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      East Coast

      17. Februar 2018 in Neuseeland ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Woke up around 7:30 in Robin Hood Bay - one of our favs. We then headed back down the mountain and stopped for breakfast at one of the lookouts. Once down the mountain we continued on Highway 1 for a little and stopped at a beach called Cloudy Bay. The beaches where really pebbled with a lot of drift wood. We walked along the beach for a short while then continued on to Kekerengu where we stopped at a market we saw. This market was a little trash and treasure market. We bought some tomatoes as well as some dvds and cds from a local guy. The cds were pretty rubbish but for a $1 who really cares. After about half an hour of looking we continued on to Kaikoura which was one of the town hit the worst in 2011, the local had told us to go have a look. On the way down the damage was very evident with major road works happening because several cliff sides had fallen away. Roads that were higher up the mountain were no longer accesable. Just outside of Kaikoura we stopped at a local hunting shop. Chris wad having a field day!! He bought a knife to open the oysters with as well a as souvenir hat. Once we reached Kaikoura we parked the car and walked around the local shops. We then found a really good food place called Groper Garage. The food here was amazing!! So fresh and such a good feed. Chris had fish, chips and salad and Amanda had nanchos. We both left feeling pregnant haha. We then decided to take the Kaikoua Peninsula link which took us to Seal Bay and a Seal Colonel. The first stop was a look out and we didnt really see any seals. We continued on down the road where we got out and walk along the rocks on the bay. Here we saw what we thought was a nice little seal. With a few selfies and hangs we then had a near death experience. The bloody seal started roaring at us!! Think he was angry we where standing near him. We were so scared we ran off haha and then headed back to the car.Weiterlesen

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