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    • Day 18

      Day 17 - Acupuncture and presentations

      July 19, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      This morning we were up early and headed over to the class room to have the second half of our acupuncture class. We talked through the rest of the meridians and body regions and were shown how to do a facial massage with your fingers and a scalp massage with a thing that looks like a comb. Then after we were done with the acupoints, we were shown....... Which uses incense and heat for healing. The main form is a really thick incense stick that looks like a cigar that you light at one end and hold it close to the skin surface. There was also little cones that you light and stick onto the skin, a box that goes on your head for centre point meridian and a thing that looks like a hammer. You put the stick in the top and use the end like massage wand. We gave them all a go and then we all cleaned up and said goodbye to the teacher. We all headed to lunch together and ended up at this Japanese restaurant that had different rice or noodle meals. We were all sitting upstairs eating when one of the servers came out and asked Sam's instagram for the guy behind the counter. She agreed because we go home very soon. We all waved to him as we left, poor guy. He started messaging within a few hours. He is 17 and wants to take Sam to dinner. :p cute. She said no. Then we headed back to the dorms and we all met up on level 7 in the lounge to talk about what we are doing for our group presentation tomorrow. We decided to go with a brief overview of our health system (with each dorm doing one section) and then the follow a patients journey through each of our departments (with each person writing about their own degree). We did the out outline for the paramedics one really quick and then I padded it out and did the slides. And for our dorm we got introduction, which we found a video that sums up our system really well, so we were. Done pretty quick. Sam did an amazing job putting it all together and then we were done. After chilling for a bit we all headed out to the night markets. Sophie and I ended up having a little shopping date and got all the things we wanted for people back home and then after stopping for a donut we headed back on the MRT. We went to the juice shop on the way home from the station but it was closing just as we got there. Sad face. So we just went back to the dorm. Once back I started organising everyone to get a pile together of the gifts for the buddies and teacher tomorrow. We have a class in the morning, then our presentation and a farewell lunch and afternoon. We decided to make a little gift pack for each of the buddies and toni is going to run out in the morning and get bags so they look pretty. Then I showered and now it's time for bed because I'm not going to get much sleep tonight. Night xoRead more

    • Day 18

      Day 18 - last day of classes

      July 19, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      Today was the last uni day. We got up and met outside to head over to the classroom to about traumatology lecture. Once I got down stairs one of the boys asked if I had any electrolytes because Andy was pretty sick. So Jim and I headed up to the room to get some and then down to give them to Andy. He looked like shit. He was sweaty, tachyapneic, tachycardic and barely with it. He couldn't sit up on his own so I got Jim to make up the electrolytes and I sat Andy up and got him to drink and then we put a wet towel around the back of his neck and turned the fan on. He said that it has happened before, he just pushed himself too hard and hasn't had a rest day since we got here. He has been doing a lot of exercise. He said electrolytes and sleep and he was good last time. I gave him his phone and we headed to class. He traumatology class was not what I expected. The teacher spoke about the national insurance, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture basics. Then I headed back to the dorm and checked on Andy. He was asleep but heaps better and vitals had all gone back to normal, so we left him where he was and headed over to the conference room. In the conference room we all had lunch provided. There was pizza, chicken nuggets, chips, pork wraps, onion rings, red bean pastry and drinks. We all ate way too much. After we finished eating toni and I headed up to the room and finished off our gifts for the buddies. We made up a little gift bag for each person. Then we went into final presentations. First the Koreans and Singapore students talked about nursing in their respective countries and then we spoke about health care as a whole and followed a patient through the hospital system, through each of our departments. Then the buddies spoke about the uni, health care and nursing education in taipai. Then they showed a video that had loads of pictures of everyone from our trip. And then we did gift exchange with our buddies. They loved their gift bags. And they gave each of us a little coin purse each. Then we headed downstairs with all three schools and the buddies and took a massive group photo. Then the Koreans gave everyone from every school a little gift bag with some lollies. It was super cute. After we were done we headed back to the dorms. I first swung by the boys room just to check on Andy. He sat up and had a coherent conversation. Made him drink more electrolytes and he had a fruit juice. So I headed back up to the dorm and hung out in the lounge with some of the girls and we organised a picnic dinner for all the buddies for tomorrow night. Then after chilling for a bit Sam, Sophie, Sara and sahama and I headed out for some dinner. We just wandered around until we found a little local restaurant and sat down to order. The nice waiter helped up to order. The food was pretty tasty. Then we went to the bakery for sahama and the juice shop for me and the 7-eleven for the girls to get some alcohol. Then we headed back and all sat in the girls room chatting, listening to music and watching you tube videos. Then after a non-productive chat about what's happening tomorrow we all decided to just crash and take it as it comes. So we shall see what tomorrow brings :) night xoRead more

    • Day 16

      Day 16 - integrated public hospital

      July 17, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      This morning we were up early and jumped on a bus and headed over to a public hospital for a tour. The Taipei city public hospital has 8 branches, each of which have a different focus. For example oncology, neurological deficit, aged care etc. The branch we went to today were the Chinese medicine specialist. The hospital is primarily an out patient facility and integrates Western medicine with traditional Chinese medicine. There are floors in the hospital for things such as blood testing and HIV management, while others are dedicated to acupuncture, manual manipulation (chiropractic) and a massive Chinese medicine pharmacy. The prescribed compounded powders are covered by their national insurance, which other herbs, plants etc are all charged to the patient. First we watched a video on the public health system and the 8 branches, as well as one on the focus of the integrated branch. All of the doctors and pharmacist are trained both in Western and Chinese medicine, and can practice both types of medicine. Then after a group photo we had a tour of the acupuncture clinic and they showed us all the different needles they use, including these tiny ones that look like splinters stuck to a sticky pad, which they can apparently place on the patient and leave on for a few days to help provide prolonged pain relief. Then we went to the manual manipulation area which was a big room with lots of massage tables. They asked for volunteers to be part of the demonstration and Andy put his hand up and said that he had a sore back. The doc said his spine was a bit out of alignment and used a little pillow that he put on Andy's back where it is out and then used his body weight and pressure pushed up against the pillow to help crack his back. He said it felt so much better. Then everyone volunteered me for the second demonstration, which I didn't really want to do in front on everyone but I have been thinking about making a chiro appointment for next week, so figured why not. I told him about my knee pain and he said that most of the times knees are sore because the patients back and pelvis are out. So hey lay me on my side and cracked my back, and did both sides. The crack was pretty epic and then did my pelvis. I have never had a pelvic realignment before so the was new. He put the hard pillow in the small of my back while I was laying on my back and then I bent my knees and opened them putting my feet together. And then I don't know what he did but I slide my feet down the bed and he did some kind of resistance and it cracked well. My knee still hurts, but my back feels so much better. The sharp pain I have been getting in my lower back is gone which is amazing. Then we had a tour of the pharmacy. It was pretty decent in size with lots of little cubicles where pharmacists were compounding powered prescriptions for patients and in the back they had a traditional pharmacy set up with all the shelves and things in pots on the wall. I wonder if the set up and the order that things are stored have some kind of meaning?... Then after trying some things (or I should say, eating goji berries), we went downstairs to see the vats where they make all of the liquid mixes. Then it was time to head off. A small group stayed at the hospital and headed off to indoor rock climbing (which was a 3m climbing wall with no harnesses), while the rest of us headed back to campus. On the way back to the dorm we headed to food street and got some food. Sara, Sophie and I first went to my new juice shop and got a drink. I tried the dragon fruit one today, it was pretty good. They also had samples of this raspberry crush thingy that was also pretty tasty. I then got the rice, beef, egg and vegetables thingy from the other day but curry instead of black pepper flavour. The girls decided to just eat some stuff that they had back at the dorms, so then we headed back. Unfortunately Sharni missed the day as she stayed at the dorm with vomiting and diarrhoea. Sophie was also pretty sick, Danny was nauseated and I also had the runs. We all ate the same thing for lunch yesterday, so we are thinking it's food poisoning from that. I felt pretty shit house in the arvo so I just watched Netflix, went to the toilet (I don't even know how many times) and slept for a bit. When I woke up I was so sweaty and foggy, it was like I had just gotten out of the shower. Despite my upset tummy, I have still been hungry all afternoon (maybe I have worms...). Apparently a bunch of people played volleyball in the afternoon and then one group of people were heading to hotpot for dinner and another group were going on a bit of a walk/did the mountain behind campus. Sophie and I decided to head out and go to the juice place and get soda and cranberry drinks and vegetable fried rice and headed back to the dorms and retreated back into our respective rooms to hide from the world. After a while I did my physio stretches and convinced my self that I had energy for a shower. Now, I am laying in bed wide awake a midnight because I slept all arvo. Whoops. Oh well, at least my tummy has settled and tomorrow should be a better day. Night xoRead more

    • Day 12

      Day 12 - cupping in practice

      July 13, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      Not much to write about today because I slept for most of the arvo.
      This morning we got up and jumped on the bus and headed towards a therapy clinic that was about an hour away. They have a doctor, three physiotherapist, two occupational therapists and two speech therapists. First we had a talk on occupational therapy and the five areas they work in including mental illness, physical disability, children rehabilitation, re-training and employment and community work. Then we had a talk about physical therapy. Their physical therapy includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. All of which they offer in this clinic. First he showed us a type slacking gun therapy. Which just vibrates and they use to push into tight muscles. He did my shoulders, and lats as a demonstration. It really helped to get ride of the tension. They use a type of electro therapy where the therapist holds a little machine and then touches the patient and the conduction runs through them and into the patient at points where the therapist touches. We all stood in a circle and held hands and the current ran through the whole group. Then one at a time he touched out faces around our eyes and asked what colour we see. White is normal but if you see a rainbow it can indicate something is wrong neurologically. Interesting.. It also induced muscle twitches. As he did each person they left the circle so but he end I was the last one, my hands where tingly with the current and my facial twitching was pretty epic. It felt so weird. Then we started cupping. First he demonstrated (on me again) and put the cup on my trap. It kinda hurt while he was doing it. He put the cup on and then I had to push my shoulder up against resistance and then relax down, 10 times. Then we all practiced on each other. We did cupping on our traps, deltoid muscles and lumber spine. Then to finish off the session we had a competition to see who could put 12 cups on someone's back the fastest. I came second by 2 seconds! If only I hadn't dropped one of the cups. Oh well, it was still fun and I didn't mind loosing to Sophie. She won an air cupping set. Which is soo cool. Then we jumped on the bus and headed back to the dorm. At the dorm I ate my left over typhoon food (apple and two minute noodles) and had a sleep. I had a pretty epic head ache. So every one else went out on a bike ride and watched the sunset at a river and went to the night markets but I had a really quite night in. I just slept, watched Netflix, kind of started my essay, and read. I went out for dinner and got my self sorted and then had a shower and an early night. A quite arvo/evening is just what I needed.
      Night xo
      Read more

    • Day 13

      Day 13 - AIDs prevention and gondalas

      July 14, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌬 34 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      I woke up early this morning. So I took my time getting up and getting ready for the day. Then we headed over to the classroom and had a talk about aids prevention in nurses. They talked about how they aim for prevention through awareness and education. Unfortunately they didn't really go into how the program works or many of the statistics. But they did say that over 38000 people in Taiwan have aids, that nurses have to prove work acquired transmission for financial support and that they have achieved 88% of the population being free from HIV through medication and their programs. After a group photo we then headed to lunch. Today we went to a vegetarian buffet place where we chose our own food and headed back to campus. Sophie, Sam, Sara and I then sat on the fields and ate lunch under the shade of a tree before heading up to the dorm and chilling before heading out to the gondolas. The gondolas were pretty awesome, although it took ages to get there. Two trains and about an hour, followed by a short walk and lots of lining up. Then we all split up and went in different gondolas. In mine was Sophie, Sam, Sara, Joanne and jerry and the views of the mountains and city were epic. Once we got to the top we walked through winding roads with greenery on both sides with the epic views past vendors, a little township and restaurants over looking the view. After a couple of km's. We got to a cool outdoor tea house were we sat looking over the mountains and tea fields and shared different local teas, and ate dumplings and just chatted for ages while the sun went down.The four party girls headed off early because they had booked an air bnb somewhere. It was an awesome and relaxing afternoon. Sophie and Andy even had a nap. Then we walked back to the gondolas and watched the city lights as we rode the 30mins back to the main station, followed by the epic train journey home. After we got back we all broke off and headed down food street to get dinner. Sahama and I got fried rice and met the other girls back in the dorm lounge and we just sat and ate and chatted for ages. It was so nice. Sophie and Sam where clearly on something, they kept cracking up laughing at the most insignificant things. It was rediculously amazing. Even better, we actually have a day with no classes tomorrow and we have a plan to go to a place called a thousand Lakes, but we aren't leaving until 11am. Yay, we get a sleep in!! But for now, I'm stuffed so I'm passing out. Night xoRead more

    • Day 9

      Day 8 -last day at the memorial hospital

      July 10, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      Today was a nice chilled day which was awesome. We got up and I had breaky (from my food draw which was so nice) and then headed down stairs and onto the bus to head over to the memorial hospital for the last time. We started the day with presentations on the birthing suits and hospice centre before heading out into the wards. Then we headed up into the paediatric ICU were there were lot of tiny little sick babies and so many of them intubated or on nasal oxygen, a couple in humidifiers and on intubated bubbles was on a vibration machine that apparently helps to stimulate the respiratory system and diaphragm function. First they showed us an empty room set up ready with a humidifier just in case something happens and they need it. Then from the neonatal wards we went into paediatric ICU where they only have two beds. Both had girls around the age of 5 years, intubated and under intensive care with meningitis / encephalitis. Things can change so quickly Sharni was telling me tonight that when her group went into this ward the second girl was blocked off because her family had had a meeting with the doc and they had been informed that she was brain dead and would never survive off life support, so they were saying their goodbyes as they had opted to turn off the ventilator. She was is a semi sit position when I saw her with the back of the bed elevated and her legs propped up with a blanket under the knees. I remember thinking how clever it was that they had blown up a glove and used two of the middle fingers tied together to hold the ET tube and the body of the glove to keep it elevated from the girls chest. So clever. But a reminder of just how fragile life is and how fast a patients condition can change. After that we went into neonate ICU ward that had four babies in cribes and one in a humidifier. This room was for premature babies (anyone under 2kg). With two of the babies having growing to over 2kg, one having just been weaned of nasal oxygen and one still on Nasal but he was looking around and blowing bubbles despite the Nasal pronges taped to his face. And two tiny tiny babies, doing amazing and breathing on their own but just so tiny. Then we went into the breastfeeding room, where a special chair is set up for mums with a big curtain that can provide them with privacy and three other babies in this room in bassinets on monitoring equipment. The littlest bubble in this room was sucking on what looked like a cue tip, and although his ecg was ok, his heart was over 180 (which isn't actually too bad for a bub his size) but his resp rate was nearly 60. We told the doctor and he said that it has actually improved and he is not requiring oxygen at the moment but he does have lung disease. Then we headed over to the hospice centre. They have 8 palliative care beds in this area, a lounge room, a bath room and a death room (as they call it, and is exactly what it sounds like). People who qualify for this room are those who require high levels of care and have less then 6 months to live. The lounge is a multi function room with a TV, couches, table and a fish tank. And is used for family visits, to get patients out of their room for a bit (there are oxygen ports and suction on the walls for those who need it), weddings, graduation photos with families, meetings etc. The patients have activities such as crafts they can do, and can get massage and aromatherapy. The bathroom is amazing. The views from the one way glass windows are amazing of the hills and the bath has a removable bed that they patient lays on and the bed. And bath tub can be moved to help immerse the patient, who can then have a shower, bath or spa. It's pretty fancy. The room is also used for hair cuts and has a. Radio in the corner so they can chill out and listen to music. Then we went into what they call the death room. When a patient is just about to pass away they move them into this room and can change the wall to being neutral clouds, Buddhist or Christian images. They can change the lighting and covering on the windows. Play any music, sounds or chanting they want. And the family can spend up to 8hrs in with the patient and do any family rituals or prey or just sit with the family member. The temp in the room is also 16 degrees so that once the patient has passed the body doesn't smell. Lovely, thoughtful idea, weird room to be in. And it started a conversation about if ghosts are real... After hospice we headed down to the delivery room. After looking at the three bus born today in the baby. Room through the window we gowned up and headed into the birthing suits. The first part of the ward is single rooms that mums in labour hangout in until they are fully dilated. There is a bed, a chair and a bathroom,.as well as monitoring equipment for both mum and feral heart rate, etc. After mum is fully dilated she is taken into the delivery room where a doctor will deliver her baby. The delivery room is a massive chair with strip's. It was so funny Andy jumped up on the chair and Jimmy pretended to be the catcher and I played 'dad' while people took pictures. After the delivery rooms we headed back to the conference room where they gave us all lunch and bubble tea, a popper, jasmine tea, a muffin and a biscuit. Seriously I brought a bunch of it back to the dorm. In full Andy fashion he ate all of it, had two bubble teas and finished off like three other meals apart from his own. Damn that kid can eat. Then we took a final group photo and said our goodbyes before heading out. We all went to the stationary store. Unfortunately the back pack Sophie wanted wasn't there but between us we still managed to spend a lot of money. I brought some note books which I really don't need but that we're very cool and a few book marks. I found awesome bookmarks in Chinese characters but when I asked someone to translate they had weird meanings so I decided not to go there. Jim tried to help me with an app the best he could but in the end we gave up. Then we all jumped on the MRT and went to the supermarket to get final typhoon prep. The supermarket was hectic. There were people everywhere and shelves were empty everywhere. Once we were all done we headed back to the dorms. I checked my emails and applied for a QAS PTS job and took photos of my knee for babs to show to Peter of all my bruising and soreness. Then a bunch of us headed out down to food street for dinner. I got curry fried rice with vegetables. And we all headed back to the dorm to eat. The girls joined a bunch of the others on level 5 to play cards and I decided to be antisocial and headed back to the room and ate while watching Netflix. Getting out of the elevator was a shock I was hit with a sea of Korean students. This program has three schools Qut, Korea and Singapore and officially starts tomorrow. Because of our holiday dates are different to Asia we come a week earlier and get to spend time at the memorial hospital, which the other schools don't get. So they have all arrived. And they have taken over. I had to wait soo long to get into the shower because everytime I attempted they were just everywhere. Then after a shower, it was time for bed. Keen for the lectures to start tomorrow. Night xo.Read more

    • Day 11

      Day 10 - acupuncture and mindfulness

      July 12, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      So the typhoon was super anticlimactic. It was pretty much a regular brissy summer storm. Some strong winds and a heavy rain. Apart from the branches around the grounds of uni, you wouldn't even know it happened. Except for the poor girls on the other side of our dorm. Because there is no external glass on the windows of our dorm at either end (I'm assuming to allow for wind passage to reduce damage in typhoon season) the rain came straight through and hit that side of the buidling. When I got up and looked down the other end of the hall I saw water everywhere, which for sure would have gone under the doors and into the rooms. Our end of the building was completely uneffected. Actually, I slept through the whole thing. But good thing was, it passed really quickly so no classes where cancelled :) so, up early, got ready and headed over to a class room. It was like a normal lecture room with desks and chairs and a screen and projector at the front. Except the back and side of the room were lined with made hospital beds - clearly a nursing training room. We took our seats and settled in for our first 3 hr lecture (which I was honestly worried I wouldn't struggle through. 3 hrs is a long time). The lecturer is was a doctor who is an acupuncturist. She talked about what chi is, and how the body is made up of Maridions that run the length of the body and how everything is connected. The importance of the yin and yang balance and how the natural cycles of the body should be listened to. She spent time going through a few of the points - what they are, what they do, their anatomical location, and got us to find them on ourselves. She also came around and showed us, which was painful when you find a point with your fingers because of the amount of pressure that needs to be applied but super cool. Then she gave us all an alcohol swab and an acupuncture needle and we put it in our hands on the webbing between the thumb and forefinger)(position L14) to help with headaches and cold & flu symptoms. Which is quite fitting because the flu seems to be making the rounds through the Aussies. She was impressed with my positioning and I got the needle in first go, but she took over and twisted it further in for me, which is good because she put it deeper then I probably would have but it was definitely in the right place. Then I just sat and chatted for 25 mins with the needle in my hand. Then after what felt like 10mins of the class starting it had been over 3 hrs and we had an hr to organise some lunch. Sharni wasn't feeling the best so she headed back to the dorm while the rest of us went to what we have now effectionately named eat street or food street. Which is the local markets where all the food vendors are. We had originally planned on going to a dumpling restaurant for lunch but after walking over there we found it was closed. There are definitely more options on food street at night, but we still had loads to choose from. We ended up stopping at this place that did these meals that had rice, beef in gravey with onion and garlic, cabbage, sprouts, vegetables and a fried egg on top. It was super peppery, but super tasty. We got our food and I got a juice from the juice shop (wanted pineapple but think I got guava?? Meh still cold and refreshing - it was hit and muggy as shit today). We headed back to the classroom, picking up Sharni on the way and sat on the front porch (no food allowed in the rooms) and ate. Then we headed back in and the desks had been moved to line the room in a u shape. The afternoon lecture was on meditation and mindfulness. The lecturer was amazing. She is a oncologist at the local hospital (well on of the local hospitals), a Chinese medicine specialist and a monk. She was calm and realistic and tried to involve everyone and encouraged participation. She talked about what mindfullness is and how it integrates with today's modern society (not just completely bagging smartphones, etc). She also talked about acceptance and how life is a cycle and how once we learn that things and people never end they just change shape (for example, a cloud doesnt stop existing when you can't see it, it becomes rain, which becomes water, which can be used in tea or to grow crops, etc) then we can stop being afraid of the what if, and start living in the present. At various points throughout her presentation she got us to stop and meditate for 1 minute at a time. She talked about how meditation is different for everyone and it can be as simple as being completely present in yourself at that point in time. Whether you have your eyes closed or open, or sitting watching a river or what ever it may be. That personalising it is ok, but deep breathing and mindfulness should be incorporated. Her presentation was a lot longer then she actually presented which we should hopefully get a copy of from the buddies. She wanted to focus more on what she called games or exercises. One that we did was that we stood in teams, two lines of 6 across from each other. The person at the front held a bowl that was filled to the brim with water. They then had to stand on one foot and jump 5 times, while spilling as little water as possible. Then pass it to the next person who did the same and repeat. At the end of the first line, they had to fill a slightly smaller bowl with the water that was left over from the bigger bowl (ours still completely filled the little bowl) and the process started again. I was the 12th person in our group. We were the second group to finish. And when comparing the three groups final bowls to decide who had the most water left, we totally won - team 'compassion' for the win :) (at the beginning of class we all had to give ourselves team names, we had things like trust, tranquillity, Zen, etc). The second game was on a piece of paper we had to individually draw a labrenth. Mine was a circle and had four sections but was kinda like a yin yang. It had two exits and I named them faith and honesty. I made my start point right in the centre with Honesty being easier to get to then faith. I was meant to put myself on the labrenth somewhere but I couldn't quite decide on a spot. Everyone had such different shapes and mazes and names for the exits. It was really interesting. Then right at the end of class we did half an hr of Tai chi. Which was very cool. It's kind of like yoga, but you never really stop moving, it's like constant flowing motion. The time went so quick I can't believe how fast the 3hrs went. After class Sam was talking to her about learning natural medicine here in Taipei and she gave her the name of the institution I think she runs or is very involved with and her contact details and said once she has graduated back home, if she is still keen to contact her. Very cool. Then we headed back to the dorm, where I read for a bit and then hung out in Sam, Sara and Sharni"s room with the girls and Sophie. Sara isn't very well and had fallen asleep while we were chatting and then the rest of us headed out to dinner with salami, Andy, Toni and Jim. We went down to the sushi express and Sharni ate her. Weight in sushi. It was pretty fun. After dinner the group wanted to head into town to go to the night markets and I knew the party girls had headed out to girls night at a club somewhere, but I decided to have a night in. So they headed to the train station and I headed back to the dorm. When I got back I just sat outside and enjoyed the breeze and quite for a bit and then headed up to the dorm. I just hung around, watch Netflix, tidied, took the rubbish out, physio exercises, showered - you know typical, boring, night in - have the dorm to your self type stuff and climbed into bed. All and all it was an awesome day and I am glad it didn't get cancelled. Tomorrow is cupping and a Chinese pharmacy visit. So it should be another exciting one :) night xoRead more

    • Day 4

      Day 4 - emergency day

      July 5, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌬 31 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      Today was the paramedics day to fan girl with an emergency focus.
      After waking up way to early (only got 5hrs sleep) we went to our regular breakfast spot and got rice rolls today. It's rice, then pickled vegetables and pork floss, a fried bread all rolled up like sushi. It was filling but super tasty. Then we headed back to the shin Kong Wu hi-su memorial hospital and met an ER doctor who took us to the local fire station. This fire station has a massive emt base and do emt training. We had a tour and a number of presentations which were so awesome that I took notes the whole time. All of the fire stations are either one or two tear. Of the 48 fire stations in Taipei, four of them are two tear with fully trained emt2, (their version of a paramedic). Across all of these stations they have 83 EMTs, and 614 EMT2s, which is a total of 699. They are dispatched to 130,000 jobs per year (2017). They followProtocol driven and by online medical demand programs and have a set scope of practice which includes advanced airway, CPR and 6 drugs. All of their training is on the ground like an intern ship. They have strict protocols with a lot of their drugs, for example with midazalam they are only allowed to give it if the seizure lasts for more then 10mins or its their second seizure. They Introduced bystander CPR (eg 000 guided) has improved prehospital MI outcomes. The introduction of major trauma centres and major trauma criteria to bypass is also reducing the rates of mortality following road traffic accidents. Prehospital ecg can be completed on scene using a portable ecg machine that takes the images and sends it directly to doc at hospital who interprets it. They have an awesome mass causality truck that sets up to have 6 beds the pull out with suction and oxygen, so you can have treating beds at the side of the accident. During a mass casualty event they send the ambulances but they also send doctors and nurses from the hospital. The mass casualties patient ID cards all have barcodes to record patients. I'd tags, are plastic so they don't tear and barcodes are stickers that you peel off and stick on the slap band on the patient. Only four of the 8 hospitals are major trauma functioning 24 although all hospitals are well equipped. The average is a 6 minute response time in taipai. Transport time averages 7 minutes. 12 lead rarely done because of this and it's still a pilot study (just introducing). Taipei is a basin surrounded by mountains. Stations in the mountains have longer response and transport so maybe ecg more helpful. All ambos have mechanical CPR device to increase safety for ambo during transport and because most people live in apartments with no elevator. Transport of CPR patients occurs after two cycles regardless of outcome or patient status. Introduced last yr. Multi trauma tags are slap wrist bands. Trauma ID pack has bands, OPAs and tags with barcords. Barcodes uploaded to database to keep track of total scene in real time. It was so. Cool they let us get into the back of an ambulance and mass casualty truck and go through all the kits. They have some stuff like the ancient stretchers and individual equipment for each monitoring equipment that seems like they are so behind, but they also have some things that are so much better, like the laryngoscopes all have cameras attached which are so cool. They also have a tablet and dispatch protocol that is similar to ours.
      They have cameras constantly recording in the back of their ambulances. They showed us a video and went through a case study from last year.
      Dec 9th last year. chest pain 41yof 20mins on scene and 20min transport. Sitting on sofa, no radiation, central chest pain, 5mins duration. no hx, BP 90/72 99% gcs 15. Opqrst 5mins, duration persistant, 8/10 pain, no relief or make worse, no radiation. 12 lead = in ambo - vf, loss of consciousness, CPR started 2 mins, defibrillator, lma placement, CPR 2 mins Rosc on scene. Vss became stable. Video on ambulance. Still doing 30;2 even with Lma. Will be changing protocol this year. Still ventilated with bvm even after patient was moving during transport until completely conscious then removed and an o2 mask was put on. Ecg transmitted to doc in real time. Discharged from hospital in 5 days. Emt gets feedback from doc on case and patient outcome. Pacemaker $3000 US, government funded after two VF attacks. No found underlying cause of VF.
      While we were there they got a real call come through the station which was signified by a phone ringing and bell sounding.
      At the end of the presentation they gave us all gift bags which are amazing. They have a fire alarm shaped timer, note book, towel, a money box shaped like a gas bottle and whistle.
      Then we walked over to a health building and checked out the ophthalmology centre which only opened 3 days ago. It's an out patient centre where do they do eye exams and surgery. Then we headed down stairs and walked through the rehabilitation centre, which was pretty much a massive room with lots of equipment and lots of people working one on one with a physiotherapist.
      Then we headed out for lunch and I ended up with the same thing as yesterday and my first real bubble tea. Which was ok. The bubbles are weird but not too bad. And we had two hours to just chill where people played on their phone, studied, completed job applications and played cards. It was nice to have the first kind of down time we have had since getting here.
      In the afternoon we had an introduction and tour of the ER. They have a 5 tear triage system. Level 1 is life threatening eg resuscitation, 2= critical, rapid deterioration, 3= urgent, likelyhood for rapid deterioration, 4= less urgent, chronic conditions not life threatening, 5 = super stable. They have four observation rooms, a resuscitation room, isolation room (which is used mostly for domestic vilence victims) and a couple of speciality rooms (eg. Surgical, PeP room). Common complaints include chest pain, a do pain, sob, dysuria etc. Ecg's are given to patients only over 50yrs, acute pain, epigastrix or pain over 10mins. Their pre-phoning and trauma teams are very similar to ours. Their primary pain relief is morphine as they feel that fentanyl doesn't work as well for pain management in patients. From ER they then move through the hospital system or move to discharge. The national health insurance is compulsory for all citizens from birth meaning they have low copayments. Then we had a tour of the emergency department which is not as big as I expected but has a hell of a lot of people. They hall ways are all lined with people on beds where they can apparently stay for up to three days. And some patients can wait for hours to be seen the same as at home. We split into three groups and spent some time in each of the sections talking to staff. Their triage is pretty much the same as ours. Except the general public and ambos use the same triage nurse and because ambo patients are always emergent there is no such thing as ramping. They have a waiting room and then one at a time they see a nurse who gets some details and does a vitals check and decides where they go. Then they have to go to a Window and fill in more paper work and pay a fee before they head into the ER. There they wait again and then get seen by a doctor in one of the many rooms. They have a number of observation rooms, an ecocardiograph, radiography, a surgery prep room (where they do minor procedures like sutures etc) and medicine where they do ecg's and take bloods for example they had a cardiac, chest pain patient in the medicine room and rtc patient with minor lacerations being cleaned up in surgery after being cleared by xray. It was very interesting and super busy. After that we took a vote and headed back to the dorm to have a lazy night in. I decided to be a little antisocial and did some washing, cleaned up the burst blister on my foot, check emails, watch TV, you know all that boring chilling stuff. Then we all got together and headed out for dinner. We found a little vendor were we picked our own ingredients and they made us a hot pot. I had baby corn, cabbage, broccoli, tofu, and rice noodles. It was pretty tasty. We all took our food back to the dorm and sat on the floor in one of the dorms and just ate and chatted. Then I took the rubbish down to the garbage car (there are no bins on campus a guy comes and gets it and takes it to the tip). And then it was time to shower and bed. Awesome emergency day :) night x
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    • Day 9

      Day 9 - the official program begins

      July 10, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      It was a late start today with the lecture not starting until 10am. After getting ready and heading downstairs we headed over to the main building. We had a big introduction and got booklets that outlines the two week program. And went over our timetable for the two weeks. Then we passed the microphone around and everyone introduced themselves by name, uni and major. The other two schools are all nursing students. Last year so was qut so they get so confused that we are all completely different majors. We have the same group number as the other two groups put them together. But makes it fun. Then we headed out onto the main steps and got a big group photo and then headed out for a campus tour with our individual buddies. Except we didn't really do it, we just went to the library. It's pretty cool. There was circle stair case in the middle that went up to the third floor. Its a big circle and on the bottom floor were swinging love seats and couches and computers and stuff. It's pretty cool. Then we headed back to the conference room and ate sooo much food at the epic buffet they put on for us. There was rice, chicken, port, fish, dumplings, salad, fruit, cake and fruit juice. It was insane. So much food. And there were three buddies with birthdays this month so they had a birthday cake and after singing happy birthday it got cut up and spread around. After we all ate way to much we headed back to the dorms. We were meant to go to the Australian embassy tonight but there has been a government 4pm lock down for the typhoon. So we put our stuff down and Sophie, Sam, Sara and I headed out to food street to get some fruit. Once we got back and put what we had in the fridge we headed up stairs and I was antisocial for most of the afternoon. To be honest its a pretty good day to be in the dorm because I have had the worst upset stomach this arvo. So I just sat and watched Netflix and iced my knee. Around dinner time I went down stairs and got my welcome lunch left overs (dumplings) and fruit and had that as dinner. Then when I got the urge to start studying for my essay I went out to the lounge room and joined the other girls. They played cards and watched tennis and we all just chatted and waited for the storm to blow in. After a bit I went and had a shower and crawled into bed. After doing my Peter prescribed exercises and watched more Netflix and now I'm gonna crash. Hoping the storm passes quickly so that classes tomorrow aren't cancelled because I really want to do acupuncture and mindfulness. Crossing my fingers and toes. Night xoRead more

    • Day 14

      Day 14 - A thousand lakes

      July 15, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      Hey travel journal,
      Today started with a sleep in, which was amazing :) then after breaky I headed across the road to breakfast place and got an rice roll for lunch and the seven eleven for a drink and some biscuits. Which I packed with a book and a 2L water and headed out to meet everyone at 11am. We headed to the MRT and jumped on the red line and transferred to the yellow line and went right to the end before jumping on a bus and winding through the countryside for an hour. Then we walked for an hr or two through lots of greenery, with trees and some bamboo and the odd small tea tree plantation and ended up at a look out where we looked out over the mountains and a winding river. The river was like an opaque blue colour and the trees where green and all around. It was really pretty. We sat the look out and ate our packed lunches. Then we headed a bit further down the track to another look out that had a cute little garden and looked over the 'thousands lake' which is meant to look like a dragon from above. Then after everyone took a million photos, we jumped on a shuttle back to the bus stop, then a bus back to the train station. Before we got back on the train we went down to the river and hired out paddle boats and just paddled around and chilled for a bit and at one point we all just joined our boats and paddled down the river as one big mega paddle boat. It was kinda fun. Then we sat and chatted for a bit on the river bank before a few people went up to the cafes along the river bank (think southbank kinda set up) and the other half of us jumped on the MRT and headed back to shipai. Once we got back we all broke off and got food for dinner. Sam and I headed down food street and got DYI hot pot and I tried a new juice place and got cranberry and soda. It was soo refreshing, exactly what I needed. They also have a really nice looking dragonfruit one. So next time I'm gonna have to get that and give it a go :) then we headed back to the dorm. I was antisocial and sat and just chilled in the room for a bit. Then sahama and Emily got ready and went with a bunch of the others to a local pub to watch the soccer grand finals. The game doesn't start until 11pm and we have an 8am start tomorrow. So, as amazing and fun as it would be, I decided to stay in and do some washing and just chill. And tomorrow we are up early for our community service. But for now, night xoRead more

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