
After having to postpone my flight several times, I finally arrived in Denpassar, Bali.
Went directly to Amed from where I taught the last couple of days before the winter break officially began.
After having to postpone my flight several times, I finally arrived in Denpassar, Bali.
Went directly to Amed from where I taught the last couple of days before the winter break officially began.
Woke up way to early so I decided to go on a morning hike before the first zoom call. I later had some fish at a local restaurant before continuing with my classes.
Work, workout, cuddle time with Covid, dinner...
One of the reasons why I went back to Amed /Lipah was to do my advanced PADI. As the last time, I really enjoyed diving with Marion and Didi :-) Unfortunately I had some trouble with my camera so IOkumaya devam et
Unfortunately I accidentally changed the settings of my camera to over water which is why the colours didn't turn out very well once I was below five meters.
The pictures don't really tell the story but the night dive was AMAZING! Loved every minute. So exciting. Would have never thought I'd enjoy it and now I can't get enough :-)
This place is beautiful even when it's raining