Pauduwar to Pokharebagar Trek Day 11

We hiked down 1100m today on trails, roads and stairs. Anthony and I brushed by some stinging nettle which started to burn and so we quickly found the antidote mugwort plant,rubbed it on & the stingsRead more
We hiked down 1100m today on trails, roads and stairs. Anthony and I brushed by some stinging nettle which started to burn and so we quickly found the antidote mugwort plant,rubbed it on & the stingsRead more
Dnes vstáváme v osm hodin, po včerejší party se nám to docela hodí. Bydlíme v centru a tak je náš obchod obklopen krámky s nejrůznějšími věcmi. Protože je dnes stávka autobusáků,Read more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Mayāngdi Khola, Mayangdi Khola
And a very big one at that
Traveler Wow great pictures
Nice photo!!