Ursulo Galván

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    • Tag 160

      Topes Wreck and our Swiss Rescue

      9. Januar 2016 in Mexiko ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      As we descended into a tiny village among the fruit plantations, we were greeted by our least favorite Mexican road feature. "Topes" is the term used to describe speed bumps; these are made of a variety of materials from old marine rope, to steel domes, or eroded concrete. Not wanting to lose precious momentum Karl weaved towards a gap in the topes that Holly already had lined up and we had a minor collision. Holly managed to stay her course but Karl couldn't recover and ditched his bike. Luckily Karl came out of it with only some minor bruises and road rash, but after tending to those injuries we found his front wheel to be irreparably damaged. Having had a hard time finding tubes for our 700C wheels in La Paz we were not sure where we were going to find a replacement wheel, but when a kind Swiss family rolled up in their world travel RV and offered us a ride south we decided our best bet was to hitch with them the ~130 km south to Puerto Vallarta and work from there. Cedric, Anna and their 3 kids Camille, Emilie and Theo welcomed us into their lives on the road and we enjoyed sharing travel stories and good food as we camped with them in Los de Marcos before continuing to Puerto Vallarta the next day. They not only haggled for a campsite where we could put up our tent alongside their RV, but cooked a delicious dinner, with fresh fish bought especially for Holly the pescatarian, and shared their delicious bread breakfast - even making sure to buy peanut butter for us Canadians (mmmm, bread with PB & H, so much better than oats!). As a result, we were able to make the most of the situation, and Holly even got to check out the beach while Karl relaxed to recover from the crash, before we chatted the evening away with Anna and Cedric, comparing our respective travel stories.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 236

      Feliz Cumpleaños Jo!

      7. Januar 2017 in Mexiko ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We wanted to find a nice place for Jo's birthday, and we were struggling. There was no room at the tiny (6 places) one we had in mind, then we ended up in a horrible, crowded locals resort town. We decided to chance our arm and go on down a few more bays and we couldn't have picked a better spot. This gorgeous luxury campsite right on the beach was pushing the budget, but when we met the owner and spent half an hour shooting the breeze (mostly potshots at Trump!) he knocked a load of money off for us.

      Jo's birthday started with hot cakes (pan cakes to everyone else) and presents, then we spent the rest of the day chillaxing on the beach with a long lazy lunch - bliss. That evening we were invited to a big birthday party down the beach, but as the clientele is mostly retired Canadians it was all over by 9pm! We went back to our place and had a little fire on the beach :)

      The following day we did a boat trip out to Isla Del Corale, although they should really tack the word Meurte on the end as the coral was long dead. Despite that it was a fun trip with some trolling fishing, whale spotting (humpbacks) and snorkeling. We were really lucky to be camping next to Brenda & Richard, a lovely Canadian couple who looked after Maya for the day so we could go out on the boat, despite the fact the crew said we could take her.

      As it was such a beautiful spot with a really nice bunch of neighbours we ended up staying another day, and then another day,... I took a surf lesson, and it was such a nice break that I ended up riding only my 5th wave! The problem with learning to surf is that it's a bit like skiing, and it's so tiring until you get the technique right. We definitely needed a couple more days on the beach to recuperate ;)

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    Ursulo Galván, Ursulo Galvan

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