is still in short supply.
Traveler Thank you for the encouragement. I need that!
Traveler I do think you should listen to your son and buy yourself a ‘good’ bed!
Traveler Yep.