Bor i: Singleton, Australia Les mer Singleton, Australia
  • Dag 40

    Airlie Beach

    19. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    It's been a very quiet day today.

    We woke up and headed to the pool for the pancake breakfast. As we finished eating it started to rain and that was pretty much the way it was all day. Of course it didn't stop the girls from going to the pool however we decided to put off our look around Airlie till tomorrow and just enjoyed a quiet day at the van. Joe managed to wash the car and we did the caravan park's word jumble when we made the girls take a break from the pool for lunch.Les mer

  • Dag 39

    Airlie Beach

    18. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We left Bowen around 10am and went to see the Big Mango on the way. It was only an hour drive to get to Airlie Beach.

    The caravan park has the most amazing water park! The girls ran from the van as soon as they were able to get changed and we didn't see them till Joe went to find them for lunch. We took the opportunity to get washing done and gave the van a good clean. After lunch the girls waited the bare minimum amount of time possible before heading back to the pools and Joe and I enjoyed some much deserved quiet time just vegging out at the van which was great and managed to feed some of the locals. Bringing a little quality bird seed is so much better than giving them bread and biscuits. Joe and I also worked out the last week of our trip and had a look at what there is to do in the area.

    It's 5.30pm and the breeze is just starting to get a bit cool. We're doing BBQ for dinner and planning a chilled out evening.
    Les mer

  • Dag 38

    Driving to Bowen

    17. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We left Lync-Haven before 7am with the plan to drive as close to Airlie Beach as we could. The girls jumped straight in the car, PJ's and all and we set off. It was a surprisingly quick trip as we watched the landscape change from thick rainforest to beach and sugarcane fields and slowly return to the more bush like landscape were used to. We even started spotting more red dirt again.

    Before we knew it, it was 10am and we decided to stop for fuel and breakfast in Innisfail. About an hour or so after getting back on the road we heard an assistance request over the radio and shortly after stopped to help a couple on the side of the road with a punctured tyre on their Harley. Joe sorted them out and we were on our way again.

    We stopped just outside Townsville for fuel and some lunch. I called the Airlie Beach Big 4 we were booked into from tomorrow but unfortunately they were booked out and couldn't fit us in for the extra night so we headed to the Bowen Big 4 for the night and got in after 5pm. It's a nice little caravan park but is clearly designed for smaller vans. Could be interesting getting out in the morning! The girls went and had a look at the beach while we got sorted. We were too tired to want to organise dinner so we drove over to Bird's Fish and Chips and grabbed some takeaway. It really hit the spot!!

    The girls have their blogs done and are currently enjoying the complementary internet available here until I need to upload what they've written. I spent hours in the car today uploading blogs and photos from the last week we've been without service. I'm not in a rush tonight! It was one of our biggest driving days of the trip today but tomorrow is a nice easy 1 hour drive to Airlie Beach and their super duper Big 4 with its own water park! Joe is very excited! He's completely exhausted from today.

    ** Nearly forgot to say we clicked over the 10,000km mark about 25km before we arrived in Bowen!
    Les mer

  • Dag 37

    Daintree Lynx-Haven Rainforest Accom

    16. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    For our last day in the Daintree we decided to stay at the caravan park and just chill out. We started the day with our chance to pay forward the help we were given with our tyre when Joe noticed the French tourists across from us had locked their keys in their car and were looking seriously concerned it took Joe nearly half an hour and two coat hangers to save the very embarrassed and stressed young couple who were very grateful. The look of utter relief on their faces when the car was unlocked was priceless.

    At 10am we did the tour of the rescue that is part of the caravan park. The owners Justin and Kristy have built on what the previous owner started and currently house 3 crocodiles, 19 wallabies and two pure Dingoes. About half the wallabies are to be released back into the wild while the others are what he calls 'lifers' and will stay here and be used to educate visitors.

    As well as these animals they also have about 3 cockatiels, a cranky little conure, lorikeets, galahs, 15 Eclectus Parrots and several snakes. On any given day 6 parrots and 2 snakes can be found free ranging in the grasses area in front of the restaurant or on stands around the seated area. It's fantastic to be able to see these animals out of their cages. There are multiple signs up telling people not to touch the animals (and if you've ever seen the results of an Eclectus bite you would understand) but just being able to see them out like that is a great experience.

    After the tour Joe and I sat for about an hour watching the snakes being unusually active and possum (a disabled Eclectus) climb over the chairs and table. To be honest to was probably the other tourists that were the most entertaining! English people calling the cockatiels 'pigeons', freaking out over the real snakes on the ground, generally being amazed at the free ranging animals just as we did the first day.

    We decided to stay and have lunch. Justin had mentioned to Paige that they also have a joey being bottle fed and brought it out to show her when he saw us waiting for lunch. She was seriously impressed! Unfortunately he couldn't keep her out for long with a tourist bus full of people noticing the joey not long after Justin brought it out. They are very careful not to allow the animals to be stressed. They can not be faulted on their dedication.

    After lunch we took a walk to look at the aviaries and went back to the van. While the girls watched a DVD and Joe practiced his chanter, I went for a walk with my camera through one of the rainforest walks here at the caravan park. It was beautiful! The rainforest is life on to of life. Everywhere you look is alive, the air is so fresh and it is completely peaceful. By the time I got back Joe had started packing up the non essentials outside and tidied up the car ready for another big driving day tomorrow.

    After a bit more organising an some dinner we sat and watched Rio 2 and I'm hoping for an early night. We've had an amazing time up here! If you ever get the chance to see it don't pass it up and if you don't stay, make sure you at least visit Lync-Haven for a meal and a look at their growing rescue!
    Les mer

  • Dag 36

    Jungle Surfing through the Daintree

    15. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Paige was up at the crack of dawn ready to help Justin, the owner, feed the birds. Lara decided to go as well. They came back about an hour later, very pleased with helping out!

    We had breakfast and headed off to Jungle Surfing! It is a series of six zip lines through the rainforest canopy. Definitely something to experience! Very pricey ($95 for kids $105 for adults) but a great one off activity.

    To start with the girls got in the human hamster wheel to get Joe and I up to the first platform. They were particularly looking forward to that bit. Then other people in the group hoped on the wheel to get the girls up and so on. The first three sections were in pairs and the girls insisted on going together and that they went first. At each platform our guides Ben and Noel would tell us about the area we could see along with information about the trees and the wildlife. Occasionally we saw Ulysses Butterflies flying around but I wasn't quick enough with the camera to catch one. They are apparently one of the fastest butterflies in the world as protection as their brilliant blue colouring makes them easy for predators to spot.

    From the third platform we could see through the rainforest, across Cape Tribulation beach and out to sea to the Great Barrier Reef. It was awe inspiring. The following zip line was the longest at 78m long. They slowed you down half way across so you could really get a good look from about 18m above ground level. The forth zip line was our first individual trip and was a lot faster than the others. The fifth was also individually and we all flew through the canopy up-side-down! The last was a race to the finish in pairs side by side and it was very quick!

    We got back to the gift shop and picked up our photos and ducked in to the Turtle Rock Cafe for lunch before heading back to the van. The girls got their blogs started for the day before heading to reception for iceblocks.

    We had a very quiet afternoon at the van. The girls watched a movie while I sorted photos on the laptop and Joe practiced his chanter. It's five weeks today since we left on our adventure and I'm still amazed at all the things we've managed to see and do. Once we leave the Daintree we will officially be on our way home with a few fun stops along the way. It's really been a dream trip. So many more places we want to see now but we're all looking forward to being home again. Only two weeks left of our first real Australian adventure.
    Les mer

  • Dag 35

    The Daintree Discovery Centre

    14. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    After Joey's pancakes for breakfast we had planned on going on the caravan park's tour of their rescued animals and other animals they keep here but the owner came to pre warn us he had a school group along for the morning and we probably wouldn't be able to do as much with the large number of people. We decided to put off our tour till Saturday however Paige decided to join in with the school group and absolutely loved it!

    When she came back we went to the nearby Daintree Discovery Centre. This is an award winning educational experience of the Daintree where you are given a small speaker which gives you specific information by pressing the numbers when you come to a sign. Exceptionally well put together and also comes with a booklet for additional information to keep. (You get 10% discount on your entry if let them know you're staying in the Daintree)

    The first area is an Ariel Walkway taking you on a walk through the mid canopy with information on what you see as you go. Then we got to the 23m tower taking you to the top of the canopy and 4 bars of 3G phone reception which Joe discovered very quickly! We completed the next three areas and returned to the main building and tried their bush tucker tasting plate which we all enjoyed.

    We got back to the van and decided on cheese and biscuits for our late lunch. We spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging around the van or looking around the caravan park. Listening to the sounds of the rainforest is so relaxing (when I can get everyone else to be quiet!) Such a beautiful place to be.
    Les mer

  • Dag 34

    Cape Tribulation

    13. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    After a getting a few things done at the van we headed north towards Cape Tribulation! Where the rainforest meets the sea. It was about a 40 minute drive from Lync-Haven through the winding rainforest lined road. It is so beautiful here. I would bottle the air if I could. The perfect mix of ocean and rainforest smells and not a hint of dust.

    We arrived to find the car park pretty full. You walk down a path surrounded by rainforest which just seems to stop and open to the white sand. We walked across the sand to the water. If it weren't for the crocodile warnings I could've walked straight in. The water was as warm as the Mataranka Springs.

    We walked to the far end of the beach, ankle deep through the water. The girls found a few small shells, we found a small pipi and let the girls watch it dig itself in and tried to figure out what the sparkle is through the sand.

    When we got to the end we found the mouth of the river from the book 'Where the rainforest meets the sea'. We walked in as far as we could safely. Being low tide we saw school's of fish stuck in puddles and looked for signs of crocs (but we didn't find any). We headed back along the rainforest edge of the beach, spotting coconut trees and taking photos. As we headed back to the car we found the path to the lookout and decided to have a look before headed back to the van.

    We had some lunch and brought in the washing when a lady walking by mentioned see a Cassuarie on one on the walking trails so we headed out for a look. The walking trails here are great. You have to watch for large tree roots across the path but it is beautiful thick, lush green rainforest all around you. We didn't spot the cassuary but we had a great time.

    Once we finished the trail the girls headed back to the van while Joe and I had another look at the resident animals. Joe managed a few catch up texts on the one bar of 3G service we get on and off. Before we knew it it was time for dinner and a movie in the van. A really good day. I just love it up here!
    Les mer

  • Dag 33

    Driving to the Daintree

    12. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    We had a pretty low key morning packing up and headed off from Kuranda just before 10. It wasn't long before we got our first glimpse of the beach. A huge reminder of just how far we've travelled. The lush green Rainforest gave way to sugarcane fields. We stopped at Mossman for a couple of new tyres ($$ouch) then kept going towards the Daintree.

    We reached the ferry across the Daintree River. The girls were a little apprehensive about driving the car and caravan onto a boat. $37 for a return ticket (no specific return date). They fit about 12 cars plus two camper trailers and our caravan and the trip took about two minutes. I'll admit I was more than a little excited to reach the other side. Going to the Daintree has been something I've wanted to do since I was a teenager. As we drove off the boat and up the narrow road through the stunning rainforest I was teary knowing how much Pete would've loved being here and how happy he would've been for me.

    There was no warning about just how narrow the roads were. The first 10km are terribly winding and the van would've taken up the full width of our side of the road. A bit scary when you have a truck coming down the opposite side!

    When we arrived at the Lync-Haven Rainforest Accommodation we were greeted by several snakes on the ground and 4 Eclectus parrots sitting out on the backs of chairs outside the restaurant/office. Once we set up we went back for a late lunch and had a better look at the wild life. On the way back from lunch we had a looked at several aviaries of rescued and donated birds and their area for rescued wallabies. Before we got back to the van we bumped into the owners who were walking their two pure dingoes. We weren't able to pat them but the owners were very knowledgeable. Apparently it's estimated only 5% of dingoes in the wild are actually pure breed dingoes with cross breeding with wild dogs their biggest threat.

    We spent the rest of the afternoon doing washing and looking through pamphlets of things to do in the area. We took a walk around the small caravan park area then through one of the shorter rainforest walks on the property. It's so beautiful up here. The sounds, the smells, the thick, never ending trees and the massive variety among them. It's incredible.
    Les mer

  • Dag 32


    11. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Well, after a few phone calls it appears the spare tyre will have to wait till tomorrow with no one within an hour's drive having a tyre that will fit our spare. Joey did track down a place that will be on our way to the Daintree tomorrow so the tyre is on hold till then.

    With that sorted we headed down into Kuranda for our much anticipated day at Birdworld, Koala Gardens and the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary. We went to Birdworld first, knowing we could come back again later if we wanted. The girls couldn't wait to get in. The birds were a little more stand offish than expected but we put that down to the deck area being pressure cleaned. We walked around the winding path looking at Cassuaries, the water bird area, and just the massive range of birds flying around. Poor Paige who had gone off on her own had came up to me in tears after a smaller bird bit her on the cheek. This made her more than a little weary but we still had a great time interacting with so many birds. Joe made friends with one of the Macaws fairly quickly. The majority of the birds kept being spooked by some sort of bird of prey sitting in a tree just outside the aviary. We were told this was also impacting on how many of the birds were interacting with people so we decided to move on to Koala Gardens and come back to the birds later.

    After a bite in the Frog Cafe for morning tea we went into Koala Gardens which is more or less your average small petting zoo and a great place for the kids. We got our first look at fresh water crocodiles and the girls also got the opportunity to hold a koala and get a photo. The girls loved feeding the roos and the food was freely available which was great. They had a good nocturnal exhibit where we saw Bilbies among a few things and a few reptile displays which we sort of skimmed as we went past. We've seen a lot of reptiles on this trip!

    We left Koala Gardens and went into the Butterfly Sanctuary which was very similar to the Butterfly house in Coffs Harbour. Apart from the butterfly's themselves there was also a caterpillar room and a desk with a tray of butterflies under a microscope that the girls could move and focus on any part of the butterflies and he image could be seen on a screen above. Once the girls made their souvenir choices we headed back to Birdworld for another look.

    The birds were much more sociable when we got there. It didn't take long before Joe and Lara had birds all over them. Joe's macaw came back not long after arrived and wasn't interested in anyone else. He even had some Indian tourists have their photo taken with Joe and the Macaw because it wouldn't sit on them. Poor Paige wanted to hold bird but was frightened whenever they went near her. Joe managed to get the macaw onto her for a minute but it quickly wanted him back. Lol.

    Before we knew it the girls were starving and we realised it was already 3pm. We had one last look through the market on the way back to the car. It's a permanent market and includes the entrances to all three attractions within a reasonably small area.

    We went back to the van for lunch. The Kuranda Rainforest Accomodation where we are stay is only a two minute drive from where we were. After lunch we took a drive into Smithfield for groceries. They have a huge new shopping centre. Being on the outskirts of Cairns it was only a 20 minute drive although most of the narrow road was very steep and full of tight turns.

    We had a quiet evening making phone calls before we are without any service for a few days in the Daintree. Just need to sort out my 3000+ photos on the laptop before bed and we'll be ready to head north in the morning!
    Les mer

  • Dag 31

    Driving to Kuranda

    10. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    We headed off about 9am, a little cautious after Joe found the spare tyre we put in yesterday had lost some pressure overnight. With no chance of getting a new spare before Monday we continued on to Kuranda. Our fuel stop and tyre check 100km down the road helped with our concerns with the tyre keeping pressure.

    We continued on to Atherton and The Crystal Cave! If I had been her as a kid I would've blown a decade of pocket money! It's all hands on and the girls were amazed every time they turned around. We spent a few minutes looking around the shop before doing the tour of the cave created by the owner to display his personal collection. Anything not behind glass and within reach could be touched. A huge number of crystals and fossils of all sizes from all over the world. Including the biggest amethyst geode in the world!The girls were in awe! We spent ages in the shop afterwards which Joe coped very well with. Once decisions were finally made and purchased, we went back to the van for a quick bite of lunch before continuing on.

    I'm still amazed at how red every still is despite being so close to the coast. Although everything is lush and green, you occasionally see the odd blood red patch of dirt in paddocks along the side of the roads.

    We got to Kuranda around 2.30 and set up. We've found a tyre service to go to in the morning with a supermarket up the road in nearby Smithfield, then back to see Kuranda for the rest of the day tomorrow. As for today we will be chilling out in the beautiful rainforest atmosphere.
    Les mer

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