Balearic Sea

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    • Día 10

      Chillin’ with a Day at Sea

      24 de julio de 2022, Balearic Sea ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We definitely needed a day to relax after a long, HOT day in Barcelona. I ordered Room Service for the first time and was impressed that it was delivered in about 20 minutes. We typically sleep in on the At Sea days, so I was killing some time waiting for Sydney to wake up.

      Since she met a new friend and was out late, I went on to the adult pool area to snag 2 lounge chairs in a shady spot. I really hadn’t used the Medallion app to check her location, but I found it to be useful to check on her. I spent most of the day working on my plans for Rome. At one point I looked to the starboard side of the ship and saw land, so I opened my Maps to see where we were and what the land mass was. We were cruising along the Southern coast of Spain near Cartagena.

      It was a formal night, but we opted for an early dinner after taking the “official cruise” pictures (since we got the package that included all the digital files) and got changed in time to catch the new West Side Story poolside. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the volume turned up loud enough and we didn’t stay for the whole show.

      I went to the Internet Café to print some maps for our next stop in Gibraltar.
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    • Día 12

      Sea Day & the Last Formal Night

      26 de julio de 2022, Balearic Sea ⋅ 🌙 77 °F

      Relaxing sea day = catching up on lost sleep, reading a book, and planning for upcoming ports and what to do in Rome.

      Since we got the photo package with a promo, we try to take official pictures every night.Leer más

    • Día 2

      Frankreich/Spanien by the way

      22 de diciembre de 2023, Balearic Sea ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      1. Seetag Fahrt entlang der französischen Küste bis in den Golf von
      Lion und dann abrupt Richtung Süden der spanischen Küste entlang wetterbedingt - zum Teil 60 kts Seitenwind - Wellen bis 3-4m hoch - MS Celestyl 🚢 blieb mehrheitlich ziemlich ruhig, offensichtlich gute Stabilisatoren - schöner Sonnenuntergang nördlich von Barcelona - Vorstellung der doppelten Crew mit zwei Kapitänen als Folge der Ersatzschiff Situation - also die geben sich extrem Mühe mit dem ungeplanten Schiffwechsel und seinen Friktionen. Habe heute mit Phönix Kapten Jens Thorn wegen Schiffwechsel sprechen können und er blieb immernoch zuversichtlich dass MS Amera von Danzig nach Kapstadt gebracht wird 🙈😇.Leer más

    • Día 33

      Europa in Sicht

      22 de noviembre de 2023, Balearic Sea ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Mohamedia - Asilah - Tanger

      Die letzten Etappen unserer Tour - zum Fähr-Hafen Tanger Med.

      Die NW-Ecke Marokkos ist richtig grün und sehr fruchtbar: viele Olivenhaine, Kartoffeln und Gewächshäuser mit Bananen und Mandarinen. Casablanca, Rabat und weitere Städte sind hier positioniert und die Region ist gut erschlossen mit Autobahn und Zubringerstrassen.

      In Mohammedia unseren ersten Übernachtungsplatz sind wir wieder einmal am Atlantik. Wir geniessen das Spiel der Wellen und den schönen Sonnenuntergang.

      Asilah, bald unser letzter Standplatz, ist eine schöne kleine Stadt, auch direkt am Meer. Wir schlendern dem Ufer entlang in die Medina. Die schönsten Gebäude wo auch immer sind die Moscheen. Am Abend gibt es zum Abschied der Tour ein feines Essen im typischen Fischrestaurant. Renate ruft uns alle unsere Etappen unserer Marokkotour in Erinnerung: Wir haben wirklich viel erlebt!

      Auf dem Weg nach Tanger ein kleiner Abstecher zu einer Lagune: Ein Kommen und Gehen der kleinen Fischerboote, die Ihren Fang an Händler verkaufen bei grossem Geschrei der Möven. Von Kap Spartel sehen wir bereits das nahe Spanien. Das Museum im Leuchtturm hat viel zu erzählen über die Meeresschlachten in der nur 14 km breiten (…aber 900 m tiefen) Enge von Gibraltar.

      Von Tanger sind wir total begeistert. Eine sehr schöne Medina mit schmucken Geschäften und vielen schönen Gebäuden in den Gassen, die hier nicht ganz so schmal sind, wie in den früheren Städten. Ein Prachtsbau ist die grosse Moschee, mit dem Blick auf den Hafen.

      Unser letzter Stellplatz in Marokko liegt sehr idyllisch im Camping Miramonte und wir bekommen mit unserem kleinen Fahrzeug den allerschönsten Standplatz! - Nochmals schlafen wir gut in unserem Ländy… 🥱

      Morgen 1545 Uhr geht es mit der GMV-Fähre wieder zurück nach Genua; mit einem weinenden und auch mit einem lachenden Auge.
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    • Día 85

      Eine neue Laufbuchse

      6 de enero de 2023, Balearic Sea ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Wir haben gestern eine neue Laufbuchse bekommen, die wir heute in den Maschinenraum transportiert haben. Das gute Stück wiegt fast 8 Tonnen.
      Im Hafen haben wir dann die alte Laufbuchse zusammen mit einem Zylinderkopf und anderen Teilen abgegeben.Leer más

    • Día 16

      Playing ketchup

      25 de abril de 2023, Balearic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Some sights so far. Started in Malaga, Spain. Terrain is tougher than I thought (climbs, drops, dirt, tunnels, sun). Ground it out to Valencia. Nothing broke or fell off. But, presently on an overnight ferry to Barcelona via Minorca.Leer más

    • Día 3

      Das Meer

      23 de octubre de 2022, Balearic Sea ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      8 Uhr - nach 12 Stunden Schlaf, "raus aus em Soich". Wir befinden uns Bereits auf der Höhe von Loret de Mar (Spananien🧐😂). In Barcelona wartet der erste und einzige Zwischenstopp. Leider ohne Landgang. Zeit, sich etwas auf das Abenteuer vorzubereiten:

      Es klingt verheissungsvoll: "Marokko ist ein Land natürlicher Gegensätze. Fruchtbare grüne Regionen in den Küstenebenen am Atlantik und an den Flüssen gibt es ebenso wie die hohen, (im Winter) schneebedeckten Berge im Atlasgebirge oder die trockenen, heissen Randgebiete der Sahara mit den grünen Farbtupfern ihrer Oasen".

      Unsere Spannung steigt...
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    • Día 19

      Viking adventures

      4 de abril de 2023, Balearic Sea ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Tuesday 4/4 Beautiful sunrise seen from our balcony this morning, and away we went with 23 others and guide Sylvia to Sitges which is about 40 minutes south of Barcelona. One of Pete’s work colleagues had told him that she stayed in Sitges, I think in the 80’s, and really loved it, but we knew that since then it had grown and was a real tourist town so has maybe changed a fair bit.

      In a nutshell the countryside was fairly dry-looking but inland it’s a great grape-growing area and is famous for Cava, as well as growing olives. Sitges has 17 beaches in a 4km stretch, has become something of a dormitory town for Barcelona so there are traffic jams, there are a lot of new-build apartment blocks in the town and some very upmarket houses with pools. In contrast there’s an ‘old town’ with narrow lanes, pretty views, lots of ceramic tiles on the buildings for street signs, traditional blue and white painted houses which are very popular with tourists but accommodation along the beachfront is very expensive.

      Back in hippy times it was a mecca for alternative people and today it still has that reputation, a lot of gay bars and shops, cannabis shop and plenty of nightclubs, that sort of thing. Goes crazy in summer.

      We walked through the town down to an old 16th century church above the beach, had time to walk or have a cuppa (errrr, this is Spain, coffee and a pastry). The church bell struck 10 while I watched, it doesn’t use the clappers but has an electric ‘hammer’ striking the outside, makes a great noise too. I got a great shot of the church showing a cannon emplacement directly outside for protection against the English in a great battle.

      Next to the church is what looks like an old building but it was explained that a rich American who loved the town built this place using all sorts of styles: renaissance, baroque, traditional Spanish. You look carefully and realise that the stone carvings are too crisp to be old, that sort of thing. The path leads to one of the beaches, the wind was nippy but one hardy soul was out swimming. We walked through the old area down to the next beach and along an avenue of palm trees. These were planted by locals in the 19th century who had gone to the USA to make their fortunes, came back and built big houses on the waterfront to show off their wealth. One of these was the Bacardi family of rum fame.

      I hadn’t realised that a ‘snack’ was included in the tour so it was nice to sit at the window of a beachfront restaurant with a pleasant American couple from Los Angeles, we chatted and ate the FIVE different tapas served up with a glass of cava. Definitely happy with all of that.

      We went along to the Wintergarden for high tea at 4pm, it was crowded and the crew were flat out with plates of sandwiches and cakes, warm scones with cream and jam, a huge tea menu and drinks as well. We sat by the window, joined by an older American couple, she was as funny as anything with stories of past travel including being helped by Italian cops in Naples when she and a friend were trying to get pizza but couldn’t cross the road. The cops asked if they could help and said ‘jump in, we know where the best pizzas are’, proceeded to put on the siren and speed to their destination, wouldn’t let them pay for the pizzas, put them back in the police car and drove them to the dock. She said they could be seen by everyone on the ship, the captain came rushing down to see why two of his passengers were being returned by police, what had they done? She told a great story.

      The ship sailed at 5pm so, being by the window, we had a good view of the harbour as we sailed out. Time for the port talk about our visit to Cartagena on Wednesday, then we had dinner in the slightly posher restaurant, again by the window so the sunset was every bit as good as the sunrise. We went to the show which was really professional, worthwhile seeing – Britt Lenting is from the Netherlands and has appeared in several West End productions so she was talking about her career and singing songs from the shows, everyone thoroughly enjoyed it too.

      This is being written at 1.30am, I can’t sleep so might as well write the diary. We’re currently out at sea about half way between Barcelona and Cartagena, in port around midday so planning a quiet morning.

      Check the next instalment for extra photos of Sitges
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    • Día 2

      Auf hoher See

      14 de mayo de 2023, Balearic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Seit 6h haben wir spürbaren Seegang. Das Wetter ist ok und Thomas schläft und schläft. Heute schauen wir uns mal an wo wir die ersten Tage so langfahren, Eine Routenidee haben wir. Gegen Nachmittag werden wir wohl in Barcelona ankommen und den Zwischenstopp beobachten. Das Publikum auf dem Schiff ist interessant. Es sind traditionell gekleidete Nordafrikaner an Board, Italiener und einige schmierige Typen, Thomas hat auf Mafia getippt. Das Personal ist zu 90% aus Ostasien, freundlich, aber für jeden Handgriff solls Bakschisch geben.

      Nächste Unterkunft nach Tanger ist nun auch gebucht, in Mohammedia, direkt am Strand zum Atlantik.
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    • Día 3

      Exploring the MSC World Europa

      3 de mayo, Balearic Sea ⋅ 🌬 63 °F

      This ship is HUGE. Very stable, and the Mediterranean is so smooth right now. If you are prone to seasickness, try a megaship! The Promenade in the center of the ship is so fun - like a little city street!

      The girls and I hung out late in to the night since our clocks are off a bit. Bumper cars at 10pm were a hit. They also convert this into a roller skating rink sometimes so I’ll need to check that out.

      There were characters on the Promedade, including a Navi and Morticia Addams. I made Willow pose with her and told them both "don't smile."

      Éowyn found a hat that she’s now wearing non-stop, and everyone is calling her Capitana now. She basically has the run of the ship and knows it better than we do.
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Balearic Sea, Iberian Sea, Mar Balear, Mar Catalana, Mer des Baléares, Mer d'Ibérie, Mer d' Ibérie, Sea of Valencia, Балеарское море, Балеарське море

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