New Zealand

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    • Day 12

      Christmas CV Day 6

      December 25, 2024 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Definitely one of our strangest christmases yet! I bought small things for Kinzie’s stocking at the grocery store two days ago. She made it known we did it- but she was happy to have some surprises in the morning. After breakfast in the camper (super fancy egg/spam scramble), we got on the road to head towards Christchurch. We’ve been trying to get back to sunshine and it didn’t happen today, but it didn’t start raining until our hike was done.
      We chose one with forest and along the river- and it was an easy, flat walk. Not terribly interesting, but nice to be out and moving. We saw lots of wildflowers- different than the ones in previous days. And the forest was different too- not mossy at all. Much drier.
      We ended at a lake with many families picnicking and playing with jet skis and small power boats. We chatted about how cool it would be to finish the school year, have Christmas, and have summer vacation start all at the same time. It felt like our 4th of July celebrations. Fun to watch. We waded in the lake to cool our tired feet and hiked back to the car. We did well/ 10.2 miles in 3:49. We were all tired and hungry. After lunch we hit the road towards Christchurch. The campground I found wasn’t accepting anyone Christmas Day (everything was closed- even gas stations). I booked it for the night of 12.26 and started looking for other places. We drove by a DOC spot right on the water, but the people there gave us the willie’s. We haven’t had good luck with the free places to park. All the rest of the campgrounds closed early (for us) so we decided we’d try to find a place to just pull off. We went into Christchurch and found a public parking lot and pulled in there to cook dinner. It was already late and we were all tired. Mike found a huge piece of salmon 🍣 and grilled it outside. It was delicious- melted in your mouth. We cleaned up and headed out- I found a website by the Christchurch township and got some good info about where we could freedom camp and where we couldn’t. With a certified self-contained campervan, we have a lot more flexibility. Doesn’t mean it was easy- flat spaces have no parking signs. Places we could park were on a slope (tough to sleep!). We finally found a little spot on the side of the road where people pull off to look at the view. Seems like a winner! Plus we’re overlooking the large Christchurch port.
      One other thing we saw today- giant hedges. Everywhere. They plant evergreens in a straight line, let them all grow together, and then cut them all into straight lines and top them all off. I can’t imagine the size of the equipment they use. The hedges have to be 20’ high. It was crazy.
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    • Day 30

      Auf den Canterbury Plains

      November 16, 2024 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Die Canterbury Plains liegen südlich von Christchurch und werden im Westen von den Neuseeländischen Alpen („Southern Alps“) und im Osten vom Meer begrenzt. Die Canterbury-Ebene entstand aus den Schuttkegeln einiger großer Flüsse, vor allem des Waimakariri River, Rakaia River, Selwyn River/Waikirikiri und des Rangitata River. Es ist ein extrem flaches Land, das oft von extremen Dürren heimgesucht wird.

      Bei den Washpen Falls, ein Geheimtipp der tatsächlich noch einer ist, führt ein abwechslungsreicher und spannender Trail durch einheimische Wälder und Landschaften aus Vulkangestein mit Lava Felsbrocken aus Rhyolit zu zwei Wasserfällen.

      Zwei Alpengletscher speisen den 150 Kilometer langen Rakaia River, der durch ein Flussbett fließt das vor Urzeiten durch einen riesigen Lavastrom entstanden ist. Beim Eintritt in die Ebene der Canterbury Plains wird er durch den Rakaia Gorge auf rund 8 Flusskilometer eingeengt und mündet schließlich in den pazifischen Ozean. Bei der Rakaia River Bridge starten mehrere Wanderwege in die Schlucht. Wir laufen den kurzen Weg (Hin- und Rückweg zusammen lediglich 3,5 Kilometer und knapp 200 Höhenmeter) zum „Lower Lookout“, erleben einige kurze Regenschauer und freuen uns dennoch über die tollen Ausblicke auf den Fluss, die beiden Brücken und in den Gorge.

      Ein Stopp in Fairlie auf dem Weg nach Tekapo muss sein. Die berühmten Pies im Fairlie Bakehouse sind die besten der Südinsel und eine starke Konkurrenz zu den Pies in Ingelwood auf der Nordinsel.
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    • Day 22

      Arthurs Pass to Lake Tekapo

      February 13, 2024 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Another long and very scenic drive to Lake Tekapo. We stopped on route for coffee and leg stretch, but flat farmland and small towns, so no scenic points until you reach the Lake, which is stunning.So beautiful and clear.
      Dropped the car off and then for a walk. Simply beautiful.
      At Lake Tekapo, you can see the stars and the planets on clear night. There are no clouds in the sky tonight. An old Scottish guy does a talk about the stars and the planets late on a clear night, so we went along to listen to him. Saw Orions belt and the International Space station. The sky was full. There was so much going on. Simon has all the brilliant pictures. We left when the scary night stories started
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