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Top 10 Travel Destinations Changhua
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    • Day 1–3

      The journey here

      June 29 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌬 34 °C

      CPT to JHB
      Sleepover with auntie Corné and the family
      Wimpy breakfast before saying goodbye
      JHB to Hong Kong (nearly missed my flight) - best plane food ever!
      Hong Kong to Taipei (nearly empty plane)
      So hot and humid!
      Enya and Daniel met me at the airport
      Took a bus then a taxi to get home

      Successful first 2 days!
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    • Day 4

      First full day (part 2)

      July 2 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Got on the Freeway to go to the wetlands (高美濕地) - so many crabs!!
      Had some more food, mango tea and a donut at the Taichung Harbour
      Gorgeous sunset!
      Drove back through the city and saw the night life - might go for some karaoke next week!Read more

    • Day 9

      Clubbing and a day with the family

      July 7 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Went to the club at midnight - girls enter and drink free in Taichung
      Started at 18TC (mostly English)
      Then SuperHouse - my favourite one! (both languages)
      xcube was last - only Chinese music (someone won an iPhone 14)
      Went to FamilyMart for some spicy chicken balls and a chocolate
      Took a taxi home and climbed in bed
      Woke 5 hours later to the news that we're leaving in 25 minutes and I still had to shower and wash my hair...
      Went to the mountain with the family (cousins, aunt, uncle, aunt's sister and parents)
      Had lunch on our way back
      Slept in the car
      Chilled at home for a while
      Headed to a restaurant for dinner with the family - hot pots again! Chose my own ingredients this time - such a fun experience! It was a buffet for the food (except for the meat), drinks and ice cream!!
      Drove ubikes 3/4 way home and walked the rest
      Had some ApplePear (tastes like neither but both at the same time)
      Did some Just Dance with Enya
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    • Day 361


      December 8, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      I had originally intended to go to China after Hong Kong but Chinese bureaucracy got the better of me. Giving up on getting a Chinese visa I booked flights to Taipei with very few expectations. I'm glad that I did because Taiwan turned out to be a highlight of the trip! I only spent a day in Taipei before heading to Lukang, a small historical town on the west coast.

      Lukang was once a major port and the 2nd largest city in Taiwan. However, the silting of the port and the local governments refusal to build a train line led to a decline of the city. While unfortunate for the local economy this meant that Lukang avoided much of the modernization that other cities in Taiwan underwent leaving the historical centre well preserved.

      These days it is a chill yet bustling town, and although you don't tend to see many foreign tourists it is popular with the Taiwanese. The famous Lukang Old Street, which is lined with well preserved buildings housing souvenir shops and food stalls is rammed by day with Taiwanese day-trippers. Away from the old street there is a network of old lanes that are in normal everyday use as people's homes and businesses and are far less busy. Most of the lanes are too small for cars and can only be accessed by foot or moped. Some are so narrow that only one person at a time can pass through.

      Taiwan has a huge number of Chinese temples. One of the post popular is the Lukang Mazu Temple, a temple to the Goddess Mazu, the goddess of the sea and patron deity of fishermen. Like the Chinese temples in Hong Kong, these are very atmospheric with the incense, the chimes, and the activities of people having their fortunes read.

      One thing that Taiwan is famous for is the street food. As winter is strawberry season in Taiwan, there were many desserts and drinks containing them around - so I had to make the most of it! One of the favourites is the strawberry mochi. This is a strawberry packed in a red bean paste and then covered in 'mochi', a glutinous cake made of rice or cornstarch. By itself the mochi doesn't taste of much and has a strange texture, but with the bean and strawberry it's actually quite good. Another favourite of mine was a dumpling filled with oyster, egg, some kind of green veg, and glass noodles, with chilli sauce piped inside. This stall had a large queue so I knew to get in it and whatever they were cooking would be good, and I wasn't disappointed!
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    • Day 3

      Exploring Taichung... kindof

      July 1 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Went to the night market around 6pm for dinner - learned to say "thank you" in Mandarin
      Had some fried noodle with pork (still struggling with chopsticks)
      Discovered that the shops stay open much later than in SA
      Spent some money on claw machines and got strawberry flavoured treats (will let you know how they are once we've opened them)
      These claw machine "shops" stay open till 1am
      THEY HAVE COSTCO (it is huge)
      Went to Decathlon - best sports gear shop I've seen in my life
      Asked "What is that?" about many buildings we walked/drove past
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    • Day 13

      Zehnter Tag

      September 23, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      - Einkauf auf dem traditionellen Markt in Tingting's Heimatstadt
      - Frühstück Zuhause
      - Ankunft Omma und Tante
      - Mit ganzer Familie Mittagessen in einem Nobelrestaurant
      - Spaziergang im Park von Taichung
      - Geburtstagskuchen essen Zuhause
      - Abendessen mit ältesten und jüngsten Cousin
      - Weintrauben essen und Tee bei Tante, im Fernseher lief sowas wie DSDS
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    • Day 5

      Zweiter Tag

      September 15, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      1. Frühstück mit der Familie (sehr lecker aber keine Fotos)
      2. Kaffee getrunken
      3. Shopping Mall in Changhua besucht und Sushi gegessen
      (auch sehr lecker)
      4. Zuhause entspannt
      5. Restaurant in Yuanlin mit der Familie von Min
      6. Tante (Schwester vom Vatter) von Min besucht und Guvava gegessen (keine Fotos)
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    • Day 199

      National Taiwan Museum of Comics

      April 22 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Continuing the theme of today we moved onto the Museum of Comics, although we weren't quite sure what it was from the reviews but looked interesting. I still can't tell you what it was, but can confirm it was interesting!

      There was art work, comics, beautiful Japanese style houses, and building destroying banyan trees! So much fun to wander around, albeit confused, for free on a Monday morning.
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    • Day 20

      Tag 20: Taichung

      November 20, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Heute sind wir mit dem Bus von Taichung zum Sonne-Mond-See gefahren, was sich etwas schwieriger gestaltet hat als gedacht, da der Bus einfach an uns vorbeigefahren ist und wir dann nach langem Warten nochmal zu einer anderen Station mussten. Das war das erste Mal, dass auf unserer Reise etwas nicht auf Anhieb geklappt hat, aber davon haben wir uns nicht beirren lassen. Letztendlich haben wir es dann doch noch zum See geschafft und die lange Anreise hat sich wegen der wunderschönen Natur allemal gelohnt.

      Abends waren wir auf dem kleinen Yizhong Street Night Market und haben uns an den vielen Essensständen den Bauch mit verschiedenen Leckereien vollgeschlagen. Die Stimmung dort hat uns gut gefallen, weil man neben dem essen entspannt bummeln und Klamotten, Schmuck etc shoppen konnte.

      Mittlerweile haben wir uns auch akklimatisiert und fühlen uns in der nicht ganz so geordneten, aber dafür sehr lebendigen, Taiwan sehr wohl. Wir haben auch festgestellt, dass Taiwan sich etwas westlicher anfühlt als Japan und einige Ähnlichkeiten zu Deutschland hat, z.B. dass eben nicht alles so sauber und perfekt organisiert ist wie in Japan.
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    • Day 12

      Rest day with a bit of shopping

      July 10 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Slept in after a busy few days
      Rode YouBikes to get lunch with Enya and Daniel (buffet style)
      Went to the mall for some treats to take home
      Waited for the rain to stop and took the bikes back home
      I packed my bags to see if everything will fit - it does but I'm afraid my check-in bag might be a tad heavy (will find out Saturday morning and re-pack if necessary)
      Went to the shops again (scooter this time)
      Walked around a bit with her friends (one speaks English basically fluently so translated their conversations for me)
      Had dinner with said friends - it was lovely!
      Walked around a bit more - they have a shop similar to Typo but MUCH better and their book store is amazing!
      Got Mango Iced Tea at Family Mart
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Changhua, 장화 현, 彰化縣

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