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    • Day 79–80

      Day 79 - Meson do Ventu to Siguira

      July 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We awoke to leaden skies, high winds and drizzle. We had a long walk today - 25km so the prospect of ponchos all day didn’t fill us with enthusiasm 🙄
      We were on the road by 8.30am. Despite the weather we made good progress averaging about 5.3km per hour. Fortunately not so many hills today.
      We passed by many fields of corn, market gardens with locals tending their cabbages, eucalyptus forests and much asphalt.
      We met a good range of pilgrims that we mostly overtook!!
      We moved ever closer to Santiago on the way markers with now only 16km away.
      We braved removing our ponchos after at least an hour clear of drizzle, however had to quickly don them again just before reaching our destination as the heavens opened.
      We were able to check into our hostel room for the night, then braved the rain once more to find lunch.
      We found a good 3 course meal with drinks and coffee for €13 each - quite amazing-
      We headed back to shower and rest.
      Katie’s birthday is today so we caught up with her 🎶🎂🙌
      Then headed for the supermarket for some provisions.
      We have just watched France lose to Spain so are praying for no parties! England’s turn tomorrow.
      So we hope for sleep as tomorrow we March into Santiago de Compostella the destination of our pilgrimage.
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