New Zealand
Hampden Beach

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    • Day 58–59


      June 4 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      This morning we went for a drive on the coast road between Warrington and Waikouaiti and were thoroughly rewarded with stunning scenery and a reminder of some very important NZ history.
      We drove through Seacliff and Karitane. Truby King was in charge of Seacliff Lunatic Asylum and revolutionised the care of his patients. He also founded Plunket for the care of children, a service that still exists today.
      We're staying at Moeraki tonight and will probably move on again tomorrow.
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    • Day 59–62

      Moeraki 2

      June 5 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      We decided to stay another night here. It's small and friendly and the waves are nice and close!
      We drove up to Timaru today to pick up a generator as we're finding our solar likes more sun than we're getting currently! We're going for the comfort aspect in this!!
      Hardly any photos today but we did get a good sunset!!
      We think we'll go with a caravan day tomorrow. I have about half an hour of housework to do and Paul has a couple of blokes things to do! After that we'll go hunting moeraki boulders! I have yet to see any and I'm beginning to think they're a myth!!!!
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    • Day 10

      Moving from Dunedin to Hampden

      February 20 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      Last night when I returned from my walk I got chatting with another 'camper' and his theory is the less water you have on board makes travelling easier. He also helped me with POP's. Pops are park over properties, similar to motorhome parks but no extras. So that is something else I have learnt.
      It was an early start for me. Managed the black waste easy but the grey waste not so well. I don't think I emptied the tank properly but with others waiting I needed to move on. There was leaking on the ground from grey waste so I hadn't turned it off properly. Knocked my confidence again.
      Then it was off for a lovely shower at the baths. I knew how to get there with the road works and did very well on the hills - less revering of the engine!!
      I then went to Hocken Library. Looking for David Smith is difficult but a couple of avenues to explore when I have the time. Need to get a few more facts back in my head.
      With a bit of spare time I opted to go and get more fuel. Saves me worrying later and I had time. I thought I got $50 in Clinton. I suspect it was $150 by going on this reading!
      Then it was back to the dentist to get my stitches removed. She was very pleased the way my mouth had healed and a little shocked at the amount of bruising. She had never seen so much bruising on a patient.
      Very pleased to be on the road again. Brief stop at Palmerston and the on to Hampden where I stayed on the way home from Christchurch in Dec. Loads more people here this time so no sea views from the camper. Might have to bite the bullet and freedom camp.
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    • Day 11

      Night two at Hampden

      February 21 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Quiet night here in Hampden to spite the train track being very close. It didn't wake me when they went through.
      After my posting on Facebook I was very surprised at the number of people that were interested in this pensioners journey. Hope they have the link now. Like I have said I won't be offended if it isn't your cup of tea.
      This morning I finally got the jackpot and got a beautiful spot. The sea is close and I can see and hear the waves.
      Hampden is a bit further north from the Moeraki Boulders. Seemingly 40 minutes to walk there. Decided it was a little far but walked a long way down the beach. I tried to develop my artistic side. Better say that it is a "W" incase you don't see my arty side!
      This morning I got the map out and plotted my next move.
      Waimate is my next stop. Decided to re-read my David Smith book to get all the facts in my brain before going to the Museum in Waimate where David Smith lived. Re-reaading it certainly high lighted somethings I could have researched at Hocken Library if I had remembered.
      Walked up to the shops this afternoon (there is a dear little gift shop and a Night n Day) and decided on sausages for my meal tonight and tomorrow night and the next night..! They don't have small amounts. Oh well.
      We had some bagpipes playing here this afternoon too. So lovely to hear. The guy walked by, just with street clothes on but it was so good to hear.
      Busy here but not super busy.
      Take care out there
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    • Day 11

      Not sure what day this is

      February 21 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Some will know that my parents, after Dad retired went on a retirement holiday and as I recall they talked about it for the rest of their lives. Softball was their interest and it was said people turned around and there was Joycey and Stan (Auntie Joan some of the time ). I think it was in 1986. For me, I don't have to write and post letters. We take it for granted the internet will be available and I can communicate in real time.
      Mum and Dad had a wee pop up camper and left Invercargill in Dec so it was a little warmer than for them. If this six week trip is successful (l learn all I need to know) then I will go to the North Island later in the year. I look forward to posting pictures of me in the same place as Mum and Dad.
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