New Zealand
Table Creek

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    • Dag 32

      NZ - Abel Tasman

      17. marts 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Ach ja...was soll ich da noch sagen 😍???

      Heute sind Ola und ich durch den Abel Tasman National Park gewandert! Wunderschön!!

      Tja, aber leider mussten wir uns auch schon wieder verabschieden! So - bye bye Ola, it was a great pleasure to meet you! I had lots of fun, even on this scary roads ;-) See ya in Copenhagen!

      Wenn der liebe Wettergott morgen mitspielt und die Sonne scheint, werde ich eine Kajak-Tour entlang der Küste machen!

      Oh ich bin schon aufgeregt 😁!
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    • Dag 15

      Long day of Traveling... Ugh

      6. maj 2016, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      So last night we had a freaking shit ton of alcohol and did a mini bar crawl in Wellington. We went to three bars which was pretty good since the bars down here are really strict and won't serve you if they feel like you have had too much to drink. One of the people we were with actually got kicked out of one of the bars that we were at.

      Well a large portion of us didn't sleep very much that night and ended up leaving really early to catch a ferry which is 3 and a half hours long to cross over to the south Island. Most people just slept the entire journey. Once we got off the ferry we were back on the bus for three more hours to get to Abel Tasman national park. On our way we stopped at several places including this River bed that was in the hobbit movies. I wish I would have got the name but I can't remember it for the life of me. It was great to spend some time after the long car ride just to skip rocks. This road trip has been long winding roads on the side of mountains with ocean on the other side. In other words really amazing scenery!

      We then had a little stop to eat in Nelson. Then headed to where we were staying, a small little place called old MacDonald farm. Yes, there are animals roaming around on this farm. We ended up turning it in early after a late night the day before.
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    • Dag 16

      Sea kayaking

      7. maj 2016, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      So this morning we got up and was picked up by a sea taxi. It was a boat that was being pulled by a tractor. The tractor pulled us to a little boat launch where it launched the boat. It was really interesting seeing how well these people worked together to grt a bunch of these taxis in the water efficiently. They do this daily with big tractors because of the huge variation of water levels due to the tides. The guide said that it that day the tide would be the biggest variation of the season. Sweet as. Once on the sea taxi we drove up by some seals and got some pictures. He explained how it used to be real easy to hunt them because seals are lazy and curious so they would just sit there as people would come to them. The Americans said to keep us Canadians away from the seals so we wouldn't club them. Until that point I had forgot that they club seals in the north.

      We then docked the boat in anchorage and hiked a bit taking in the scenery before heading to the beach for some sea kayaking. I feel like by the end of the trip I'll be almost a sea kayaking expert or at the very least a semi competent paddler.

      After a couple hours of kayaking we headed back to the farm and took a well deserved shower before supper and a camp fire. Sitting by the campfire telling stories under the stars was a nice little detail that I had never really expected coming into the trip. I kept hesitating to go to bed or to stay up because I knew that I would be getting up early the next morning in the hope of falling out of a plane. I was really hoping for shitty weather in the morning so that it would be cancelled again but I would not be so lucky.
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    • Dag 56

      Abel Tasman

      27. maj 2016, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Eager to go, we set out a sunrise and drove to Marahau where we parked in town and sorted out our water taxi pick up for the end of the trek. We had a 2 kilometre walk from there to the trail head.
      With 4 days of storms and bad weather planned we didn't know what to expect. The weather turned out to be excellent except for one hour of rain on day 2. A wicked storm did come along the first night but we were safely in a hut. The trail was very well laid out and groomed which made walking easy. Gravel and dirt for the most part, there were many sandy beach sections. For the next 4 days we wound in, out and around the coast line.

      We were surprised when booking that it was apparently hard to do the entire trek in the summer in one continuous trip because there are some many bookings. Another reason we are glad it is the offseason. Bugs were also non-existent for the most part. During the trip we had the company of 4 ladies from the Christchurch hiking club as we stayed at the same hut each night. A couple we over actually around 70 so it was impressive to see them trekking the 18km days with full packs. We enjoyed playing quibbler, a word game with cards, with them one night. They were quite entertaining. Each night we stayed at comfortable huts with fireplaces, bunk beds, cooking areas and fresh water. The huts could hold up to 25 people typically but the most we shared with was 9.

      The first day walk took us along many pretty beaches. A short detour took us to Cleopatra’s pool which has a natural water slide which I could not help but trying. The water was frigid so it was quick dip but it was the cleanest I’d been in days.

      Day 2 was really short and we got to camp early. To fill the time I decided to make some kindling for the fire and accidently cut the tip of my thumb off with my knife. It was pretty good wound that went clean through and took a couple millimetres off the tip. I quickly bandaged it up. It didn’t bleed too much which was good and as luck would have it one of the other campers was a doctor and took a look at it the next morning and didn’t think stitches would do much better with the location of the wound. Based on that assessment and that it didn’t look infected, we decided to finish the hike.

      One interesting aspect of this hike is that you had to take in account tides for certain section. For example to cross one bay we had to wait for low tide or else the trail was inaccessible. We had one of these crossings on the morning of day 3 and had to set out early to cross the bay. The bay hadn’t completely dried so we had to walk barefoot through ankle deep water in sections. The crossing wasn’t very long only 500m but if you arrived at the wrong time you were stuck. The rest of day 3 was more coastal walking with a side track to Separation Point a scenic lookout. We ended up at this old historic house from the 1890s that was turned into Whariwharangi hut. It was like staying in an old farm house. I really enjoyed it.

      The final day took us inland as we looped back over a 400m summit to our taxi pick up location. The water taxi was fun and put a nice finishing touch on the trip as we motored along the entire coast we had just walked. In total we walked about 60km.
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    • Dag 10

      Abel Tasman

      5. marts 2016, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Alors, Alors?!? Quoi de prévu les filles aujourd'hui!

      La Blonde et la Brune en randonnée volume 2!!!

      Levée 6h ( encore... :'( ) nous préparons notre sac à dos pour Abel Tasman, la randonnée du Sud du littoral de l'île.
      Motivation : euh, bof, bof...
      État physique : catastrophique, j'ai déjà les genoux et les hanches rouillés! Le réveil est plus que difficile et je réalise l'ambition que j'ai eu de vouloir traverser la Nouvelle-Zélande en 21 jours!!

      Le thème de la journée c'est JPP!
      J'EN PEUX PLUS! Lol

      7h le bus et là! Nous roulons une heure jusqu'à Marahau, lieu de notre remorquage par des Water taxis sur Tirent Bay ou commence notre sentier de randonnée.

      Le bateau nous dépose donc sur cette bay et à nous de traverser maintenant les 18km qui nous séparent de Marahau ou le bus nous rattrapera ce soir à 18H.

      Nous traversons donc le premier sentier de Torent Bay qui mène aux Cleopatra Pool, puis Arcochage et le sentier de Marahau sur 13km!
      C'est tipar!
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