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  • Dag 62

    Flying out to the Cancun

    16 mars 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Federica called me during the press conference of the SWISS Bundesrat saying they advice that Swiss citizen should come back. I could hear she was very concerned. We phoned and the end she said; You are an experienced and well traveled person, I trust your gut feeling. Thank you for that Schätziböhni!
    I actually have a gut feeling that the virus will not visit me.

    Today at school a girl from Switzerland told me that there are direct Edelweiss flights from Cancun to Zürich.
    Until now I thought it is best to stay put because whilst traveling I’m more at risk than staying here.
    Now the situation appears more likely to get worse and out of hand despite the virus does not like the heat (hearsay). Guatemala will not be able to handle many cases.

    I decided to fly out tomorrow 17.3.2020 to Cancun for different reasons. The situation mentioned above. My daughter being concerned.
    I’m closer to an airport which has direct flights to Switzerland. (For now the tickets is 2’700 SFR.!!!!!) I’m on sea level in Cancun. The altitude combined with the heat affects my breathing. 15 minutes walk and I’m exhausted.
    The Mexican health system is better than here in Guatemala.
    I booked an inexpensive AirBNB on the Beach Playa del Carmen, Cancun!! How cool is that!!
    I have friends in Mexico City I can turn to in need. Thank you for that Mike and Oxanna!!

    The doctor of Maximo Nivel (my school) controlled temperature and blood pressure and if fine gave us a “certificate” that we are virus free.
    He also said that Mexico closes their border tomorrow. That people are not allowed on the beach. I’m like...., WHAT!!!!!??

    I wanted adventure, I’ll have adventure.
    Will they let me fly? Will they put me in quarantine in Mexico? I would love a hideout on the beaches of Play del Carmen....
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