Michigan 2021

May - October 2021
A 159-day adventure by Katboz Read more
  • 57footprints
  • 1countries
  • 159days
  • 279photos
  • 0videos
  • 5.4kmiles
  • 12miles
  • Day 11

    Bentonville and Ford Dealership

    June 1, 2021 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

    Well....today was about getting the RV into a Ford dealer to be looked at. On the way into Fayetteville we noticed that the unit seemed to be backfiring and losing power as we were going uphill. Since we came into town on Memorial day weekend we couldn't do anything about until Tuesday. Took it into the Fayetteville dealership, who then pointed us to the Bentonville dealership, which actual works on RVs.
    Drove up to Bentonville (about 30 miles north) in a pretty good rain and checked the RV. They were a little unsure when they could "get to it", but said they would do their best. Unfortunately that meant Frank would need to stay in the RV at the dealership. This trip has been a challenge for him. He practically lives in the closet, except at night...
    Met Chris for late breakfast back in Fayetteville and then spent the day at her house following up with some computer time. We did also had to Hobby Lobby to find a frame for the picture of Pompa for her office and worked on rehanging some items so we could hang the McCoon watercolor painting of Nonnys that we brought with us.
    Delicious pork tenderloin for dinner and bed...
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  • Day 12

    Eureka Springs and the River House

    June 2, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    Since our visit to Chris has been extended we decided to get a little sightseeing in. We drove up to Eureka Springs to visit the Crescent Hotel and the town. We toured the hotel and grounds in a light rain. Beautiful old building with an interesting history. Across from the hotel is a beautiful catholic church, St Elizabeth's with gorgeous garden space. Drove through the downtown area with many cute and interesting old buildings. Lots of Victorian architecture!
    We met Shari on the edge of town and followed her to get a peek at their newly purchased "River house", as Chris calls it. Shari calls it a cabin, but that is because it is a recently built log style home... and has a cabin feel to it! Big beams and posts all in their natural shape. All cedar wood, granite counter tops, wood floors, fun mountain chandeliers and light fixtures... with a great view of the Kings River. So i have a picture of the river, but totally missed taking one of the house!
    Back to Chris's, leftovers for dinner and bed!
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  • Day 13

    Checking on Frank in Bentonville

    June 3, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    Poor guy, Frank has been by himself with the RV since Tuesday. So after dropping Auggie off at Petsmart for a bath and de-shedding treatment we drove up to Bentonville to check on the RV and Frank. Fortunately the weather had been wet and fairly cool so we weren't too worried.
    As usual found him tucked back in the closet, the darkest corner. But it was clear he had been eating and using his litter box.
    Good news with the RV, dealership determined that the backfiring was due to some faulty wiring with the spark plugs. All work was preformed under warranty!
    Grabbed lunch at the Stone Mill Cafe, they make great bread, drove back to Petsmart, picked up a gorgeous looking pup, grabbed some groceries and went back to Chris's.
    Made a baked ravioli dish and had last dinner with Chris, Andy, Shari and Abby.
    No pictures!
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  • Day 14

    Goodby Aunt Chris, hello Missouri

    June 4, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    We hated to say goodbye, because we had such a nice visit with Chris! But you can't get to Michigan if you don't move on...
    Had to pack up our stuff back into the jeep and drove up to Bentonville to get the RV. Unloaded jeep, all our laundered clothes, linens, leftover food, bags and Auggie back into the RV, so it took awhile. Frank was a little put out, but he'll recover.
    Spent the day driving across Missouri, sort of like Arkansas, but just a little more hilly and with crumbling rocky bluffs. Beautiful blue sky, clouds and a very warm sun.
    Decided to save some money by overnighting at Walmart in Jefferson City. Hmmmm. It was hot, we didn't have AC. No trees. Lots of asphalt, and noisy cars. We have had more enjoyable nights than this. But we "saved" money! No pictures?!
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  • Day 15

    Visit Hannibal, Missouri

    June 5, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

    Had a wonderful afternoon visiting Hannibal, Missouri. This town is all about Mark Twain, and the characters he created from his own personal experiences.
    We didn't get here until noon, after doing some shopping at Walmart before we left. Crossed the Missouri River getting a glimpse of the state capital before heading pretty much northeast to Hannibal and the Mississippi River.
    Had lour first real glimpse of the Mississippi, and then lunched at the Old Planters restaurant. Barbecue pork sandwiches, the special of the day. Complete with German chocolate pie for dessert. Strolled the very cute downtown area prior to catching our trolley tour of the town at 2:30.
    Really liked hearing about the history and seeing most of the major sites for this historical town. I think she said that they had 400 plus homes/ buildings on the historical register, many are restored Victorians from the late 1800s.
    So much about Samuel Clemens and his life, about the people and places in his stories, seeing where they lived, and also about the history of Hannibal itself. Great way to see the town in a couple of hours!
    Back to the RV, got the generator turned on so we could get a little cool air going and then crossed over the Mississippi to get to Quincy, Illinois. Small, shady RV site fairly close to the River. Wonderful shower and lots of air conditioning to end the day!
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  • Day 16

    Quincy, Ill. & Keokuk and Fairport, Iowa

    June 6, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    Enjoyed a little more sightseeing today. On the way out of Quincy we did stop at the visitor center because it is housed in an Italianate masion on the river, the Villa Katherine. Unfortunately they don't open until 1:00 pm so we didn't get to go inside. We did walk around and enjoy the view which is on a bluff above the Mississippi, looking at the bridge into the city.
    Took off following the Great River Road travel recommendations which really are a bunch of intermingled county highways that zig and zag following the river, so you have to pay attention to your Google maps directions. Got to Keokuk, a little town on the Iowa side (the city on the Illinois side is Hamilton, so many split across the river) and toured the George M. Verity steamboat. We had a very interesting tour all to ourselves and then had some lunch at a diner across the street.
    Back on the road (County highways) with more zigs and zags. There is a note that if you follow the actually GRR highways it takes twice as long then taking the interstate from one end to the other. We enjoy the county highways because you see so much of the living style. That last day of driving in both Illinois and Iowa, it's been all about the corn. Acres of farms and ranchs, silos, cattle, creeks, quite a few houses on stilts as you get closer to the river. Very green, and where there is no corn growing you see a pretty dense wood. And everyone mows their very green yards! Even a small shack with some non operational cars parked outside is mowed; right around the cars as cleanly as possible.
    We found a Core of Engineers csmpground with a site right on the river and while the shower and restrooms are typical os a state park (concrete block buildings) we have everything else we need for $10 a night!
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  • Day 17

    Never left camp

    June 7, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

    We decided to take a day off from driving our sightseeing and just stay in camp. Did some financial work, responded to some emails, had tuna sandwiches watching a barge go by, saw a young eagle, took a walk, caught up with my travel app, booked tomorrow nights reservation, determined what we wanted to stop and see on the way.... being a traveler is a very busy lifestyle!
    AND we had our first thunder storm late this afternoon. We were in our RV just watching the rain and listening to rolling thunder. Never saw lightning, but enjoyed the noise!
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  • Day 18

    Fairport to (Port of) Dubuque, Iowa

    June 8, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Back on the road again heading north to Dubuque. Every road was a little two lane county road, no interstate or highway. And some of those roads were really only a lane and a half but they painted the lines to make it qualify as a two lane! At one point after missing a turn we actually ended up on a gravel road (Google maps does not specify road condition) for about 2 miles. This is not Toms preference, he kept mumbling something about the jeep and how did we end up on gravel....
    Again acres and acres of corn, and I forgot to mention the hay. Rolls and rolls of mowed hay. If it's not corn, it is hay, and most farms have both. Blue skies, fluffy clouds, warm and humid. Favorite home color, white shiplap or brick...Favorite barn color, red. Maybe only 85 degrees, but it is not a "dry heat" here! I now carry a bandana around to " mop" my brow!
    No stops until Dubuque, just snacked on salami and cheese with some fruit while driving. We took some back road into town that was a single(?) lane, but went through some interesting neighborhoods. I did see one or two yards that actually looked unkempt. ( I need to check my settings in my map app.) Arrived Dubuque at about 2 pm.
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  • Day 18

    Natl Mississippi River Museum/Aquarium

    June 8, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

    Om my gosh, how do I even begin to describe this museum...we had two hours and I think we saw maybe half, or two thirds. We didn't even go upstairs. It is pretty spread out and covers not only the Mississippi, habitat, management issues, commerce (barges), fish and wildlife (aquarium), native American culture, and river culture in general (through writings and music); but it looks at the bigger issues associated with ALL river management. What we Americans do to use it as a resource or protect homes and cities, and what we have enviornmentally sacraficed as a result. We are undoing many poorly made decisions, that were made with the best of intentions and limited knowledge at any given time. Always a compromise, no perfect answers. Visually great exhibits, outdoor and indoor. Hope to come back and see it again, but maybe in the morning, not at the end of a very warm day!
    Drove another 20 miles up the road and are staying overnight at another Core of Engineers csmpground located right on the Mississippi again!
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  • Day 19

    Wisconsin Drive

    June 9, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

    Mostly a drive up and away from the Mississippi today, through the "Driftless" area, which means this is one of the few areas that is essentially untouched or carved, (formed) by glaciers. The resulting topography is just the natural carving by rivers in soft limestone. Wisconsin is home to one of the worlds largest collection of clear, cold water rivers. It's all about the
    We are heading up to the very north of Wisconsin, to the Apostle Islands National lakeshore, similar to the Picture Rocks lakeshore, but larger. One, it is supposed to beautiful, and two, it should be (better be) COOLER.
    It had been hot here, I guess we are in a heat wave. It was 95 degrees here with 60 plus humidity. Very high for this time of year, and it is taking a little bit of a "toll"!? Sometimes you don't want to get out of the RV. Thank goodness we have excellent air conditioning and I usually have a little fan near by. Makes us sort of nervous about our outside Parks job in Traverse!
    Stopped for lunch in Coon Valley, and made a couple of drive by photo ops heading north. Overnight in a little RV park behind a hotel north of Eau Claire. $40, but the showers were acceptable and clean. (Miss the core of Engineers sites for $10, but they only had the shower that you push the button for water, & one temperature) Got to wash my hair, which I don't try to do in RV. Walked out back with binocs and saw two deer feeding and a four legged animal, looked big for fox, but maybe, or coyote. Saw lots of road kill on the highways up here, deer, racoon, and unidentifiable animals....just a lot more wildlife up here trying to cross the highways!
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