Zillian Hill

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    • Tag 39

      Wanaka to Haast

      9. Oktober 2022 in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Really enjoyed Wanaka but time to move on. Quite a grueling drive to Haast but the scenery was amazing. Such a pity that there weren't many places to stop and take photographs. Trying to concentrate on the driving and enjoy the scenery was quite difficult. It was also very windy (weather) and windy (the road). Stopped to take some photos at Lake Hawea and nearly got blown away. The road over Haast Pass was a real test for the truck. A gradual windy climb up and a steep windy run down. Stopped at a camping/rest area called Pleasant Flat for lunch. Anne renamed it Sandfly Central. As soon as we opened the caravan door the sandflies flew in. I had sandals and shorts on, and the sandflies took to my legs and feet as if they were magnetic. we got out of there as quick as we could. Checked in to Haast Lodge and Motor Park. An interesting place. Looks like it may have been a Ministry of Works roading base. The kitchen and ablution block were well cared for and clean. The camp was very busy with the whitebait season in full swing.Weiterlesen

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