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    • Day 199

      4 Lakes hike (Camping edition)

      September 17, 2023 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      As we really were longing for some camping in nature we rather spontaneously decided to do a three days two nights camping trip. The trek we chose can be done within one (very long and exhausting) day and passes 4 lakes and one pass. But where is the fun in having a super exhausting 12 hour dayhike?! ;)
      Our first day of hiking led us to laguna Ahuac: the distance was only 5.75 km but with 1120 meters of altitude to climb (and >10 kg of food and camping gear on our backs 🥵). We set up camp all alone at the lake on 4550m and had cold dinner in the tent because it started raining before dinner time - we even woke up in the middle of the night to SNOW and a little stream flowing underneath our tent which we (or Gilles - thanks Swiss Army for his survival skills!) brought under control by digging little canals all around our tent 😂 After little sleep we conquered our highest altitude so far: el Zorro pass at 4980 m 💪🏼 The path had the most beautiful mars-like rock colours we have ever seen - the video truly does not give it credit enough! After lunch on the pass came our steep and rocky descend of roughly to our second camp site roughly 6km away from our first spot, where we first had a perfect view on the superblue lagunas Mullaca and Carhuac, and then dived into a lush valley with many rivers, small waterfalls and a lot of Viscachas, a type of chinchilla looking like a mixture of rabbit and squirrel, hopping around. The second night of camping luckily allowed us to have both a warm dinner and a decent amount of sleep 🥰. After packing up and having breakfast on the third morning, we descended further into the valley and had lunch at the (rather boring) laguna Radian before heading back to Huaraz after 11km for a quick shower, repacking, bringing our rented camping gear back and getting ready for the nightbus: Once again, we were heading to Lima, but this time only to catch a plane to Cusco. Inkas, here we come!
      Ps: Our conclusion of the hike: HIGHLY recommended, especially the camping option! 😍
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    • Day 84

      Paso del Zorro

      May 9 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Letscht wuchä am Donnstig hani mich am morgä am halbi 5i ufä Wäg gmacht zum Passo del Zorro uf 4980 m.ü.m . Dä Miguel hed mich inära Stund, stat Google Maps 1.5 stund, zum start fodä Wanderig brungä mitem ältistä Toyota Corolla woni je gseh ha. Drum hezmi au nid erstuunt dasi churz nachem istigä i sis Auto wieder ha müssä usä zum go hälfä Astossä will d Baterie scho "bizäli" älter sigi 😂. D Wanderig isch sehr sträng gsi und au lang, aber hed sich sehr glohnt.

      Am Tag vorhär han ich mich natürlich no müssä stärchä und was isch da besser als Rinderhärz😁🤔. Natürlich hani a mim erstä tag in Huaraz auno müssä Cuy probiärä, also Meersüli. Isch zimli mager gsi und au nid sehr hungerstillend. Defür hani nacher 3 Täg de schiiser gha🤷🏼‍♂️. Wasmer nid alles fürs Erläbnis macht😂.

      Denn hends in Huaraz diä ganz Wuchä äs Religiöses Fäst gha in Huaraz wo mich sehr ah d Basler Fasnacht erinnert hed 🤔.

      Ja und am Fritig zNacht hani Huaraz schowieder verlah und chilles ezä in Paracas, 12 Stund Busfahrt vo Huaraz entfärnt.
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