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    • Day 44

      Kungsvold - Langklopp Fjiellgård

      June 12 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Souvent ca se passe ainsi nos jours: nous partons le matin et nous ne savons pas jusqu'où nous allons pédaler.
      Aujourd'hui, après les premiers 40km - principalement sur la route E6, accompagnée de la rivière Driva et une vinngtaine des cascades - nous nous arrêtons a Oppdal dans une 'bakeri' pour une pause au chaud. Dehors la pluie s'intensifie et nous restons manger a midi, regardons les choses a vendre dans l'epicerie attenante, jouons un jeu...vers 14h30 Flo dit: bon, on va quand même pas poser notre tente ici. Nous nous rejetons dans le froid et la petite pluie et visons un lieu 23km plus loin. La route nous plaît bien, un peu moins: une crevaison a reparer. Et nous sommes contentes d arriver, prendre une douche et etre au chaud. L' Auberge est familiale et le diner inclus est delicieux. Avec nous, un pèlerin danois et les parents de la hôte qui nous accueillent. On aurait pas pensé le matin, d'être si bien le soir 😊Read more

    • Day 39

      The riding school

      July 20 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      My overwhelming memory of the day is the amount of roadway involved. There was relatively little forest path or farm track to relieve the tedium of either the asphalt or the gris vei.

      Somewhere along the way, there was a little rest stop that provided welcome relief to the seemingly never-ending country road. This was provided by Snorre, a semi-retired academic who was reading up on the local ant species when I arrived. When asked about how widespread ants are in Norway, he pointed out one species that has a range almost all the way to Nord Kap. It appears the critical factor is whether they can keep the nest warm enough in winter to sustain themselves on the food they've collected once the snow cover prevents them from gathering food from outside the nest.

      There was quite a lot of building work on the uphill side of the road away from the farms. I was a little perplexed by this as this seemed to be the least attractive place to put any new homes. I did ask about this later and was told that only non-productive land could be used for this development. So, no productive farmland was allowed to be subdivided in this way. There were two quite distinct reactions to the traffic being generated by the population increases that were taking place. These were on the opposite ends of the spectrum, as one might expect, with one person feeling that it was ruining the quiet ambience of the neighbourhood, and the other welcoming the population increase as a source of revenue for the local council and other local businesses.

      Langklopp was run as a traditional farm up until about 11 years ago when the parents handed over running of the farm to one of the daughters. It is now run as a riding school, and there were plenty of girls and young women actively engaged in that, or perhaps just enjoying being with the horses.

      The local river is apparently a quite well-known salmon breeding river and for the number of salmon caught in it, including the one that provided our dinner. It provided a very nice meal.
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