Nuevo León

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    • Day 108

      Mexico first impressions

      December 24, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

      We smoothly crossed our first boarder and arrived safely in La Ciénega de González 🇲🇽

      Life is simple, nature is beautiful and food is great 💕

      With the mexican dollar we felt rich for the first time. The purse is full with 1000$ bills😂

      Christmas we spent in a cozy cabin with an old swiss friend and other swiss guys we met here. They are also travelling and climbing but not with a van but their 🚲🚲💪
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    • Day 118

      El Salto

      January 3, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Change of the year also means change of season. From freezing temps it changed to +20°. Good bye downjacket hello 👙🩳
      We started 2023 with an calm evening with friends and nice bath in a nearby river.
      Always trying some new things like micheladas (🍺🌶️) or making Vini a new haircut 😆
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    • Day 127

      El Salto 2.0

      January 12, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Some places are hard to leave. El Salto was definitely one of these. Great atmosphere, people and climbing. We enjoy the Mexican lifestyle so far😎 Our next destination is not faraway. Time for some multipitchesRead more

    • Day 135

      Potrero Chico

      January 20, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Potrero Chico is famous for Multipitch climbing (especially among the americans). As I (Nadja) don't really like MP climbing I wasn't looking forward to this stop. But surprise it was one of the best weeks so far!
      We stayed at an amazing place called "finca del caminante". There you could rent rooms or camp, enjoy warm showers and a swimming pool, stretch or relax in the yoga room and chillout lounge and use a big kitchen equiped with every tool you can imagine (even a fancy coffee machine for delicious cappuccinos). But this place would have been only half as great without it's people. It was dominated by the swiss crew 😜 one couple we already knew from el Salto and the other one we got to know in the finca.
      We shared many talks, laughs and delicious food. Beside the camping we also enjoyed surprisingely good climbing, finally got to taste some tamales and Vini got his haircut improved for $3.50 😎
      After this wonderful week it was time to leave and start exploring the desert.
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    • Day 7–9

      La Boda de Ani y Felix

      October 4 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Am 2.10. Teilten wir uns ein uber von Monterrey Barrio Antigua, um nach Santiago zu fahren. Wir fahren die meiste Zeit mit Uber, da es recht sicher ist und man schnell von seinem gewünschten Ort zum nächsten kommt. In Santiago angekommen, checken wir direkt in unserem Hotel ein, direkt gegenüber der Kirche, wo Ani und Felix heiraten. Santiago ist so ein süßer kleiner Ort, mit vielen bunten Häusern und viel ruhiger als die letzten beiden Städte. In Santiago trafen wir uns mit anderen Gästen der Hochzeit und lernten uns kennen.
      Piero fand wunderschöne bunte Motive und war mit seiner Kamera ganz gut beschäftigt.
      Die Hochzeit fing um 16 Uhr statt und wir waren sehr gespannt, wie eine typisch mexikanische Hochzeit sein wird. Die Zeremonie in der Kirche war teilweise in beiden Sprachen. Nach der Zeremonie gingen wir zusammen zu Fuß zur Location und hatten sehr viel Spaß. Auf jeden Fall wissen die Mexikaner:innen wie man feiert ;)
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    • Day 4

      Kochkurs in Monterrey mit Juan Pablo

      October 1 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      In einer WhatsApp Gruppe fragte ein anderer Hochzeitsgast, ob jemand noch mit bei einem Kochkurs machen wolle. Natürlich waren wir am Start. Um 8 Uhr trafen wir uns vor Juan Pablo's "Finda El Limoncito" Restaurant und bereiteten zusammen mit der Küchencrew Tortillas vor und eine typische Erdnuss Sauce. Dann frühstückten wir gemeinsam. Danach machte Juan Pablo eine kleine Tour durch Monterey mit uns und wir waren auf dem Markt und probierten Obst und Gemüse, was ich in meinem Leben noch nie gesehen habe. Danach ging er mit uns noch in eine Bar, in der von uns keiner einen Schritt reingesteckt hätte aber es war ganz cool und wir tranken gemeinsam ein lokales Bier.
      Die ganze Tour hat so viel Spaß gemacht und war auch noch super lecker, ich kann es mehr als empfehlen!
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    • Day 6

      Santiago (Pueblo Mágico)

      October 3 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We stopped in Santiago right before the wedding celebrations of our friends. Santiago is a cute little village known for its well preserved collonial architecture.
      Santiago was declared a Pueblo Mágico (Magical Town) in 2006, a title given to Mexican towns recognized for their historical and cultural significanceRead more

    • Day 2

      Hidalgo: Day 1

      December 26, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Day 2 of our trip brought us much improved circumstances! Our Wonderful host, Alberto picked us up at the hotel in Monterrey and drove us to the house in Hidalgo where we'll spend the week. The boys got another taste of non-American driving as the 4 of us crowded into the backseat and my Dad rode shotgun. Alberto speedily weaved down the road in a way that would get us pulled over for a DUI in the US, but here it's,s just the way of the road.

      As we got further away from the smog of the city, the mountains became more clear and impressive. We pulled into town and our host swung by the police station to let us get some pesos from the ATM. We cracked up that the first stop was the police station, but agreed that it's a good place to keep the money machine.

      Hidalgo has plenty of modern services but is definitely a more rural and poorer town. Dogs roam about and are camped out at the gates of homes. Some are probably more effective security systems than others.

      After dropping our bags at our cheerfully yellow Airbnb, Alberto drove Nate and I to the grocery store and walked through the market with us to make sure we didn't make too many cultural faux pas.

      After settling into our charming house and resting a bit, we walked the mile to El Potrero Chico.(EPC) Alberto told us that the name means Little Valley. As climbing goes, the volume of routes and ease of access is incredible. Looking up at the mountains the climbers looked like colorful ants.

      On the walk back, we greeted our friends who had just arrived and Nate happily headed back up to EPC with the guys to scout routes. The boys played and I caught up with the everyone.

      We ended the night with THE BEST chicken I've ever tasted at a little restaurant down the road called Leo's. The food was incredible and we all had a great time catching up. The boys also discovered SQUIRT soda and are now big fans of new things in Mexico.

      We headed to bed early happy with our first day and ready for what the week brings.
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    • Day 3

      Hidalgo: Day 2

      December 27, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      Day 2 we went our separate ways. Nate and Everett headed up to EPC and Holden, Dad and I made our way back into town. Tuesday is a market day and I wanted to see what that was all about. Mostly it was like a flea market with lots of shoes, clothes, electronics & produce for sale. We didn't find anything worth trying to translate for, except the street corn. I was thrilled when I saw that and happily waited in line for some. On our way back Holden was not happy about another long walk. The traveling gods must have heard his despair. A truck pulled up with a local driver and a bunch of Americans and they asked if we could use a ride. So that's how Holden had his first hitchhiking experience! He was giddy about getting to ride in the bed of a truck for the first time.

      While we were in town, Nate and Everett headed up to EPC to climb. They both seemed happy and pleased with what they found and were ready for more the next day.

      We finished the evening at a local restaurant that served margaritas bigger than my head.
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    • Day 4

      Day 3: EPC

      December 28, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Tuesday we all headed up to EPC for a day of climbing. Holden was not interested in getting on the wall, so he and Papa hung out in a dry creek bed and threw a thousand rocks. I woke up feeling pretty rough from a poor sleep and with a constellation of canker sores in the back of my throat. Thankfully a good dose of ibuprofen and extra coffee from someone selling it on the side of the road helped perk me up. That an the 1.5 he nap I took when we got back to the house that afternoon.

      While Holden and I were not in the best of moods at the beginning, Everett & Nate were keen to get back at it, along with the rest of the crew. They climbed in an area called Moto and our group pretty well took over the section. It was fun watching the kids try new things and making it beyond their original comfort zones. Holden and Papa headed back to the house after watching E climb a time or two. Everett got a little stuck leading a 5.8 climb and learned a few good lessons about knowing his limits and when to let things go. Overall the kids did great and the adults got some good runs done in between.

      Dinner was an absolute feast. We got tamales from a place our host recommended and cooked side dishes. Dan showed up at the house like the victor of an ultra marathon with 100 tamales in his backpack. Holden wanted none of them, but the rest of us sure did.

      While we enjoyed the evening as a group, my Dad -- always a tamale hater -- headed back to Leo's. In true Terry Burr fashion, he wound up being befriended by the owner. Between Leo's basic English and Dad's translator app, they wound up having a great evening. Leo gave Dad a tour of his restaurant and came home a full and happy man.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Estado de Nuevo León, Estado de Nuevo Leon, Nuevo León, NLE, Нуево Леон, Nuevo Leon, León Baru, ヌエボ・レオン州, 新萊昂州

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