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  • Day 153

    Rocky Mountain HOG Rally

    August 19, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    All I did yesterday was work on my remaining GPS routes. I had leftovers for dinner and went to bed at a sensible time.

    I was up this morning around 08:00, which was silly since I didn't have to go anywhere. But my brain started up, so I began working on my photos from the Border to Border rally, uploading them into albums so the guys can download what they want. I'm also adding to this feed the daily posts I missed from 21-31 July.

    Around 11:00, I rode to the nearby Holiday Inn to pick up my registration packet for the Rocky Mountain HOG Rally. I ran into Paul, one of three regional managers whom I met at the Kentucky rally. It's not his region, but he's filling in for Chris. It's nice to see him again.

    After that I parked in downtown, grabbed some historical info from the Visitors Center, and am now having lunch at Seasons while I peruse. As I type this, I am looking outside. It is absolutely pouring. But a local couple is laughing about it and saying it will be sunny in 10 minutes 🤣.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 152 mileage: 12.1 🤣 (total 39217.5)
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