Checking Out Cabo ... 2024

января 2024
Cabo is a favorite destination for a dear family member. Our daughters have all been there too and loved it. We figured 2024 was a good time to check it out ourselves! Читать далее
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  • День 11

    A Date with some Deck Chairs!

    24 января, Мексика ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    So ... there was no cooking breakfast for us this morning! We did the math and we have 8 eggs left! We have three mornings left. So, one breakfast must be eaten out.

    Since we had a date on Rooftop 360 with some deck chairs ... and ... knowing we were required to spend $50 each in food and drink to pay for them .... we opted to head to the rooftop for breakfast! Something told me it wouldn't be hard to spend $50 each while we were up there! 😉

    Of course, I checked the weather forecast ... crossing my fingers that all that wind from yesterday was behind us! And ... it looked like a perfect day to simply lounge near the infinity pool!

    We packed up our swimwear, sunscreen, visors, my "water bottle", my ear buds, some real water bottles and made the treacherous 5 minute hike to the elevator of our 9th floor destination. Once again ... the location of our condo can not be beat! It is central to everywhere! Thank you again Sis for encouraging us to make 'location' a priority here!

    And OMG ... we are so darn happy we never spent the $195 USD per person to get a day pass at 'Breathless'!! We enjoyed ... actually no ... we savored our time today at Rooftop 360!!

    It nourished us in untold ways! The service! 🙌 The amenities. 🙌The energy.🙌 The infinity pool. 🙌The sunshine.🙌 The food. 🙌The drinks.🙌

    Honestly... it could not have been any better! We started with breakfast and then moved to the deck chairs. I can say that 23°C here feels a whole lot warmer than 23° at home. It was absolute perfection ... warm but not too hot!

    We lazed ... we dipped into the water .. we ate ... we tried a couple different drinks ... we visited with some really nice folks ... and .... I beat the old boy at Clever! 😉

    Oh ... and my gosh ... the old boy spotted whales playing in the bay! Our neighbors from Miami (i.e. chaisse lounge neighbors) got their drone out to capture the antics at sea.

    But then, Tony had problems bringing the drone back to us. He could not get a GPS when it left ... so ... it had no 'home' point to return to. The old boy had so much fun helping Tony land that drone. The pictures it took of the bay were incredible!

    The old boy was over the moon excited by the thought of getting one for himself!!! Argggggghhhh.
    Seriously! He thinks it would make drag racing more fun if he had a drone programmed to hover behind him (just slightly!) taking videos of his races! I shall say no more about the whole dastardly idea. 🥴

    I hope you can hear our enthusiasm for this seven hour day of rest and relaxation! And ... in total, it ONLY cost $120 USD for the chairs, the food and the drinks!! Even my frugal mindset says we got way more than we paid for!!

    If you are ever in Cabo ... think about doing this at the Corazón. The staff are unbelievable! The facility is exceptional. Our dilemma became this: do we come again tomorrow for our last day in Cabo? ... OR ... do we go to the Corazón "Beach Club" so we spend some time in the ocean before we go home? It's the same set up ... you just have to spend $50 USD each, but this is on the beach.

    Angel ... one of the lovely Corazón staff solved the problem. He suggested we come to Rooftop 360 for the morning and then slip down to the beach club for the afternoon. He indicated that he could make that happen without charging us twice.!

    And so ... THAT is our plan for tomorrow. The old boy enjoyed his breakfast so much that he'd rather leave 4 eggs behind (in our fridge) and eat out again. I'm in total agreement.

    And, after a little siesta in our room ... we decided to head back to Gardenias for supper tonight! We got some suggestions from our friends in the pool today: The Chubby Noodle and JMs. I'd don't think we'll get there ourselves, but wanted to note the suggestions for future reference (yours or ours!). 😉

    All in all, it was such an affordable and nourishing day for our souls. I am beginning to understand why people keep coming back here. It really is such an really incredible place. ✨️✨️✨️

    P.S. Step count for today when we got back to the room was not so admirable: 1682. However, heart space filled ... 100%. 💝

    We opted to head down to the beach to catch the sunset! It was everchangingly gorgeous! The clouds added so much character and wonderful plays of color! I sometimes wonder if I will ever lose my delight in sunsets. 🤔 I sure hope not!

    After I had taken my fill of photos, we headed over to Gardenias for our last time there! It is also a spot one should not miss while in Cabo. I ordered the pork burrito with cheese. It was delicious!! The old boy has decided his favorite tacos (over the four times we have eaten there):
    1 - The battered fish
    2 - The battered shrimp
    3 - The grilled octopus
    4 - The battered scallops.

    And now ... we are tucked in at home. The old boy is thinking about a hot tub before bed. This one is not as hot as we are accustomed to ... it feels more like a warm bath. So ... who knows ... maybe I'll join him?

    Oh ... final step count for this lazy day was 6764. Our little trip to see the sunset got us moving! 😍
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  • День 12

    Our Final Hours in Cabo!

    25 января, Мексика ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    It always takes a while for me to settle in and get comfortable with new and unfamiliar surroundings. We are scheduled to head home tomorrow but I am finally starting to feel so very comfortable here. We know our way around ... the vendors in the marina recognize us so they are not as persistent in trying to sell us something.

    We don't typically like to go to the same place twice ... but ... I could see us making an exception for this location. The weather, the people, the safety and the ability to get anywhere on foot! We've saved a pile of money by not paying taxi and/or Uber fees.

    As I reflect upon our time here ... it strikes me that although we've seen a good portion of the marina area and some of the old downtown ... if we came again ... we would likely expand the circle of our engagement ... exploring further and further away from where we are centered! In doing so, we could enjoy 'the familiar' and yet stretch out to new horizons if and when we felt adventurous. I'm sure there are so many, many wonderful things to enjoy and some great day trips that we just never got around to doing in our short time here!

    All that said, we headed back to Rooftop 360 today. It felt so good to laze away the day in such sublime surroundings. Another day of complete and total pampering and relaxation seemed like the optimal way to bid Cabo farewell! And, the weather forecast promised it would kiss us gently with sunshine and caress us warmly and relatively windlessly!

    And ... that it DID! We lubed up with sunscreen and headed over for breakfast again. In doing so ... we ended up with four extra eggs .. so I hard boiled them to make egg sandwiches to take to the airport with us as we would be there over lunch! I'm still trying to 'average out' the price of our meal at Ediths! 🤣

    Side bar: I'm actually no longer stewing about it. I am trusting it will go down in history as our most expensive meal (EVER!) and will make for good story telling in the future! And, I came across an article highlighting the top 10 places to eat in Cabo ... and ... Edith's was NUMERO UNO!! So ... if I'm looking on the sunny side of things.. its good to know the high price we paid was actually for the best food in town! I won't argue with that rating! It really was exceptional!

    Okay ... I got sidetracked! We thoroughly enjoyed breakfast on the rooftop! And then, just as we were finishing breakfast .. Mario (aka Alberto ... the manager) brought us a "surprise". It was a new burrito that they were thinking of adding to the menu. He wanted our opinion of it! We were full ... but ... happily chowed down to give him our review! And, before we knew it .. he also placed two mimosas (on the house) in front of us. It all made for a lovely start to our day!

    We were settling into our chairs for the day when I realized that I could see our condo from the little slice of heaven we were enjoying! It's fascinating to see the lay of the land from the 9th floor!

    We also enjoyed great conversation with our deck chair neighbors. One of the couples we met were also "John and Karen"! They were wonderful and gave us some ideas for a tour company they really enjoyed. Its called "Gate 1". We will be sure to check it out!

    After our leisurely day, we headed back home to check in for our flight! I wasn't sure if there would be issues on our return flight given that the "R" was still recorded on the old boy's ticket, but we checked in just fine.

    And then ... we added up our left over pesos and headed out to the marina one last time to pick up some items from the vendors we have seen sitting on blankets. There were a couple of older ladies ... actually much older ... who have really tugged at our heart strings as we have passed by them with our polite "no, gracious". We noticed that they spent every day in the same place ... for hours on end ... hoping to sell something to passers by.

    We didn't really need any of their items but figured they could use the 600 pesos (@$47CAD) more than we needed them ... so ... we headed out to the marina! We had about 90 minutes before our dinner reservation and we opted to give them some business! We ended up purchasing a number of items that we can string together and place on our Christmas tree! It will be a great reminder of our time here.

    And then ... we were off to our dinner at "Roasted!" The old boy agreed that the tuna was the best he's ever had! And, if that weren't good enough ... they offered us complimentary cheesecake and tequila shots.

    I didn't want the shot they poured for me, so I gave it to the nice guy at the table beside us. And that is how we ended up at that restaurant for 3.5 hours. Mike and Melanie were so enjoyable to talk with that we could even have chatted for a couple hours more! They live in Seattle ... so ... not too far from us. Who knows if we'll ever reconnect, but we certainly enjoyed the time we shared with them!

    And now .... it's nearly 10:00pm. It's time to say good night to one and all ... and ... prepare to pack up our memories for the commute home tomorrow! ✈️
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  • День 13

    Its always good to be home!

    26 января, Мексика ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Regardless of how enjoyable our travels can be, there is something equally wonderful about returning home. We've really treasured our time here in Cabo and deeply appreciate why people love it here so much and return year after year after year! We've met folks who have been coming here for three decades!

    As I shared before, I might be pesuaded to return myself! Neither of us can remember the last time we felt so relaxed on a trip. We typically like to see all the sights and do all the things and leave no stones unturned. Typically, this means there are schedules and time frames and a very active pace. We really do enjoy that too!

    However, this trip was such a welcome reprieve from the cumulative stressors/changes of the past 6 months. It was sooooo good to slow down and simply enjoy all the pleasures this place provides!

    We were chatting about all the things we are grateful for:
    - our plane took off and got us here while 500 other WestJet flights were cancelled.
    - the weather has been exceptional .... warm, relatively windless ... and not too hot
    - our accommodations have been superb .... location, location, location!
    - the food has been pure deliciousness! We did not even have one disappointment.
    - the people we have met along the way have filled our hearts
    - the memories we have made will stir smiles for years to come!
    - the interaction with all of you here on Penguins helped us feel connected to family and friends and added another layer of joy to our time away! What is that old adage: "a joy shared is doubled!"

    Check out was at 11:00am but our flight wasn't until 3:25pm. We decided to just hang out at the Airport rather than storing our luggage and trying to kill time at the Marina.

    Our checking went well ... i.e. no problems with the "R". We killed time with a game of clever and a 'bottle' of wine. I was impressed with the price @$26 CAD until I learned that the bottle was the size they sell on airplanes for $9.99.

    We found a Subway (you all know how I love Subway!) and head to the gate early (2:20pm) and were shocked to see that they were ALREADY boarding Zone 2!! Sheesh .... when does that ever happen?

    All in all, our travel back home was easy, effortless and as enjoyable as could be! We even had a fabulous flight attendant who was so witty and fun! She was one of the original WestJet staffers! Such a great flight!

    We are now tucked in at the hotel for tonight and looking forward to sleeping in our own bed tomorrow!

    Thank you Cabo for a wonderful vacation! And, thank you again Sis for all the ways you enriched our experiences! ❤️
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