Trip 6 - The Revisit

febbraio - marzo 2023
We revisit Shiga Kogan, Kyoto and Osaka. Leggi altro
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  • Giorno 1

    Day 1 - GC - Narita - Asakusa

    18 febbraio 2023, Giappone

    Trip 6 has begun. Flew out of the GC on Saturday. All great on Jetstar, even arrived 15mins early, but then had to eait for our planes parking spot. Got through the easier with the printed copies of qr codes. Had purchased travel sims, and finally got them working in the immigration line. Took a bit for the ski bags to come out. So we were headed out the exit near 8pm.

    What threw me however was the fact we landed at terminal 2, previously it had always been terminal 3. So that made sending all our luggage to Shiga Kogan via yamote easy. 9000ish yen for 2x ski bags, 2x rolling duffles. So our plans for our usual airport meal changed on the spot, mostly due to starving kids. Yoshinoya was right above us. Luckily they had a table for 4 waiting, so straight in, curry and pork bowls ordered, food was on the table in seconds. Dinner was 2,700.

    We downed the food in record time as we wanted to catch the 8:28 train to Asakusa. But of course one of our kids is now an adult being 12, so stopped to buy a new suica card and top up ours. Our quick dash had us through the JR gates, oops, we wanted Keisei, so a quick turn around was done, and 2 mins til the train, we dashed, and made it to the platform with the train already there.

    After a quick train change at Aoto, we lead one sleepy child and one excited child past Sensoji to our hostel where we ended our day at 11:30 our time. Long day, but we are back in Japan!!!
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  • Giorno 2

    Day 2 - Asakusa - Nikko

    19 febbraio 2023, Giappone

    Day 2 - Asakusa to Nikko
    So we woke up super early, so we were out of our hostel by 6:30, having a wander around Sensoji, and headed to Asakusa tobu station, a quick, but much loved trip by a family mart stocked us up with breakfast supplies. We were then at the Tobu information centre for its 7:20am opening. We purchased Nikko World Heritage passes off klook for half price, and we had already purchased the express train portion of our journey online last week. So we had everything already sorted. So off to have breakfast in with a view of the golden poo.

    We thought being a Sunday the train to Nikko would be full, but no, only 3 other people were in our carriage. The Spacia is a nice ride up to Nikko, the journey went by pretty quickly, and we arrive at 9:48am. Stashed the backpacks in a coin locker, (700yen) and set off walking up the hill along Nikko's main street. Stopping off at the Family Mart to buy some umbrellas as it was starting to spit.

    We found some crowds at Toshogu shrine, the main reason we chose to visit Nikko was I found my grandfathers photos of Nikko from 1946. I photographed current day replicas as best I could.

    Then it rained just enough to be really annoying and get you wet, 2 umbrellas was not enough. So with the crowds of umbrellas and the drizzle, we saw, we photographed the icons hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil monkeys, we saw the carving done of an elephant by a guy who had never seen one, we climbed the 207 steps to th late emperors resting place, and we left.

    We hid out from the rain at the nearest restaurant we found and had a pretty good meal of Japanese curry (5700yen). Once the food was eaten, the rain had stopped, so we walked back down the main street, stopping for a Nikko version of Taiyaki. It was a delicious custard filled monkey. (220yen)

    We then headed to our hotel for the night, this place is nice. It had a big faux outdoor onsen tub, so we all had a soak. Then, with 7-11 just up the street, it was a very uninspired quick meal. Our train out in the morning is at 7:37am.

    Fun fact - airtags - not sure knowing where the bags are is good. We dropped them off saturday evening, and by Sunday evening, they were only 30mins from Narita. Not knowing their journey like we did in the past maybe its better to be blissfully unaware.
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  • Giorno 3

    Day 3 - Nikko, Nagano, Shiga Kogen

    20 febbraio 2023, Giappone

    Day 3 - Snow time. Nikko - Nagano - Shiga Kogen
    We were up early and out into some beautiful sunshine Nikko displayed for our leaving. We caught the 7:37am train back to Asakusa at 9:33am, then a quick hop on the metro over to Ueno. The plan was to grab some lunch and exchange JR passes for after skiing, but the line was really long and slow, so we just bought our shinkasen tickets for Nagano, from another slow moving line, so we missed the 10:30 train and opted for the 11:30 on instead. These trains were pretty much full. The JR person said to try non-reserved to sit together. Our lunch was a grab something that looks ok from the konbini at Ueno station and head to the platform to line up for non-reserved. We got seats together on a pretty packed train arriving at 12:50.
    At Nagano there was no one in the foreign person part of the JR service centre, but issuing the JR passes took a while, a long while. Then we also booked our journey to Kyoto, and from Osaka back to Tokyo for later in the trip. By this time we did a quick power walk from one side, out of the station, then back the other realising we did have much time to kill, and we wanted to make the 2:15pm Nagano Snow Shuttle. We were one of the first on this quite packed bus. As we were leaving it started to snow, this continued to snow more as we ascended towards Shiga Kogen, at times the road was covered in white. The bus driver put chains on once we reached Shiga Kogen. We have never had that happen before.
    It was snowing big fat flakes on our arrival. We collected our bags delivered by takqbin, and checked in. Then headed back out for food, luckily the shuttle arrived moments after we stepped outside, as the walk in the snow would have not been fun. We went to the junk food cafe for dinner (7,100) and even tried our first crepes. Probably won't try it again, I have a really sweet tooth, but it is just too much. It was freezing cold and still snowing while we waited for a shuttle to return. Daughter and I hit the onsen to warm up, even convinced hubby to take son into the onsen for his first time.
    We ski tomorrow....its looking good.
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  • Giorno 4

    Day 4 - Snowy Shiga Kogen

    21 febbraio 2023, Giappone ⋅ 🌫 -10 °C

    Day 4 - Snowy Shiga kogen
    This morning, the view of the carpark from Prince West was snowy and white.

    The snow fell all day and did not stop. It was an epic first day, and the most snow we have ever skiied in. We have 3 days of Yakebitiyama tickets, then onto 3 days all mountain. We started the day with a few runs at the quad chair outside the west wing. Then, we headed over to the south wing gondola where we did a few runs, before hitting up the hooded quad outside east wing. We loved the D1 and D2 runs there, finding lots of powder to play in. The kids and the big kid found out that some powder is too much to move through, and got stuck a few times, always in view of the chair, moreso under it. It was a chilly -11 and the snow did not relent. I found visibility was a struggle at times.

    Lunch was the place under the south gondola, where we like the food, except Dale did not like the chicken curry. Pork katsu for the win. After that we returned to the fun of the hooded quad and the runs off that. I must say I love the silent snow and the squeaks it makes, sure is much nicer than the scrapes of ice and hard snow we are used to in Australia. Here ever time I planted my poles, they squeaked.

    By around 2:30pm we were fading, and cold, so we headed back over to the west wing, via the south goldola, and then down to the west wing of the Prince. Near the Prince we found a lovely stash of powder and had to have a frolick as only Queenslanders could, the kids dove and swam in the powder.

    Onsen was high on the list to warm up, followed by Coolish from the vending machine, then dinner was at the Teppa room,(6,700yen) it was ok, not as good as it was in 2020. Really missing the Nepalese place. We ate and the tried to time our exit out to the bus stop as best we could, as there is no protection from anything, and it was windy, snowy and cold, so at the kids suggestion we huddled like penguins for the 5mins it took for the bus to come.
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  • Giorno 5

    Day 5 - Sunny Shiga Kogen

    22 febbraio 2023, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ -7 °C

    Day 5 - Sunny Shiga Kogen
    The sun was out this morning, revealing a beautiful blue sky.

    After a buffet breakfast, they had the mini waffles this morning, yeah. We started off at the quad outside the west wing. We have now pieced together the new numbering system used here. So C chair, where we warmed up on C1. We then made our way over to the B gondola, and skied off there for a bit. The viewpoints were turning it on today, it was stunning. We did a run or two from the D hooded quad, then went over to A gondola for our first time this trip. The views from the top were magic and the mountain range in the distance filled the sky. There were quite a few groups around, as there are 8 buses in the carpark, but they were easily avoided. It was a bit crunchy underfoot over this way, so we headed back to B south gondola, and popped back downstairs for lunch again. Everyone had the pork katsu this time.

    After lunch we headed over to A and then back to C, then back to B, then back to the top of C, where we demolished a pristine snow bank with some snow play and frolicking, the kids jumped, rolled, made houses, threw snow and had a ball. After our run back down to the west, the Kids play area was pretty empty, so we tried our hand at some snow bikes and sleds. Whilst there, the snow from the roof of the hotel was crashing down, and some crashed down into the water in front of the onsen. It also happened while we were in the onsen.

    Dinner tonight was seek and find, we decided to walk into Ichinose. We were headed to the Ramen place suggested by Patrick, but it was shut, so we headed over to the junk food cafe, it was shut, so we ended up at Shiga Kogen Tacos at Shiga Grand. I really enjoyed my food so much we forgot to photograph it. We had tacos, nacho and a quesidilla. Timing our exit with the next hotel courtesy shuttle.
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  • Giorno 6

    Day 6 - Shiga Kogen

    23 febbraio 2023, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ -5 °C

    We woke up early to a slightly cloudy day where the sun tried to poke through. Dale is 13 today, and being wonderful parents we let her get a grape drink that when you shake it, it turns to jelly, and have melon soda at breakfast. The buffet was the same fare as before. Jason seems to try as many different food groups on the one plate.

    We started off at the C chair outside prince west and did a warm up run down C1. The snow is crunchy and was not too soft at this time of morning. We then headed over to A gondola, wanting to hit up the runs over there before they got too chopped up. It was firm and nice to ski on at this stage. From here we went over to the D quad chair, wher ethe kids were wanting to try the remaining 'powder' that was off to the side, both made it out the first time, the second however Oscar took a tumble and managed to do a cartwheel. He was fine. At B South Gondola, we found our first real queues of the trip, the line was not far out the building and moved fast. We even had some single riders join us in the gondola. We have put the crowd down to it also being the Emperors birthday holiday??

    We skied a bit there before heading over to C chair back on the west side. Where lunch was icecream while sitting outside in the sun in light snow. After this, we put the skis away and had some family fun time on the snowbikes at the play area. The snow falling off the building roof was also entertaining. Onsens were had and icecreams again followed. I can rate the Hagan Daas Macadamia Toffee Crispy icecream sandwich. Very nice.

    Tonight dinner is the hotel buffett. Where the choice of steak as our main was the winner, this was a standout along with cheese risotto arancini balls. Dale had a bowl of mango and pineapple as her birthday dessert.
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  • Giorno 7

    Day 7 - All Mountain Shiga Kogen

    24 febbraio 2023, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

    Day 7 - All Mountain Shiga Kogen

    This morning we began using our 3 day all-mountain passes. Oscar's and mine were purchased at half price via the Go-Nagano site. We went to the linking chair to Diamond, but it does not open until 8:50, we did a warm up run on good old C1 at Prince West.

    After this it was up the link chair, down Diamond, up the small cgair and across the road bridge to Ichinose Family. The top here we were treated to some awesome views, as the lingering cloud was high ove rthe mountains. From here we went straight to Terakoya, where we did a few runs, the snow quality all day was very crunchy, with the occasional patch of ice, and occasional softened snow.

    After Terakoya we headed over to Higashidateyama following the meandering track down to Hoppo Bunadaira. Here at the base of Giant we went and had some morning tea at Alpen Shiga, where we had some delicious pasteries. They are so good and only 250yen.

    From the base of Giant, we decided to head left onto the quad chair and do a run of Nishidateyama. The green run here was nice, so were the views. Next was the run down to the chair and up Takamagahara chair. We did a few runs here, then hit up the pizza place that elSpike recommended. The pizzas were very good, but the fries were outstanding, and only 300yen.

    After our lunch stop, we had a play at Tanne no Mori, and did a few of their short runs. From here it was a run at Family, and back across to Yakebitaiyama, finishing off with a run down good old C1. Then it was definitely onsen time.

    Dinner tonight was at the Junk Food Cafe again, karaage, Hot dogs and chips. Followed by some vending machine Hagan Daas ice cream.
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  • Giorno 8

    Day 8 - Windy snowy Shiga Kogen

    25 febbraio 2023, Giappone ⋅ 🌫 -7 °C

    Day 8 - Windy snowy Shiga Kogen.
    It started off with a carpark weather check, a few centimetres of snow at best. Buffett breakfast was had. Potato gems today, no waffles. These are the 2 items I have noticed them rotating.

    We rode the link chair over to Family, during this ride we had perfect snowflakes landing on us. We went and did the green run with family finding hidden paths off the sides. During one such detour, Dale did not appear following the other 2, so I went back up a bit to find her, as she had fallen. I noticed her pocket was open, she asked is my phone there? Which it wasn't. Hubby had then come back up the slope to see what was happening (didn't read my message I sent). We luckily found the phone in a few minutes.

    Then we went up to Terakoya, where it was a bit more windy and freezing. The goggles were not coping with fogging. Visibily was challenging, so after a run or two, it was into the cafe to warm up with a hot chocolate.

    From here we rode the lift out of the bottom of Terakoya that leads to Takamagahara, we skied down and attempted to go over the bridge. Snowboarder obstacle and not enough speed, so side stepped over that - not fun, especially for Oscar. We did a few runs on Nishidateyama, before ending up at Alpen Shiga at the bottom of Giant for lunch.

    Lunch was spaghetti and meat sauce, the hamburger curry rice and corn and potato soup. The place was packed when we entered, but a short wait got us a table. After lunch we rode the new gondola on foot to see what was in the bus stop building as we had never been inside it previously. A shop, ski rental and some food for those curious.

    We were quite cold, it had not stopped snowing all day, though the sun did try to poke through at times, it was noticeably more windy than before, and there was still a lot of hard surface on most ski runs. The new snow wasn't doing much for the run surface. So we headed back to Yakebitaiyama via the 2 gondolas up Higashidateyama, where we encountered some lines. Then down family again, up over to Diamond and then back to C1 to finish the days sking.

    Dinner was at Narutoya, a ramen place. We had gyoza, pork ramen and udon. It was lovely, and only 5,450 yen. We then walked back to the hotel rather than waiting 50mins for the shuttle bus.
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  • Giorno 9

    Day 9 - Last day Skiing at Shiga Kogen

    26 febbraio 2023, Giappone ⋅ ❄️ -6 °C

    Day 9 - Last day skiing at Shiga Kogen

    We woke to a white view and a fair amount of snow falling and on the cars in the carpark. It was a chilly -11 outside apparently. Breakfast was had at the hotel buffett, waffles today.

    We decided to stay on the Yakebitaiyama side today as it was considerably windier than before, and we were only skiing a half day as we had to pack our skis to send back to the airport. So we went out and started our day on C1, yep it was colder and windier than before. But we were back to quiet skiing from the fallen snow, I like it like this.

    We headed over to D lift the hooded quad, but it was not open at 9am, even though it has a start time of 8:45am. So we joined the queue at the A gondola and rode it up, heading down towards the B gondola at South. The snow was fun and the family had fun finding stashes off to the side.

    From here we criss crossed heading back towards A gondola, hoping the quad chair would be open, and it was, so around 10am. We joined the queue and rode this, having fun on D1 and D2 in the powder. We then headed back to South gondola, and had an early lunch at 11am. Unfortunately they had no pork cutlets, so it was karaage and fries for lunch.

    It was cold, so we skied a bit and made our way back over to Prince west, where we began the joyful task of repacking the ski bags, and shipping them off to the airport. We also shipped our luggage to our last night stay, as we will travel light for the next few days. We had to have our bags ready by 3pm here, and we got it done at 2pm. Onsen time was had, followed by Coolish.

    Dinner tonight is Shiga Kogen Tacos.
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  • Giorno 10

    Day 10 - Shiga Kogen to Kyoto

    27 febbraio 2023, Giappone

    Day 10 - Shiga Kogen to Kyoto

    We awoke and got ready to catch the 7am local bus down from Shiga Kogen, is was a blue sky morning after a snowy night. It was very cold waiting for the bus. The bus took the local route down through the ski fields and onto Yudanaka (1,100yen). From here this dropped us at Yudanaka station where we had to purchase tickets to Nagano for the 8:10 train. (Note no JR pass or suica is taken here, 1260yen).

    The local train stopped all stations and we had to change trains at Shinshunakano, it was just across platform and then ride the 18 stops to Nagano. Here we hit up the New Days to stock up on breakfast and snacks for our next 2 train journeys. We boarded the 10am Kagayaki for Kanazawa, arriving at 11:05am.

    From here we boarded the Thunderbird bound for Kyoto, arriving at 1:37pm. Our hotel is just on the south side of the stationMimaru Kyoto station, so we dropped our bags and headed back across the road to ride the subway to Kyoto city area. Our first port of call was the Pokemon centre where the kids found lots they loved, purchases made. Then we walked through Nishiki Market as I had heard about an amine store with cheap prices nearby. We found it Melonbooks, and Dale had a ball buying up things she loved so cheap. Most of the figures she got were only 440 yen for 10-15cm high figure.

    Then it was a walk through the gion district, stopping for Taiyaki. Then we co tinues to see the Hokan-ji temple pagoda and walk around the Sanneizaka area and up to Kiyomizu-dera at sunset. From here it was a 30min walk to the train station or a 35min walk back to the hotel, so we walked the 4km back to the hotel arriving at 6pm. The room is very nice with bunks for the kids.

    Coco Ichibanya was for dinner and luckily there was one 350m away from the hotel. After a curry fill we went back to the station and caught the train 2 stops to Inari, and walked through the main parts at night. It is very beautiful at night. A short train ride back to the hotel to call it a night.
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