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  • Day 54

    Dubai, UAE

    October 6, 2014 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ 🌙 32 °C

    Nice relaxing day for our last day here. After a leisurely breakfast, including the best stuffed tomatoes I've ever eaten, we had a swim. Only problem was the loud and raucous behaviour of the boys in the pool. Both the pool manager and the lifeguard apologised for their behaviour and said it was the worst they'd seen. The lifeguard commented that Arab children take no notice of him and he can tell them a thousand times to stop their behaviour and they simply ignore him. He said he can tell his manager, who can remove them from the pool. Yesterday one boy apparently hit his head and ended up with a bleeding nose. When the pool manager told his mother she didn't want to leave her phone and simply said " he will be OK". After our swim we went into the mall next door for a while and then came back for another swim. What a difference a few hours makes!! There were only about five people around the pool and no children at all!!! The manager said the silence was "music for my ears"!! After our swim we came back to the room to change. There was a lovely birthday cake waiting in the room, with a card from the hotel - a lovely touch. We then went to the Salon in the hotel for "The Collection" afternoon tea. What an amazing spread!! This is the third year they have had this afternoon tea, based on fashion collections for the year. The scones were unbelievable, the sandwiches delicious and the cakes - one in the shape of a stiletto, one a hat and another a purse. The coffee and tea were fantastic - such a nice birthday treat. We came back to the room to pack and then went to the Club Lounge for our final drink. We befriended one of the waiters, from Burma, who eventually wants to go to Sydney to work. He was such a delight and I'm sure we will hear from him in future. Went back to our room and, while we were trying to open the door, one of the staff came past and offered to open the door for us, wishing me happy birthday, without any prompting at all.
    This has been a great experience of what exceptional service is all about, from the manager of the Club Lounge, to the pool attendant and housekeepers. Everyone wants to know if you are enjoying your stay and the hotel. They clearly take a pride in their employment here. We will be sad to leave but also glad to get home to our 'regular' life!!
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