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Top 10 Travel Destinations Galicia
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    • Day 34


      October 8, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      9.8 miles walked today. We started off in the dark again and it was so cloudy that it stayed dark for a while.
      Today we walked through Melide. This town is known for its octopus. Weird, since we are not on the coast yet. But...when in Melide. It was delicious.Read more

    • Day 39

      Palas de Rei

      October 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      The foot traffic out of Portomarin this morning was pretty crazy. We were expecting way more Pilgrims but it was still shocking to what we are accustomed to. The new Pilgrims on the trail stand out with their shiny new shoes and their fancy hiking clothes. We are somewhat envious of the newness of their Camino spirit, and their outerwear, but then we watch them struggle with the hills and tend to their new blisters and realize how thankful we are to be past that stage. Don’t get me wrong, we still ache all over at the end of the day and live on ibuprofen, but we are not shocked by that reality anymore.

      With 3 walking days left, it is easy to get in your head about finishing. The realization that 1 misstep could take you out of the game consumes my thoughts and at times I find myself almost marching at a slow steady pace in order to make sure each foot placement lands without injury. Thank goodness there is always so much to see in order to refocus your mind.

      It was another beautiful day in Galicia Spain. Perfect overcast skies for hiking, beautiful flowers to look at, lots of cows and great trails. How will we ever say good-bye to all this?

      Buen Camino ❤️🇪🇸
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    • Day 17

      Playa de Las Catedrales

      December 3, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Heute Nacht hat es mal wieder ordentlich geregnet, aber die Wettervorhersage sagte schönes Wetter für heute voraus...also was soll's

      Wir starteten von unserem Stellplatz am Rande eines Schulzentrums (es gibt nicht immer Instagram-Influenzer- super-schön-Plätze)... zum Glück war es Samstag und sehr ruhig.

      Als erstes stand ein ausgiebiger Einkauf und Ver- und Entsorgung von Wasser auf dem Programm und dann ab an einen schönen Strandabschnitt Namens Strand der Kathedralen.

      Über eine gut ausgebaute Straße ging es um einen weit ins Landesinnere ragenden Meeresarm...gesäumt mit sanften Hügeln und satten wie in der Schweiz...obwohl wir mittlerweile in Galicien waren. Hinter dem Ort Ribadeo liegt besagter Strand mit einem großen Parkplatz.

      Der Tipp von Ede war war gerade Ebbe und die großen Felsformationen lagen frei und wir konnten das Naturspektakel über den Strand durchwandern...sensationell, trotz der vielen Touristen, die nicht wirklich gestört haben...

      Als heftiger Wind und Regen einsetzte verflüchtigten wir uns in das warme Auto und genossen Teile unseres Einkaufs...
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    • Day 44

      Olveiroa to Cee

      June 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today was a good day. Walked with friends, we had a bit of sunshine, some rain. We stopped in a cafe for coffee, and later stopped at a picnic when a herd of cows followed a farmer and the dog (not a border collie....) and the wife through the picnic space. They seemed to have it all figured out, including the cows.

      We arrived in Cee which historically is a whaling town, and now it is a bustling seaside industrial and robust fishing centre. The first views of the sea were striking since I have nearly walked 900 km across the top of northern Spain from east to west, and the sight of water is striking. Yesterday, we saw a lake, and though we have seen a few rivers, by Canadian standards we might call them creeks, and today seeing that soon there will be no where left to walk was actually a bit alarming.

      Also noteworthy, this region is also famous for a werewolf. In the mid 15th century, in recorded documents, currently kept at a library in Paris, a group of 20 pilgrims were attacked and killed by a werewolf like creature. I have attached a picture of the creature. Kathy, Laurel and I did not encounter the werewolf on our travels, but a person is advised to not travel alone or at night.

      Well oddly enough, tomorrow is the end of the road...literally and figuratively for me. There is no where else to go, and since I can't walk on water, I will have to decide. And also finally after 900 km, my legs don't hurt, my feet are healed, my burn is nearly invisible, and my more recent spider bites appear to also be healing. Perhaps it is symbolic. All my physical challenges are healed, and so, therefore, all my spiritual and emotional challenges are also healed. I shall find out tomorrow when I reach "the end of the earth".
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    • Day 3

      Meanwhile, in Santiago…

      June 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

      (this is Kate)

      I’m in Santiago de Compostela, where I was to have finished the Camino de Santiago, met Neal, and then started my vacation as a tourist with him. Well. I got very ill at the end of the Camino and couldn’t finish. I took a train to Santiago to recover. Neal’s flight was canceled, so I’m here alone while he travels.

      Once I stopped feeling sick and a little sorry for myself, I’ve been excited to think about finishing the Camino another year, and have been poking around Santiago. It felt great to get out and walk again today (7.5 miles), this time without a plan. I’m still eating quite cautiously, so I’ll have to save seafood extravagance for next time. My best meal here so far was tomatoes - amazing.

      1. One of the courtyards at the beautiful parador of Santiago
      2. Detail on building housing a primary school
      3. Detail (crest?) on the Museo do Pobo Gallego, which was closed today
      4. and 5. Views from a trail system in town. You can see the Cathedral on the right in 4.
      6. Seen on my walk near a tunnel that went under a highway
      7. This was almost literally a wall of blue hydrangeas next to some apartments
      8., 9., 10. The famed Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela.
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    • Day 19

      Santiago de Compostela

      August 31, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wandered around the old town today, sat in the plaza at the cathedral, attended the Pilgrims mass, visited the musuem and treated myself to a fancy lunch. I must admit I still surprised when my order comes out. Finished the day with gelato and a walk through the park. Now to pack for Switzerland 🥰💜🩷💞Read more

    • Day 12

      Day 12 - O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compo

      June 26 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Today was truly a day of Camino magic!

      Before I get to that story I'll fill in some other meaningful details - Bonnie and I finished our Primitivo Camino today around noon! We enjoyed our morning walk through the woods and got excited as we neared the outskirts of the city. We took some celebratory pictures when we reached Praza do Obradoiro, the plaza outside the cathedral. It was a different feeling for me this time, even from my entrance two weeks ago from the coastal. This time I felt a real sense of accomplishment for what Bonnie and I pulled off over the last 12 days. I also felt a mix of connection, gratitude, pride and awe of getting to have this adventure with Bonnie.

      We celebrated with food all day - non-alcoholic beers, a plate full of "rabid tiger mussels," a basket of churros with a cup of molten dark chocolate for dunking, and fantastic Japanese ramen bowls for dinner.

      Santiago is a big city but we kept running into friends throughout the day, stopping for conversations, congratulations, and promises for more connections. By chance we ran into my Instagram friend Monica, who just finished her second long Camino carrying her mother's ashes. I followed her story online and met up with her when we were both in Santiago two weeks ago. While Bonnie and I walked the Primitivo she went to Fisterra, Muxia and back to Santiago. She has a wicked-smart sense of humor and her updates kept Bonnie and I laughing. We had fun visiting with her in person again today.

      But the real magic started about half-way through our walk today. Bonnie and I had just climbed up a long incline and stopped to look at a monument. The woman who had been standing next to it started talking with us. "Are you the father and daughter team that has been walking from Sarria?"

      "No, we are just finishing the Primitivo."

      We exchanged the regular Camino pleasantries, which included that this wasn't our first rodeo and that Bonnie and I had walked the Portuguese Camino from Lisbon with Jamie and Kona two summers ago.

      "Wait. Were you interviewed on a podcast? On Nancy's podcast?

      Nancy Reynolds has created a very helpful podcast, especially designed for those preparing for their first Camino. She interviewed me before I walked the Frances route solo last year and recorded a follow up interview when I finished. We have become Camino family and stay in touch regularly. I couldn't believe that this woman had recognized me from what little Bonnie and I had shared, and possibly my voice, and connected it to what she had heard online.

      "Yes!" I responded.

      "She interviewed me too!"

      And then I got chills because I realized who she was. This woman walks with a little hitch in her giddyup. Back in April Nancy had interviewed a woman named Nysie who has multiple sclerosis. She was diagnosed 10 years ago and had put aside a dream to walk the Camino. This year she decided to do it regardless of the additional challenges of her physical condition. On the podcast episode she shared she would be walking from Le Puy, France before joining the Frances route and would be walking for about three months.

      I was walking the Greenbelt beside the Boise River when I heard her share her inspiring story. I messaged Nancy later that day, "I was very impressed with Nysie and her huge plans despite her physical limitations. Do you have a rough idea of her schedule? I'm wondering if I will be finishing around the time she is."

      My heart was in my throat as I realized that what I had written to Nancy three months ago had just magically happened! We randomly found each other on the Camino having walked different routes, different dates, and different speeds.

      Bonnie and I slowed our pace and we talked with Nysie for the next half hour. We came upon a cafe so we had a second breakfast together, getting to hear each other's stories, but this time face to face. I read her what I had messaged Nancy and we all teared up.

      Bonnie and I then made our way to Santiago, amazed at what had just taken place. We finished our walk, got our compostelas, ate, checked into our hotel, did some shopping and then messaged Nysie to see how she was faring. What took the two of us five hours to walk today, including our breaks, took Nysie ten.

      So we waited for her! We filmed her last steps down the stairs, past the bagpiper, and into the plaza. She had added me earlier in the day to her follower's group page so I was able to share her victory with her family and friends seconds after it happened. We then located another cafe in the shadow of the cathedral and celebrated together.

      It was the perfect ending to a very special Camino!

      Tonight Bonnie and I will rest in a quiet hotel and sleep in way past the sunrise! We will eat breakfast without our backpacks next to us! We will order a second cup of coffee in the same cafe 20 minutes apart instead of the cafe's 8-10 kilometers and two hours apart! We will meet up with more friends who finish tomorrow and probably eat more rabid tiger mussels!

      We will start from home on Friday - Bonnie via Madrid, and me back through Porto. We will say goodbye for now to Spain and the Camino, but our pilgrimage is far from over. It begins anew each day. It is in our present moments. It is marked in our weary bodies and our bubbling spirits from the distances we have traveled and the span that we have grown.

      Ultreia et Suseia!
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    • Day 37


      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      I now have a piece of paper saying I walked 500 miles, which is unreal. We found ourselves,walking a bit slower today and talking to more people, but the last 19km still seemed long. We met our friend David who has been ahead of us for a couple of weeks at a cafe and walked in to Santiago together. Other people we knew were in the square, and the whole thing was sureal. The others took more pictures so I will post those when they send them.Read more

    • Day 38–39

      Ventas de Naron to San Xulian

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Nice walk today we took our time and stopped at every cafe along the way. No rush just enjoyed our time. We have entered into the part of Galicia that has eucalyptus trees. And the concrete crosses I post almost every day are called Crucerios they are some of the original markers of the Camino de Santiago from the time of the Templars!Read more

    • Day 37

      O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

      June 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      The final day.
      Always a very emotional moment for me despite having walked twice before.
      We left On Pedrouzo in the dark and it seemed to stay no more than twilight until nearly 9am. Many people walking this final stretch quietly but we talked for a while with David and Tyler - father and son from Toronto. Tyler is studying medicine - they have walked from Sarria and have had a mixed experience. As runners they were expecting to find it pretty easy but not so.
      David messaged us when he set off with 10k to go and we met him on the outskirts of Santiago where we also met up with a girl we had last seen in Orisson - allowing us to catch up with news of others we had lost along the way and with whom she had stayed in contact.
      We walked the last few kilometres with David which was lovely. Just before the arch that leads into the square we met up with Laura who arrived yesterday and Chris the philosopher.
      By the time we reached the cathedral the weather had become beautiful - warm and sunny. It was wonderful to sit in the square arching the other pilgrims coming in and just drinking in the atmosphere - success tinged with sadness that the camino is over for me. A good moment was seeing Father Luke come in with his group. We had a hug and he blessed me which felt very special.
      Then wandered down to the pilgrim office to get my certificates. I’m planning to go to the cathedral tomorrow as I missed the 12 noon mass.
      A cold beer, fizzy water, a cheese sandwich and padrón peppers really hit the spot when we finally found somewhere to sit down and eat.
      The rest of the day was filled with wandering through the city - I was hoping to find something to wear but no luck so far so still in my hobo clothes at the moment.
      Then dinner with Linda, Bernie, David and Terri which was a huge reunion after several weeks as we last saw Linda and Bernie in Burgos. We’ve been communicating regularly but they’ve been increasingly far ahead and arrived in Santiago on Monday. They fly back to Canada tomorrow so we won’t see them again.
      We ate a delicious (vegan) dinner at the Green House which was a perfect location to spend a few hours catching up. I feel sad that I may never see them again but hopeful that I will if I can arrange a trip to Canada! Feel this should be a priority as I have many friends there now. Terri had walked the Invierno route so it was fascinating to talk to her about that very quiet way and to see some of her pictures.
      From the sublime to the not so, the hotel is a bit grim - very hot and quite cramped but it’s (only?) advantage is that it’s very central. Would stay further out next time to get a bit more space and air (window only onto a tiny internal space with a roof so no air at all).
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Galicia, Galicien, منطقة غاليسيا, جاليسيا, Qalisiya, Галісія, Галисия, গালিথিয়া, Galiza, Galicija, Galícia, Galizia, Galicie, Galisia, Γαλικία, Galegio, گالیسیا, Galice, Galysje, Comunidade Autónoma de Galicia, Yn Ghaleesh, גליסיה, गलिशिया, Galisiya, Գալիսիա, Gallecia, Galisía, ガリシア, გალისია, Галисиэ, 갈리시아 지방, Galîsya, Galisi, Gallaecia, Galissia, Galisija, Галиција, गालिसिया, Galicië, Galicia i Spania, Галиси, Galicja, گالیکیا, A Galiza, Galisya, Галиция, Galizzia, கலீசியா, แคว้นกาลิเซีย, Galiçya, 加利西亚

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