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    • Day 6

      Day 3: es fägt!

      October 19, 2018 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Wider Tagwach am 6:30, z’Morge am 7ni u Abmarsch um die achte. Mir tüe aube ds Gepäck scho usesteue, de chöi das üser vier Porter scho nä u loszöttle i Flipflops... Würklech beiidruckend wie die die Wägeli uuf u dserab loufe mit 30kg am Rügge. Ds Jagat hetts relativ viu Lüt gha. Mir hei e zimlechi langi Etappe vor üs gha. Munter simer loszöttlet, es fägt eifach mega dür die Landschaft ds schuene, ei Egge schöner aus dr anger. Mir hei oft Talsite gwächslet über die Hängebrüggene. Nach öppe 2.5 heimer Teepouse gmacht (Lemon Ginger Honey Tea isch aktuell hoch im Kurs) u de e Stung speter für ds Mittag. Dr Daniel bsteut für aui, so guet wie müglech ohni Zibele u Chnobli wòu das dr Hanspeter nid vertreit. Das isch aber meistens schwierig, wöusi das so zimli überau dri tüe: Hütt hetts Spaghetti mit Tomate (Zibele) - Sauce gä u Springrolls. Die Springrolls si gar nid so wie mr se kenne: Sisch e chle e Teig wie ne Beignets ire Form vore mini Calzone gföut mit ganz vilem feine Züg - hie ou mit Chnobli u Zibele. Dr arm Hanspeter hett chum gässe. I so Momänte bini froh, isseni aues. När ischs witer, es isch nume no schöner worde, a Tibetföhre verbi, immet mitem Fluss entweder lingger oder rächter Hang. Vorem z’Mittag heimer scho chönne ufne 7Tusiger spienzle. Wunderbar. Gäg die haube füfe simer ir Lodge acho. Leider si miner Chnöi scho gschwolle, beidi zäme. So ne Seich. Zum Glück tüesi nid so weh. Grüppele isch e chle doof, umso meg bi so Plumpsklos. Aber es geit aues u mir hei warms Wasser bercho zum Düshele, herrlech. Am haubi Siebni hetts de z’Nacht gä mit Dessert, Apple pie, ou so Calzone-mässig. Meeega fein. I ha de vor Rosa e haubs mit Chürbis dòrfe ha. Usem gliche Teig nimeni aah, gits zum z’Morge Tibetan Bread. När no es Tee und d Schieber. Hai isch das lustig, mir si e super Truppe. Fägt. I bi chle im Himmu. Darf ganz viu schlafe, loufe, spiele u ässe. Was wotti no meh 😊Read more

    • Day 7

      Day 4: soooo schön!

      October 20, 2018 in Nepal ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      We get a routine: Waking up, breakfast, starting around 8. Today was only a short walk of 4hours to Ghal. We stay at a very pretty lodge, tibetan style, very neat with big rooms. For the first time we are the only ones staying here overnight. Some stopped for lunch, also the two French guys and the one from bahrain. He calls himself ‘the turtle’ but I think he is very brave doing that on his own with a guide. There is also an Asian woman on her own. One of the French asked me two days ago what to do since he has tummy ache on the lower right side. And fever. Poor guy. Being scared of an appendicitis here is not pleasant. He was a bit better yesterday, today again a bit worse. I wonder how he is. The only good thing is, that we rich tourists can pay a chopper to fly us out. The locals don’t. Being in a remote place takes a whole different dimension being in the mountains here. We are so far away from everything if there isn’t the possibility of flying. If you give birth here and something goes wrong it’s fatal. Just like that. We wonder if the kids here go to school. It is obligatory in Nepal but in remote villages they don’t go to school. At some lodges there is Wifi. We mostly have electricity. Water is not really an issue. But mostly there is no shower and the dishes are made out under the cold water. There is the river and a lot of sources. Still. Harvesting must be hard. They have buckwheat, corn and chabis, lots of wild cannabis fields. Many chicken in all ages run around, there isn’t chicken on the menu. Little cattle. Less mules here. They live mostly from what they harvest. This region is starting to get more and more tourists because of the lodges. Tonight we had nettle soup. Our guides, Bhuddas and Bibi always help cooking and tonight they prepared this soup for us. It was delicious, even more with some kind of pepper added. We saw porters on the way collecting them from bushes and some locals selling it. Very tasty and hot. The food is delicious up here. We arrived already around noon and had thal bat for lunch, some vegetables curry, other vegetables, rice and lentil soup. Peter, Rosa and Daniel went for an afternoon excursion up to a village. There was even a school up there. I let it be because of my still very swollen knees. Walking felt like walking on jelly. Not very pleasant. Luckily I have my knee bandage from the US with me and Daniel had an elastic bandage for the other one. So that will be my walking gear for the next days I guess. I have a couple of blisters, too, but everything at the moment (touch some wood) under control. Hopefully it stays like that! We are now over 2000m above sea level, but it is dry. The guys have a altitude measure on their watch. It is never the same. Rolf says it is easy, his one is correct. Sometimes they differ from a 100m. Very funny. Tonight we had again dessert, Apple Fillter, it’s apple rings. Delicious. And to end the day we played cards and laughed again a lot. I am in heaven.Read more

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