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  • Day 63

    House of Terror

    November 5, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    Szimpla transformed into a food market on Sunday morning, as if by magic after the chaos of a Saturday Night 🪄 I stopped in for a cuppa and a pastry with a new friend before heading for the House of Terror.

    The building used to be the Arrow Cross Party HQ, the Hungarian National Socialist Movement who first collaborated with, before being occupied by Nazi Germany during WWII. The 'liberators', the Soviet Union, occupied Hungry from 1945 to until the fall of the USSR in 1989, with the last soldier leaving in 1991 🪖

    This was the place where members of the Arrow Cross tortured and killed hundreds of people before it was continued under the Soviet Regime; first in persecution of Jews then in forcing Communism under Starlin ☭
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