Gemeente Utrecht

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    • Dag 5

      The Quiet of the Morning

      29. april 2018, Holland ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Slowing down a wee bit last night and this morning has been a great choice for TELNAS. After an amazing day in Amsterdam touring the Anne Frank house, walking the city streets, feeling some rain on our faces and navigating a very busy and overwhelming Rijks museum, we were ready for a night of decompression. After once again thanking Caroline, Anneke, Kai and Nieske for their help and hospitality, the kids dispersed to their chosen activities. Liam to his loft space, the two boys to a world in Minecraft far far away, full of giggles and building and storing inventory, and Ava to some homework, nestled in beside me. The only major agenda item on our list for the evening was acquiring groceries and making a nice dinner.

      After some rest and time to ourselves, Trevor and I and the three littles walked the two minutes up the path to the shops to pick up what we needed for the night and coming few days. The kids each have 40 euros for the duration of our time in Holland and boy is it burning a hole in their pockets. Sully is desperate to find Pokémon and the other two are generally on the hunt for interesting treats. We left the kids at a pharmacy type store to scour the shelves for treasures while we went for groceries. It was a successful run for what we all felt we ‘needed’ - food for supper and fudge chocolate for the kids. Oh, and Ava found a very reasonably priced beauty blender, which she was very happy about snagging. Make-up application is important you know and having the right blender makes all the difference.

      On our way back, we left the kids at the park and came home to make a nice familiar spaghetti dinner. After cooking and clanging around, all four kids began to hover and pace as kids are wont to do when they’re hungry. We soon had dinner on the table and their full attention as they devoured. It was a time for a bit of TELNAS reflection, a team check in of sorts on how the day went and what was to come in the next few days. Highs, lows and thankfuls were shared. All of us agreed that the Anne Frank House was a high. Sully said walking the streets for such a long long time was his low, which I’m not sure entirely if that was because he has short legs and was feeling very tired overall or if it had something to do with being scared a few times with some near bike and car misses with my shouts and strong arm yanking him away from the roadway. Adjusting to the narrow streets, compression of thousands of people and cars and bikes a plenty has been tricky for us all but the 8 year old has felt it the most acutely.

      We sat for a bit longer and ran through the coming day’s agenda. The family reunion, timelines, packing up, saying goodbye to the Airbnb and the ever present expectations we have of them for the get together, such as that annoying difficult social task of looking everyone in the eye when they’re introduced, speaking clearly and being present and attentive to whom they are meeting. This can certainly be hard for kiddos and teens, especially in big gatherings and new situations. Watching them grow and practice their social navigation skills is a pleasure. They’re all doing wonderfully on this adventure - stretching and learning and it’s magic to be a part of.

      The quiet of the morning is waning - Sully is now up and our sappy lovey sleepy morning feeling we woke up with is transitioning to adulting thoughts of packing, breakfast and the drive to Friesland. Goodbye sleepy peaceful feeling; until tomorrow when we meet again.
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    • Dag 2

      25 Hours

      26. april 2018, Holland ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      We made it! We are in the Netherlands and settled into our Airbnb and guys, let me tell you, we are darn proud of ourselves. I feel a bit silly writing this in black and white but it’s the truth and it must be shouted from the canals and tulip fields. Planning this trip meant contingency planning and lots of plan b’s. We worried about travel hiccups, meltdowns, kiddos struggling, no sleep woes and our own inability to keep it all together should we have to recalibrate our expectations and move to plan b. We worried about customs issues, managing security checks and all airport logistics and so much more.

      Our thoughtfulness helped but it doesn’t necessarily ready you for the weird unexpected things that happen. Things like waltzing through customs without a stamp, question or second look. All that paperwork we had ready but nope, they just let us come into the country for fun! OK then, we’ll take it. Or, clearly booking a minivan for all 6 of us and our luggage only to find out that actually meant a small suv. We are very thankful for Caroline, who graciously offered to transport a few of our crew and some bags as well.

      We’re 25 hours into our trip and I can truthfully say I’m too tired to finish this post properly. That’s what a 1/2 hr of sleep plus a cold will do to ya. More updates soon on how the rest of our first day went and where we’re headed next!

      Time for bed. Off to eat one last stroop waffle and maybe some paprika chips then straight to bed. ;)
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    • Dag 12

      Il negozio di art supplies più PAZZESCO

      4. august 2023, Holland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Non ho mai visto niente di simile. E questo solo per disegno e pittura, c’era anche tutta un’altra parte dedicata alla scultura! (Mamma sì avrei voluto portarti tutto ma come si fa a scegliere? Se mi dici cosa ti piacerebbe te lo porto)Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Botanische Tuinen Universiteit Utrecht

      6. september 2023, Holland ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Im neun Hektar großen botanischen Garten von Utrecht gibt es eine Fülle prächtiger Natur. In und um das Fort Hoofddijk liegen ein riesiger Steingarten, ein Evolutionsgarten, tropische Gewächshäuser und eine Vogelbeobachtungshütte.Læs mere

    • Dag 5


      2. maj 2023, Holland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Auf dem Weg nach Groningen haben wir noch einen kurzen Stopp in Utrecht eingelegt. Mit dem Rad ging es vom Stadion in die Altstadt. Die Stadt hat eine mittelalterliche Altstadt, Kanäle, christliche Denkmäler und eine Universität, die sich auch in vielen Stadthäusern befindet. Der berühmte "Domtoren", ein Glockenturm aus dem 14. Jahrhundert mit Aussicht auf die Stadt, steht gegenüber dem gotischen Utrechter Dom auf dem zentralen Platz "Domplein".
      Hasi ist hier überall präsent, Der Hasi heißt hier Miffy, Ninchen und auch Nina, Ein weibliches Kaninchen, das niemals altert.
      Nach der Altstadt ging es noch in das moderne Viertel in Bahnhofsnähe mit Mall und einem durchstyltem, neuen Bahnhof, der "Central Station". Im "Cafe de Binnenstad" gab es im Anschluss noch eine Kleinigkeit bevor es wieder auf die Piste geht.
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    • Dag 7


      30. august 2019, Holland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Um Zeit zu sparen legen wir gleich nach der Schleuse an und wollen mit dem Taxi ins Zentrum fahren. Das ist hier in Holland aber eindeutig der falsche Gedanke! Taxi?? Nach Anruf 40 Minuten Wartezeit! Eigentlich eh klar, hier fährt man nicht Auto. Das Hauptverkehrsmittel in diesem Land ist eindeutig das Boot oder das Fahrrad. Schließlich kämpfen wir uns zur Bahn durch und fahren zum Centraalbahnhof. Von dort trappeln wir zu Fuß weiter ins schöne Zentrum von Utrecht.
      OUDE GRACHT heißt es, dort spielt sich das Leben ab. Viele kleine Lokale und Läden säumen die Ufer. Abends ist hier sicher noch einiges mehr los, sind mehr Lokale offen.
      Unangenehm auffallend ist hier wie auch in Amsterdam die penetrante Fahrweise der Fahrrad-Fahrer. Hemmungslos, schnell und ohne Auszuweichen flitzen die Fietsers einem um die Ohren. Dass es hier nicht zu mehr Unfällen kommt wundert unsereines.....
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    • Dag 8

      Dom Tower

      7. juli 2023, Holland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The Dom Tower (Cathedral Tower, Dutch: Domtoren) of Utrecht is the tallest church tower in the Netherlands, at 112.5 metres (368 feet) in height. It is considered the symbol of Utrecht. The tower was part of St. Martin's Cathedral, also known as the Dom Church, and was built between 1321 and 1382, to a design by John of Hainaut. The cathedral was never fully completed due to lack of money. Since the unfinished nave collapsed in 1674, the Dom tower has been a freestanding tower. The tower stands at the spot where the city of Utrecht originated almost 2,000 years ago.Læs mere

    • Dag 12

      Pancakes 😍

      4. august 2023, Holland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Volevamo assolutamente prendere dei pancakes dopo pranzo, perché accanto a dove abbiamo mangiato i toast c’era un posto che li faceva alla banana con il frutto del drago (che Fabri vuole provare da un sacco di tempo), ma purtroppo lì avevano “finito i pancakes” e quindi siamo andati in un posto vicino… buonissimoooooLæs mere

    • Dag 3

      O'Panuozzo Neapolitan Pizzeria

      5. september 2023, Holland ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Mit Abstand eine der leckersten Pizzen !! Die Auszeichnungen sind auf jeden Fall gerechtfertigt. Highlight war auch, dass den Pizzamacher zugesehen werden konnte via Bildschirmübertragung, richtig cool.Læs mere

    • Dag 2


      23. marts, Holland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      On leaving the ferry I had no plan except that I am heading broadly towards Denmark to get the ferry to Iceland. So I thought I would initially aim for Hamburg but it was quite a trek so headed for Utrecht instead which was only a short ride - see I set my Tomtom for winding routes mode and enjoyed riding round the Netherlands. Someone should tell them it's a bit on the flat side and could do with some hills. Stayed at a hotel about 20 minutes walk from the centre of the city. Had a bit of an explore. Am not quite competent at travelling yet, hence the lack of photos of Utrecht or me being able to name the hotel. Could look it up as there will be a record on the booking site but can I be bothered? It would seem not.Læs mere

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