• Day 43–47

    As Our Democracy Faulters

    February 12 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

    Another crazy week. I cannot express the degree of fear and anxiety that fills my ❤️ and soul. I can't imagine what this country and world will look like after several years of this! I refuse to type their names! That's all I'm going to say about it.

    In other news, my van was in the shop til Wednesday. Finally the brakes are fixed. But they forgot about the blind spot mirror. Oh well, guess I'll have to bring it back eventually. I went home to get packed for Puerto Viarta but stayed up late watching TV and just chilling. So I didn't get it completed. I planned on finishing Friday and then going back to Heather's. Of course nothing is going as planned. Friday morning Heather called to let me know that Odin was not feeling well and was staying home from school. I was going to try to finish packing and then head over. Odin called me before 10 and begged me to come sooner. He was in bed trying to sleep. That sounded ominous so I drove over. He had a fever and was definitely sick. I laid in bed with him and he managed to sleep for awhile. Then we sat on the couch & watched a bunch of Mark Robber videos. He was back in bed and sleeping by 5.

    I had some dinner then went home to finish packing and drove back to Heather's.

    Footnote. For some reason this was still showing as a draft today (2/19). Uploading now.
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