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    • Day 10

      Gokarna Resort

      May 10, 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Arrived at Hotel 2.15 pm and we leave tomorrow morning at 4.30 am. What a bummer this is really nice place a few days would have been lovely. You would not think you are in Kathmandu so green and lush no dirt or dust.

      Before we did anything we went for a massage and it was lovely.

      We then went for a walk around the hotel grounds which are huge. As Hotel is in the forest you need to keep your windows and doors shut in case the monkeys and other animals find their way into your room.

      When we arrived in our room right outside the window was a spoted deer. Closer than when we where at Chitwan National Park.

      Just wish we could have stayed longer but the adventure continues. Our drive to starts Tibet tomorrow.

      Fit Bit Stats:
      7317 Steps
      5 Flights of stairs
      5.06 km

      A little low today not much walking but still very tired and ready for bed.

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