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  • Day 13

    Denmark day 3 (.1)

    July 11, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    Today was a great day. We went to the bay in Hjerting. We explored a beautiful church, when it opened in the early 90's, the Queen of Denmark came and gave it her blessing. It was very neat. The altar was made of recycled materials and then painted with gold. It was really a neat church. In Denmark, each church has a small room you enter before going into the sanctuary. They call it the weapons room. It is where, long ago, they would place their weapons before worshipping.
    There is also a boat suspended from the ceiling from churches, to give a nod to the wayfaring culture. It was really neat. After, we went through the cemetery at the church. We visited Marcos parents. Their headstone was made in the design of waves. Because he made his living in the water industry. I think that is a very special way to commemorate this parents, and all their hard work.
    We then walked down towards the bay, but first were told about the old buildings of "old town". It was quite interesting and beautiful.
    We ended our stroll at the bay. We walked out onto the dock, the kids poked the jellyfish that were left over from higher tide. This bay empties out every day and refills.
    There were people catching crabs. Bacon is the best bait, they said. Once their bucket was full of crabs, they took them to the beach and released them for a crab race.
    I had another chiropractor appointment for my slipped back, so the others went to the house and Marco and I went to the appointment.
    After returning from the appointment, we played pool. We began a tournament. It was a lot of fun.
    In the afternoon, we went to a walking park with nature playgrounds. I am surprised with all the really fantastic playgrounds Denmark has. We then went to dinner at Alex's mom, Katherine's house. Christine prepared a very delicious meal for us. Katherine shared that some of her family lives in Norway. In Norway, you have sausages and beer before dinner while everything else is cooling. So that's what we did.
    After dinner we sat and visited for hours. It was so nice to get to know her and Christine better. We had a very terrific day.
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