Kreis Ilfov

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    • Tag 99


      14. Oktober 2022 in Rumänien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We actually went here yesterday with Elliott but didn't take our phone in. This is one of the best places I've ever been in my whole life. We liked it so much with Elliott we decided to back again today and we will also spend the full day there the day before we set off back to the UK. (I only took a few pics at night will try and remember in the light next time)

      A million pools, indoor and out, naturally heated, pool bars, jacuzzis, saunas, steam rooms, waterslides, spa treatments, crazy showers, restaurants, infrared light treatments, massage beds and loads more.

      We happened to go during a month long festival, the sauna festival. Where each hour there different shows and experiences in various saunas, ranging from dancers, music and aromatherapy to really obscure things like towel waving performers and herb dancers. It was so crazy and different to anything I've ever experienced.

      THEY ARE BUILDING ONE IN MANCHESTER!!! So you know where to find me once it's open! 😍 (though something tells me it won't be quite as affordable as the one here in Bucharest)😂

    • Tag 112

      Therme - Last Day together in Bucharest

      27. Oktober 2022 in Rumänien ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      For our last day before the journey home we spent an entire day in the Therme. Lennon napped in the clam shell beds and Brace got to go and see the same crazy towel waving dance I got to see last time we visited 😂 I took a full walk around video of this crazy place but its over ten minutes long 🤣 so maybe if I ever get round to editing it down I'll pop it upWeiterlesen

    • Tag 113

      Lennon on a plane

      28. Oktober 2022 in Rumänien ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Everything was delayed at both ends, I couldn't take us both and our baggage into the toilet in the airport and I was boiling from going through security with 20 layers of clothes to avoid having to check and collect a big bag 😂 but Lennon could not have been better behaved the entire flight (which was disappointing due to being sat by a rude, arrogant, water and crisps stealing idiot) 😂

      He made a million friends in the airport, on the plane and on the trains and tubes to meet Georgina in London.

      If it weren't for him being so heavy and me having all our belongings in hand luggage I'd do it again... But I think my back is broken 🙈🤣 so he needs to walk before I'll take him solo on a flight again!

    • Tag 13

      … es gibt ein neues Ziel

      5. April in Rumänien ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      05.04.2024, Freitag
      Wir haben eine gute Nacht am Rande eines schönes Parks verbracht. Sehr leise.
      …und wir sind um 6h früh aufgewacht, die Temperaturen sind so um die 12-13°, also brauchen wir auch die Heizung in der Nacht nicht aufdrehen.
      Ich sitz also grad im Bett, und will meine Knirscherschiene aus dem Mund ins Schachterl tun, und plumps, fällt eine kleine Keramikkrone mit ins Schachterl hinein!
      Mahhhhhhh!!!! Schreck laß nach, jetzt brauch ich auch noch einen Zahnarzt, der mir
      die wieder reinklebt.
      Und um 15h müssen wir Kohbi zu Autoitalia colentina bringen, denn wir haben uns entschieden, daß er hier in Bucarest repariert wird, dann entfällt auch der langwierige, nicht in unserer Macht liegende Transport nach Wien und die Rückreise von über 1000 km.
      Und wir haben uns entschlossen, eine 3-monatige Radreise zu machen. Zur Überbrückung sozusagen.
      Das heißt nun müssen wir alles zusammenpacken, was wir zum Radln und im Zelt zum Übernachten brauchen. Wir brauchen auch 2 Bikekartons, weil wir müssen unsere Reiseräder ein wenig auseinanderbauen. Also ruf ich gleich mal im nächstgelegenen Bikeshop an und wir dürfen uns kostenlos um 9h 2 Bike-Kartons abholen.
      Der Besitzer Katalin macht mir auch gleich noch einen Termin bei seinem Zahnarzt um 11h. Im Shop wird auch noch alles besorgt was wir noch brauchen: 3 Fahrradschläuche, eine zweite Radlhose für mich, Bikehandschuhe, 2 Trinkflaschen und 1 Halter,Bikewerkzeug zum mitnehmen sowie 2 geschenkte Bike-Kartons. Voll nett und zuvorkommend die Rumänen.
      Während Alex im Van schon mal zu sortieren und räumen beginnt, mach ich mich zu Fuß auf den Weg zum Zahnarzt. Der nimmt mich gleich als Erste dran, und fragt vorher höflich den schon vor mir wartenden Pensionisten ob er mich eh vor ihm drannehmen kann. „Notfall“ eben.

      In 15 Minuten klebt meine Keramikkrone wieder dort wo sie hingehört und ich bin ungeheuer erleichtert und fühle mich auch wieder viel schöner und kompletter.
      Dann gehts in unser AirBnB in der Nähe des Flughafens, alles aus dem Van rausräumen und Elektrik stilllegen, Kühlschrank putzen und leer machen und auch unsere Trelino (Trenntoilette) klar Schiff machen. Es kommt alles in die Wohnung,was nun mitkommt, samt Räder und Kartons, und Alex macht sich allein auf den Weg zu Autoitalia um Kohbi dort abzugeben.Stellantis Wien (der Hauptimporteuer von Fiat in Österreich/Wien, hat uns mit Frau Julia (gebürtige Rumänin) eine kompetente Betreuerin zur Seite gestellt, die von Wien aus alle Schritte mit Autoitalia colentina zusammen leiten wird. Damit Kohbi wieder gesund werden kann.

      Ich hab einstweilen aus allen Kühlschrankresten unser Abendessen gekocht und mir
      einen heißen Kaffee gegönnt. Als Alex wieder da ist, beginnen wir die Reiseräder gut zu verpacken, sowie unseren Rucksack und die Radpacktaschen.
      Morgen um 15 h geht unser Flieger.
      Ich nehme nun gerne Quiz-Antworten entgegen wo es nun für uns hingeht.

      Jetzt liegen wir im Bett, voll fertig, wir haben nun ein Ziel vor Augen und freuen uns sehr darauf.
      Alles Liebe aus Bucarest, und Foto gibt es nur dieses eine - ich im Hemd von meinem Papa - so hab ich ihn bei mir und nehm ihn mit - denn dort war er noch nicht - und er hat mit Mama viele,viele Länder bereist!
      Also ich freu mich auf Eure Vorschläge!

    • Tag 94–96


      28. September in Rumänien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Bukarest ist mit 1,8 Millionen Einwohnern die mit Abstand größte Stadt in Rumänien und auch innerhalb der EU weit vorne mit dabei. Am bekanntesten hier ist wohl das Parlamentsgebäude, eines der größten Gebäude der Welt. Der rumänische Diktator Ceaușescu ließ in den 1980er Jahren ein Fünftel der Altstadt abreißen um einen Komplex aus Prachtstraßen, riesigen Wasserspielanlagen und Regierungspalästen zu errichten. In der restlichen Altstadt ist aber noch zu erkennen, warum Bukarest auch Micul Paris (Kleinparis) genannt wird. Mittlerweile ist alles arg in die Jahre gekommen und die Bausubstanz generell oft sanierungsbedürftig. Interessant und beeindruckend ist die Stadt allemal.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8

      Back Home

      20. Oktober in Rumänien ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      Nach einer abenteuerlichen Taxifahrt zum Flughafen und stressigem Check In in Bukarest sind wir heil nach Frankfurt zurück gekommen. Nach einen kurzen Abstecher nach Hattersheim um die extra in Transsilvanien eingefangene Plüsch-Fledermaus in ihr neues Zuhause zu bringen sind wir wieder wohlbehalten in Saarbrücken angekommen. Es war eine sehr interessante und informative Reise, wir hatten Glück mit dem Wetter haben tolle Menschen kennen gelernt und sehr schöne Orte gesehen. Rumänien ist ein sehr interessantes Land, das in vielen Belangen unterschätzt wird.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 1

      Day 1: Therme Bucaresti & Hanu Lui Manuc

      29. November 2019 in Rumänien ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We caught up in Milano Centrale station at 6am.
      There was a Great sunshine ☀️ for our departure in Bergamo Orio Al Serio Airport at 8 am!!
      After 3 hours of Flight (🕜on time) with Wizzair, we arrived in 🌴🌴Therme Bucaresti🌴🌴🌴.. We bought tickets for the Elysium format on webshop, available at (You can see price on
      We spent all day in Therme Bucaresti. It is the biggest relaxation and wellness centre in Europe, Therme Bucuresti is an ‘Everyday Holiday’. With three separate areas to discover featuring 9 pools, 6 saunas, 4 wet saunas and 16 water slides you’ll definitely need an entire day. Did I mention it’s also the largest botanical garden in Romania with 800,000 plants?
      It is a wonderful place!♥️

      Around 8pm we went to city center for dinner in Hanu Lui Manuc. It is one of the most famous restaurant in Bucarest (Hanu' lui Manuc was built in 1808). If you’re looking for traditional Romanian cuisine when visiting Bucharest, look no further than the capital’s oldest inn, Hanul Lui Manuc, in the heart of the city center. The cabbage leaves are stuffed with pork and beef and are then rolled up, baked, simmered or steamed and accompanied with a sauce and with a slice of bacon to top it off. Wash it down with a traditional Romanian house beer. I have the CIORBA: it is a hot, sour soup that can hold any number of ingredients, such as meat, veggies, fish, and beans.…

      Some Tips:
      The centre is open well in to the evening, closing as late as 11.30pm on weekdays and Sundays, and midnight on Saturdays. This really gives you some flexibility over your visit, and allow you to make the most of your day
      Therme is destined only to those who are looking for a few hours of vacation, relaxation and unwinding or fun, depending on preferences. No accommodation facilities are present yet.
      You can bring your own towels. Therme Bucuresti also makes available to visitors towel and robe rental services
      Luggage can be stored in the locker rooms, unless they are too bulky. There is no special room for luggage.
      Therme Bucuresti provides free Wi-Fi to clients.
      Every area is integrated with food courts. The offer is diverse, from simple snacks, to international cuisine. For hygiene and safety reasons (e.g., shards) food and beverages from outside the premises are not allowed
      Payment at restaurants shall be performed with access bracelets and you shall pay with your card upon your exit from the facility, when you turn in the bracelet. There is not a nudist section.

      You can choose among three format:

      The Palm (16+)
      A tropical garden, hydromassage beds, relaxation pools, restaurants, terraces, pool bars, wet saunas and sands of therme beach can all be enjoyed in The Palm. A vast timetable of activities takes place in this zone including aqua shape, hydrobalance, yoga, pilates, face masks, live music, DJ sets, thermotherapy and more. This – together with the Elysium – is the zone I enjoyed.
      Prices start from 59 Lei per adult for 3 hours (approx £11.36)

      The Elysium (16+)
      The Elysium is the wellness area that can be accessed via the Palm. In the Elysium you’ll find themed saunas, calla shower, infra-red beds, relaxation pools, terraces, pool bar, massage facilities and the mango tree restaurant. Activities taking place in this area include an ‘aufguss ritual’, yoga, Pilates and stress away massages. You can find the full timetable for this zone on the website to be sure to get the most out of your visit. Rates for the Elysium include free access to the Palm and Galaxy areas. (according to the website in Jan 2018)
      Prices start from 79 Lei per adult for 3 hours (approx £15.21)

      The Galaxy – Best for Families
      The Galaxy is the place for a family vacation, right here in Bucharest! If you’re travelling with children, it’s really the only zone you an go in since both the Elysium and The Palm are adult only. However, you won’ be missing out with its vast array of facilities including; a relaxation pool, wave pool, waterslides, relaxation area, restaurant and snack bar, galaxy beach, alt library, wet saunas, hydro massage beds, infra-red beds, pool bar, interactive water playground, play station area with consoles and terraces.
      Be sure to check the activities timetable for a peeling and face mask and games with fairy tale characters.
      Prices start from 49 Lei per adult for 3 hours (approx £9.44)

      How to arrive:
      Therme is located outside of Bucharest. Is in the Northen part of the city, 25 km from the city center and around 5 km further North from the Otopeni Airport. There are two ways you can reach Therme: by car or by bus.
      FREE BUS FROM CITY CENTER: the wellness centre provides a FREE shuttle bus from Bucharest centre. There is a purpose-built bus stop on the Piata Romana. You can board the bus from the front, middle and back. There’s no need to see the driver, just board the bus and off you go. There are a couple of stops on the way, making the duration around 30 minutes or so.
      The shuttle bus runs Monday to Sunday with different timetables operating, so be sure to check the timetables before you go. The first shuttle bus leaves 8am on a weekend and 9am on a weekday, running then around every one to two hours.The return shuttle bus stops at the same place you’re dropped off outside Therme Bucuresti, and likewise runs at set times. It’s one bus that runs backwards and forwards. At busy times, it’s a bit of a free for all so you’ll just have to push and shove unfortunately.

    • Tag 5

      Mogosoaia Palace

      18. Oktober 2022 in Rumänien ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Mogosoaia Palace is just about 10 Kms from Bucharest. It was built between 1698-1702. The palace was built for a wealthy family but was devastated by the Ottomans 1768-1774. It was later granted to the sovereign prince of Wallachia. The Palace was bombed by the Germans in WW1 but was reconstructed in the late 1920’s-30’s. The palace was passed down through the prince’s family and in 1931, when Prince George died, he was buried in the small white 1688 chapel in the grounds. Inside, people had to don plastic shoe covers which were very slippery on the marble floors. Not allowed to take inside photos, but an eclectic mix of furniture and art, not ostentatious at all.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 5

      Snagov Monastery

      18. Oktober 2022 in Rumänien ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Snagov Monastery stands on a tiny island in a lake just outside Bucharest. Local tradition states it is the burial place of Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It was originally founded in the 14th century. The inside of the church is ornately decorated with frescoes from floor to ceiling. Vlad the Impaler was the Prince of Wallachian. Historians and archaeologists have tried to prove whether the body is indeed buried under the flagstone, but all they have found is a mix of horse and human bones and nothing confirms Dracula’s interment here. The locals firmly believe it is so. The custodian of the monastery is a single monk who lives onsite with several animals, including ostriches, horses, cats and lots of dogs.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      Bucharest via London

      13. November 2022 in Rumänien ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      We are now in Romania, check off another EU country! It's rough on some of us with overnight flights... Peggy slept a little, watched a few movies and enjoyed another beer. I could not get comfortable. I even tried the floor as we had the bulkhead; back up against the wall, legs stretched out as far as possible... still couldn't get comfortable. Oh, well, we made it, but the London airport is hugh and we had a heck of a hike. Picked up our luggage after clearing passport control then took a stroll to the opposite side of the airport to our hotel for the night.
      Shower, glass of wine and a nice steak salad for dinner, now I'm ready for hopefully a good night sleep!

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Ilfov, Kreis Ilfov, Propinsi Ilfov, Provincia dIlfov, Илфов, Província dIlfov, Distrikto Ilfov, Ilfovi maakond, شهرستان ایلفوو, Județ dIlfov, Condado de Ilfov, Ilfov megye, Provinsi Ilfov, Distretto di Ilfov, イルフォヴ県, ილფოვის ჟუდეცი, 일포브 주, Ilfovo apskritis, Илфов аймаг, Wilayah Ilfov, District Ilfov, Ilfov fylke, Okręg Ilfov, الفوف کاؤنٹی, Județul Ilfov, Ilfov guovlu, Вилояти Илфов, Ilfov ili, Ілфов, الیفوف کاؤنٹی, Kondado han Ilfov, 伊爾福夫縣

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