Sri Lanka
Bandara Bulankulama

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    • Dag 4

      Wasserbüffel und ein Pool für 5000

      31. desember 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      So viel zu sehen im Abhayagiri-Tempel, welcher im 3. Jahrhundert nach Christi Geburt mit bis zu 5000 Mönchen bevölkert war, die sich mit wissenschaftlichen Studien, Kunst und Philosophie beschäftigten. Aber auch täglich musste Reis für 5000 Mensch gekocht werden und es eine Gelegenheit geben, sich zu waschen. Der Eth Pokuna“ oder „Elefantenteich“, direkt neben der Küche, ist super beeindruckend. Ob hier Schwimmwettbewerbe ausgetragen wurden, ist nicht überliefert 😉. Und nach dem Sport… Der Buddha erlaubte den Ordinierten die Nahrungsaufnahme nur zu einer Tageszeit, nämlich von Sonnenaufgang bis zum Mittag. Er überließ ihnen die Wahl, zweimal oder nur einmal zu speisen und lobte die Vorteile dieser Regel für die körperliche und geistige Gesundheit.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Abhayagiri Dagoba - Tempel

      27. januar 2015, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Als die Anhänger Buddha's ihn fragten, was sie denn nach seinem Tode zu seiner Verehrung erbauen sollten, antwortete er: " Baut Häufchen aus Sand, wie Reis, den ein jeder braucht."

    • Dag 1


      25. mars 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Mirisawetiya Vihara: A Sacred Sanctuary of Serenity

      Next, we made our way to the Mirisawatiya Vihara, a sacred site steeped in history and reverence. As we approached, the majestic stupa rose before us, its white dome gleaming in the sunlight. Surrounding it, a tranquil pool mirrored the sky, creating a serene atmosphere that invited contemplation. The vihara's intricate stone carvings and ornate architecture were a testament to the craftsmanship of ancient Sri Lankan artisans. We walked around the stupa in quiet awe, offering our own silent prayers in this hallowed place. The sense of spiritual connection was palpable, and we left with hearts filled with gratitude for having witnessed such a sacred site.

      **Mirisawetiya Vihara: A Sacred Sanctuary of Serenity**

      Nestled amidst the ancient city of Anuradhapura, Mirisawetiya Vihara stands as a testament to both architectural grandeur and spiritual significance. This hallowed site, steeped in history and revered by pilgrims and scholars alike, embodies the essence of Sri Lanka's rich cultural heritage.

      As we approached the vihara, a palpable sense of reverence blanketed the surroundings. The stupa, its alabaster-white dome rising majestically against the azure sky, commanded attention. Its flawless surface seemed to reflect the very heavens it sought to reach. Carved reliefs adorned the stupa's base, telling stories of devotion and ancient wisdom, a testament to the skill and artistry of the craftsmen of old.

      A tranquil pool, its waters as still as time itself, encircled the stupa. Its surface mirrored the ethereal beauty of the sky, creating a sense of seamless unity between earth and heaven. The gentle ripples, stirred only by the occasional breeze, whispered secrets of centuries past.

      The atmosphere surrounding Mirisawetiya Vihara was one of serene contemplation. The air seemed charged with an ineffable energy, a palpable presence that beckoned us to pause and reflect. The symphony of nature's sounds—the rustling leaves, the distant birdsong—blended harmoniously with the quiet murmur of pilgrims' prayers.

      Stone pathways led us around the stupa, each step echoing with the weight of history. We felt a profound connection to the spiritual legacy of this sacred place. It was as though the very earth beneath our feet held the imprints of countless souls who had come before, seeking solace and enlightenment.

      As we walked, we offered our own silent prayers, a humble tribute to the centuries of devotion that had sanctified this ground. The scent of incense lingered in the air, a fragrant reminder of the reverence that infused every corner of the vihara.

      Mirisawetiya Vihara, with its elegant simplicity and profound spiritual resonance, left an indelible mark on our hearts. It was a sanctuary of serenity, a place where time seemed to stand still, allowing us to glimpse into the eternal. We departed with a deep sense of gratitude, carrying with us the essence of this sacred site—a reminder that within the whispers of history, we find the echoes of our own souls.
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    • Dag 1

      Basawakkulama Tank

      25. mars 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      **An Evening of Refreshment at Abhaya Wewa**

      As the day gently transitioned into evening, we made our way to the serene Abhaya Wewa, a tranquil reservoir that promised a refreshing interlude amidst the historical wonders of Anuradhapura. The calm waters of the lake reflected the colors of the setting sun, creating a picturesque scene of tranquility.

      With the day's exploration behind us, the prospect of a leisurely bath in the cool embrace of the lake was inviting. We waded into the water, feeling its gentle ripples wash away the weariness of our adventures. Each ripple seemed to carry away the echoes of footsteps on ancient stones, leaving us with a sense of rejuvenation.

      As we bathed, the sounds of nature serenaded us—the soft rustle of leaves, the distant calls of birds, and the occasional splash of a fish breaking the surface. It was a moment of communion with the natural world, a brief respite from the weight of history.

      After our refreshing dip, we ventured to a nearby shop, drawn by the promise of a local delicacy—belimal. The sweet, herbal drink was a perfect complement to the evening, its flavors both invigorating and soothing. Sipping the cool concoction, we felt a sense of nourishment that extended beyond the physical, as if the essence of the herbs themselves revitalized our spirits.

      The shop, nestled near the shores of Abhaya Wewa, offered a quaint setting to enjoy our refreshing treat. The proprietor's warm smile and the aroma of freshly prepared belimal created a sense of camaraderie with the locals, a shared moment of simple pleasure.

      As the evening sky deepened into shades of indigo, we sat by the lake, our hearts full of gratitude for the experiences of the day. Abhaya Wewa had offered us a moment of respite, a chance to connect with nature and savor the simple joys that this ancient land had to offer.

      With the taste of belimal lingering on our lips and the memory of the serene lake in our hearts, we left Abhaya Wewa, ready to rest and recharge for the adventures that awaited us in the days ahead. Anuradhapura had woven its tapestry of history and natural beauty into our souls, leaving an indelible mark on our journey together.
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