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    • Giorno 14

      Prat De Compte to Roquettes

      20 ottobre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We woke up this morning to rain. It was the first time in 14 days of travelling Wanda had got wet and although it wasn’t heavy rain, it looked pretty bleak and black in the mountains.
      We had already decided we were going to move today and explore more further down. Ellie had found a house she liked in the arse end of nowhere in the the village of Els Reugars just out Roquettes so that’s where we were heading.
      We checked the map and it seemed as though Roquettes was a busy town with lots of shops, supermarkets and laundrettes so because it was raining we thought today would be a good day to do some laundry. The washing bag was only half full but that would give us the chance to wash all of the bedding aswell.
      We headed for a supermarket just off the main drag of Roquettes and as we entered the car park there was only 10 cars in it which is unheard of for any supermarkets we have visited so far. We had to wait 20 minutes for the largest washing machine of 18kg but once that was free, we chucked our dirty laundry in and then popped inside the store to get a few things we had run out of. Except for there own brand stuff it was crazy expensive, I wanted some Brie for cheese toasties and it was €1.50 for a triangle, roughly the same price as the UK. In Lidl I can buy a complete circle for the same price and in France I have a selection of circles to choose from.
      We just bought the essentials, then sat in the car park and had lunch and a cup of tea while the washing did it’s thing. 50 minutes later everything was clean and dry and we were heading for the house in Els Reugars.
      TomTom took us the scenic route down the gravel tracks for about 3 miles which we later found out wasn’t entirely necessary as there is an easier way in and out.
      We found the house we liked, nobody was around, so we got out and checked it out.
      From the outside it looks more beautiful than it does on the website and the owners have just painted the outside and built a new barbecue area. The house is set in it’s own 5 acres of olive trees and has a mountain backdrop. We both loved it.
      Ellie messaged the estate agents and they quickly got back to us firstly saying that we could view the house tomorrow. We had a chat about the pros and cons of owning a house in this area and this house does tick a lot of boxes. Neighbours, but they are not to close. Mountain views, rivers, a town nearby but not to near, trails to go walking and biking, a quiet area.
      Then the estate messaged back and said he’d spoken to the owners and they no longer want to sell they would rather rent it out. So that put that to rest…….. or so we thought.
      30 minutes later the estate agents messaged back and said the owner would sell and could we view it tomorrow at 4pm. So tomorrow we are viewing a property in Spain.
      In between the messaging I think we had convinced ourselves that buying somewhere out here as a holiday home isn’t right for us. Personally I would move out here and seek residency but Ellie doesn’t want to do that and I don’t think a holiday home is a practical use of our savings. So tomorrow we are going to go with an open mind and a list of questions and see what happens.
      After looking at the house we headed back to Roquettes to a free airè in the edge of the city, it has all services and we specifically came here to get electric and charge the battery as it was down to below 50% because of the lack of bright sunshine the last 3 days.
      We expected to pay for the electric hook and were wondering all the way here, would it be card, or cash or an app but when we got here the electric, like everything else here, is free. We can’t believe it, another free night and this time we’re boosting Wanda’s batteries and saving gas on the water heater and fridge.
      After plugging Wanda in we then headed into town down the Viaverde greenway which runs through here and then we picked up the canal path.
      Roquettes itself is a thriving town with lots of shops, banks, supermarkets, a cinema and a leisure centre with the river Ebre running right through it’s centre and 2 man made canals running off it. Although it does look a bit dirty from a distance. We then got some emergency cash out of a local bank, paying €6 for the privilege and headed back to Wanda to escape the drizzle that had just started again, although it is still a sweltering 28°c inside and out and feels stormy.
      We have all the windows and hatches open and the fans are running but we just seem to be moving warm air around, we’re hoping it will cool down later in the evening.
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    • Giorno 18

      One more day in Roquettes

      24 ottobre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Today we both woke up feeling pretty rough still. Ellie coughed through most of the night in her sleep and I had a proper sweat on and still have a sore throat.
      We had resided to the fact that we weren’t going to do anything today except relax and recuperate and we felt better later then we would do something.
      By mid morning we were both bored and needed some shopping so we drove to Tortosa which was our closest Lidl and re supplied the cupboards. We should be good now for the next 3-4 days.
      Back at the air I managed to drive Wanda nose in to one of the end bays and when we open the habitation door there is a wall so now it’s like we have our own private courtyard.
      I got both our camping chairs out and we sat outside in the sun with cold drinks. Being on the fresh air made us feel a lot better.
      After about an hour I decided I was feeling a lot better so decided to change my bike tyres for the new ones I had bought a couple of days ago. This should have been a 20 minute job but as with all quick jobs, it turned into a nightmare and as I changed the front wheel I split my last inner tube.
      I replaced with one that I had already repaired but that was all I had so I decided to ride around the corner, back to the bike shop where I got the tyres and get some inner tubes.
      Being on the bike felt good. I was worried that Covid might have gotten on my chest but I felt fine. Except for my sore throat.
      After collecting the inner tubes, I returned to camp and decided that tomorrow we would hit the road again.
      We had,had enough rest and sometimes doing nothing makes you do more nothing, so tomorrow we are definitely leaving here.
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    • Giorno 17


      23 ottobre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      I woke up this morning feeling worse than yesterday. My throat felt like I had been eating razor blades and I hardly slept. At one point in my delirious state last night I got up, went to the toilet and then threw a glass of juice of the cooker, covered it up with 2 teatowels and then got back in bed. And I just could get my feet warm.
      We realise now that we both probably have Covid 19 which is unbelievably unfortunate. Since day one of the covid outbreak we have been super careful and even here, although we don’t wear masks anymore we do disinfect our hands all the time.
      I’d been awake for about an hour before I fell asleep again while Ellie watched YouTube. Then when I woke up I unmade the bed and put the TV on. First we watched a really stupid film in Netflix, then something else on Disney all the time we were both drifting in and out of consciousness.
      We’ve had a day of complete rest hoping that will speed our recovery, Ellie has been in her pyjamas all day.
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    Roquetes, Roquetas, ESRQT

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