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    • Day 5–7


      July 12 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      8 Std. Regen, Wind, Kälte. Das ist die Kurzfassung der heutigen Tour. Ab morgen ist der Tag Geschichte. Karl muss nach einem Sturz und nicht wetterfester Kleidung die Hälfte der Strecke mit dem Taxi-Bus zurück legen. Wir drei legen einen 30 km langen Schluss Sprint hin. Die heiße Dusche danach ist das Highlight des Tages.Read more

    • Day 9

      Utrecht - Tag 2

      April 16 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      In der Nacht hatte es heftig geregnet und gestürmt und auch in der Früh war es noch grau in grau und es regnete immer wieder. Gegen halb 11 hörte der Regen endlich auf und die Sonne zeigte sich.

      Also gings wieder los in die schöne Stadt. Diesmal auf einer etwas anderen Route und es gab immer wieder tolle Blicke und Eindrücke. Die Wanderung wurde etwas länger und wir haben viele schöne Häuser und interessante Orte gesehen. Utrecht, auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert!
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    • Utrecht im Nebel

      December 8, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Mein Kumpel Dominik schreibt mir gerade hier gibt es wohl einen einzigartigen Techno Musik Bunker, muss wohl nochmal herkommen. Die Fahrt geht weiter die letzte Stunde im Bus und ich mache nebenbei Musik fühlt sich fast so an als würde ich auflegen (das denken wahrscheinlich auch ein paar hier im Bus) 😁Read more

    • Day 1–3

      Netherlands - Utrecht

      June 4 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Utrecht 4-6 June.
      Flew in from Heathrow on the 4th arrived in Schipol airport (Amsterdam) and had the most fun queuing in immigration for 1hr.

      Took the intercity direct to Utrecht from the airport (took some snapshots of power lines obviously) after semi working out the trains i was retrospectively hit with the shock that nothing is in English its all Dutch (surprise surprise). I thought thered be some English signs but no... all Dutch unfortunately for me.

      First things first after checking into my hostel i hired a little push bike to get around. Why walk when i can ride? I did a lap of the city aimlessly sightseeing. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out the cycling customs of the Dutch. I head to robert gelato which apparently won the 2019 world gelato championship and have some hazelnut and vanilla gelato. Which was nice but not "world champion" gelato sadly (4th picture). Still getting accustomed to the timezones doing a full 180 so i wander around the canals a bit and then head back to my room asleep by 7pm, rough night awake at 2am suffering from feelings of "what the fuck am i going to do with myself for 1 month alone but in the crowd." Luckily some calls home and to special people i figure out the key is to actually talk to people, do walking tours in each city and make an effort to go to places where you can talk to other solo travellers.

      The next day i do a tour of the dom tower, Utrechts pride and joy standing 112.34m tall (nothing in the city is allowed to be taller than it) climbing 465 steps to the top of which were very steep and basically no surface area for the modern mans foot. Was quite cool my first experience of a gothic cathedral and something built before 1770. The dom tower was built in 1321-1382, giving an impressive view, here i also learned from the tour guide that the Dutch apparently really like Aussies. After this i do a free walking tour of utrecht which a lovely scholarly man ran and it was actually really good.

      Here i learnt some of the history of utrecht.
      - For example Utrecht means bend in the river and is where the romans established there barracks as the river slows at the bend and is easier to unload boats, also a good defensive position.
      - The Dom Tower garden has a marijuana plant (2nd picture)
      - The arches of the garden in the dom cathedral were the same ones used in the harry potter films (3rd picture)
      - The stonework for the garden was perfomed by slaves and as an act of rebellion the slaves worked ropes into the structure (5th picture) so that if the ropes were removed the structural integrity of the arch would fail. This was quite a powerful symbol for anti slavery and was considered for amnesty international
      - Dom tower has a lot of bells, they ring the heavy large bells for sad events. And the smaller ones for happy celebrations (6th picture)
      - Theres a mall next to utrecht central station called lady catherine mall. This area was originally a castle/fort built and controlled by the spanish and they would extort the shipping lane (pay us a fee or we'll shoot you) and gave holland a bad rep internationally. After a while the spanish left and de-occupied the castle. Lady catherine the mayor at the time then decread that any person that built there home from the materials of the fort would be completely tax free (she wanted people to tear it down cost free for her). Moving along to the 8th picture, this is a store built from that forts materials and it is apparently a complete front, the stores never opened instead a car dealer runs a import export business from the 2nd floor and has been doing so tax free for nearly 50 years. In 2019 they got taken to court by the government over it and in 2021 it was ruled that "a promise made is a promise kept" and they won! Be interesting to see what the property sells for with rules like such attached to it

      Did a canal cruise which was pretty shit. Some local kid spat on the boat from a bridge and it got all over the person next to me

      Utrecht very cycleable very nice, be a great place to live, not very touristy.
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    • Day 8

      Utrecht - Tag 1

      April 15 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Nach teilweise heftiger Sturm und Regenfahrt sind wir am Nachmittag am "Budget" Campingplatz in Utrecht angekommen. Zunächst waren wir uns nicht wirklich sicher, ob wir bleiben wollen, denn eigentlich sind wir auf einer großen Baustelle angekommen. An der Rezeption entschuldigte sich der Mitarbeiter auch mehr oder weniger für die aktuelle Situation, aber da wir ja die Stadt anschauen wollten, sind wir dann doch geblieben.

      Wie immer waren wir aber schnell "installiert" und tatsächlich ließ sich sogar bald die Sonne sehen. Da wir noch Brot brauchten, machten wir uns auf den Weg Richtung Stadt, dort sollten einige Läden zu finden sein. Und wir fanden auch bald einen Supermarkt, aber da es noch nicht so spät war und wir noch Zeit hatten, liefen wir weiter bis ins Zentrum.

      Dort erwischte uns dann ein Hagel- Graupelschauer und die einzige Rettung war ein kleines Pils in einer Kneipe mit Überdachung und Wärmestrahlern.. Der Spuk war bald vorbei und wir konnten wieder trocken zurück an unseren Campingplatz laufen.
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    • Day 13

      Cena wraps

      August 5, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Siamo usciti a caso per prenderci dei gyoza, ma nel ristorante dicevano che non avevano più posto, quindi abbiamo girato un po’ a caso e alla fine ci siamo fermati alla SLA (che è una catena veggie) e abbiamo preso dei wraps che a Fabri non sono piaciuti ma a Cokki siiii
      (Il brownie era troppo gommoso, help)
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    • Day 3


      May 24, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Tram number 4 to central station then a 20 minute train journey to Utrecht. We stayed here at Christmas but saw very little of it in daylight. It's a delightful city, clearly prosperous and we spent a pleasant time wandering around. Popped into the hotel we stayed at (Karel V) for a bite to eat before heading back to Amsterdam.Read more

    • Day 12

      Pancakes 😍

      August 4, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Volevamo assolutamente prendere dei pancakes dopo pranzo, perché accanto a dove abbiamo mangiato i toast c’era un posto che li faceva alla banana con il frutto del drago (che Fabri vuole provare da un sacco di tempo), ma purtroppo lì avevano “finito i pancakes” e quindi siamo andati in un posto vicino… buonissimoooooRead more

    • Day 2


      March 23 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      On leaving the ferry I had no plan except that I am heading broadly towards Denmark to get the ferry to Iceland. So I thought I would initially aim for Hamburg but it was quite a trek so headed for Utrecht instead which was only a short ride - see I set my Tomtom for winding routes mode and enjoyed riding round the Netherlands. Someone should tell them it's a bit on the flat side and could do with some hills. Stayed at a hotel about 20 minutes walk from the centre of the city. Had a bit of an explore. Am not quite competent at travelling yet, hence the lack of photos of Utrecht or me being able to name the hotel. Could look it up as there will be a record on the booking site but can I be bothered? It would seem not.Read more

    • Day 7


      August 30, 2019 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Um Zeit zu sparen legen wir gleich nach der Schleuse an und wollen mit dem Taxi ins Zentrum fahren. Das ist hier in Holland aber eindeutig der falsche Gedanke! Taxi?? Nach Anruf 40 Minuten Wartezeit! Eigentlich eh klar, hier fährt man nicht Auto. Das Hauptverkehrsmittel in diesem Land ist eindeutig das Boot oder das Fahrrad. Schließlich kämpfen wir uns zur Bahn durch und fahren zum Centraalbahnhof. Von dort trappeln wir zu Fuß weiter ins schöne Zentrum von Utrecht.
      OUDE GRACHT heißt es, dort spielt sich das Leben ab. Viele kleine Lokale und Läden säumen die Ufer. Abends ist hier sicher noch einiges mehr los, sind mehr Lokale offen.
      Unangenehm auffallend ist hier wie auch in Amsterdam die penetrante Fahrweise der Fahrrad-Fahrer. Hemmungslos, schnell und ohne Auszuweichen flitzen die Fietsers einem um die Ohren. Dass es hier nicht zu mehr Unfällen kommt wundert unsereines.....
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Utrecht, أوترخت, ܐܘܛܪܝܟܛ, Utrext, Горад Утрэхт, Утрехт, Ουτρέχτη, اوترخت, Utert, אוטרכט, Ուտրեխտ, UTC, ユトレヒト, Gemeente Utrecht, უტრეხტი, 위트레흐트, Traiectum ad Rhenum, Utrei, Utrechtas, Utrehta, Утрехт хот, उट्रेख्त, ယူးထရက်မြို့, یوترخت, Utreque, Magaalada Utrecht, ยูเทรกต์, یوتریخت, Utreht, 烏德勒支, 乌得勒支

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