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      Snow, wind and rain

      22. März 2022 in Norwegen ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

      It snowed and the wind had calmed down when we woke up this morning. Unfortunately, by the time we had finished our breakfast, the wind had picked up again and the snow was mixed with rain. Anyways, we geared up and left Nonsbu hut to hike further to the North of this island. The weather got a little better (meaning it almost stopped snow-raining), so we decided to take a detour and hike up a hill overlooking the fjord. Even the sun came out for a bit :) In general, the light is pretty amazing up here! Even though the weather is kind of rough, we really enjoy the color range and the landscape!
      When we reached our cabin for the night, we were a bit disappointed as it's relatively big (sleeps maybe 20 people). This also means that it takes forever for the room to heat up. That's why we spent the evening very close to the fireplace ;) Actually the best place as it started to rain quite heavily again...

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    Trolldalen, Q35405374

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