Leaving on a jet plane

Justing waiting for my plane after Jules and Evie dropped me at the airport. Packing was a little last minute but we got there! Looking forward to seeing Rozzie and Bek in Boston!
Justing waiting for my plane after Jules and Evie dropped me at the airport. Packing was a little last minute but we got there! Looking forward to seeing Rozzie and Bek in Boston!
Finally arrived and ready to crash!
Woke up at 3.30am so after 4 hours of american TV I decided to head out and explore. Our hotel is around the corner from the Boston Public Library which is a beautiful building but it wasn't open yetRead more
Rozzie had lobster for dinner. It was amazing to watch!
This is an amazing library and the oldest tax payer funded library in America. Beautiful old building but so modern (and busy) inside. Loved the children's library which was probably the same size asRead more
We did a hop on hop off tour of Boston today and spent a bit of time at the Boston Tea Party museum which included throwing crates of tea overboard and drinking hot tea to celebrate. We also went toRead more
Bek and I walked the Freedom Trail from Boston Common the Bunker Hill, about 2.5 miles (4km). We journeyed through many significant sites in Boston's history including Paul Revere's house (he is veryRead more
We went to an NHL Ice Hockey game and it was insane! The stadium must have been close to capacity and it took us a good half hour to get inside beacuse only 1 gate was open due renovations. OnceRead more
Traveler Wahoo! Can't wait