Birinci Kültür

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    • Day 52

      Heading Home

      May 9, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      Today is the first of our two travel days to get home … have to overnight in Houston, Texas due to flight schedules.

      Mui did a “bit of shopping,” so we’re going back with an extra bag. One of these years we’ll learn to pack light 😊.

      More later …
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    • Day 112

      Merry Christmas

      December 25, 2021 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 50 °F

      After we moved to the US in 1981, we seldom (if ever) had an opportunity to celebrate Christmas with the family. At first, it was because as worker-bees, we opted to spend our limited vacation time in Turkey during months when traveling wasn’t impacted by adverse weather. After we retired, fall seemed to be our go to time-frame for Turkey … mostly so that we could fly one way and return to the US by ship. Mom did happen to be in the US visiting us a few times around Christmas time, but that was it.

      Since, 2018, however, this is our third time spending time in Turkey over the late fall/winter months … with the goal of being together for Christmas celebrations. And this time, my brother is with us as well.

      After a private birthday celebration for mom and Aylin on Christmas Eve, we invited guests to join us for Christmas … mom’s neighbor, Nevra; Aylin’s mother- and sister-in-law, Melek Hanım and Özen, and our cousin-in-law, Serpil.

      A festive night was enjoyed by all … a feast of tasty foods and beverages, both traditional and not … and a gift exchange that turned hilarious as people stole presents from each other.
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    • Day 111

      Happy Birthday x2

      December 24, 2021 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 41 °F

      In 1966, mom, who was born on Christmas Eve, gave herself a birthday gift … my sister, Aylin, also born on the 24th. We’ve always celebrated their birthdays together … making it a grand occasion by having our big Christmas meal on the 24th, with birthday cake for dessert.

      This year, however, we’re having a family-only affair tonight to celebrate their special day. Since we will be having a Christmas party tomorrow night, with the traditional fixings, tonight’s menu was more in the vein of antipasti … heavy hors d'oeuvres and adult beverages … followed by birthday cake and “strawberry Santa treats.”

      So much fun!
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    • Day 35

      Flapjacks in Alsancak

      October 9, 2021 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Mui left on Monday to spend some time in Eskişehir with his sister, Işıl. Deniz, my brother, and I will join him there in 10 days or so.

      In the meantime, my days have fallen into a routine … household chores at the condo in the morning, then to mom’s to spend the afternoon with the family, dinner with them, and then back to the condo for the night.

      This morning, I deviated from that routine a bit by joining the family for breakfast. Mom made flapjacks … a new recipe she was testing. We gave her the thumbs up.
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    • Day 19

      Back in Izmir

      September 23, 2021 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 61 °F

      The drive from Didim to İzmir isn’t a long one, but we hit rush hour when we neared the city and it took us forever to get to the apartment. I actually hopped off at a traffic light near mom’s place to visit with them for a bit before joining Işıl and Mui for dinner at Obi for pide … Turkish pizza, if you will.

      We’ll be home for a day and then we’re off on another short jaunt.
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    • Day 84

      Breakfast @ By Melly

      November 27, 2021 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      I love the boutique eateries around Alsancak where we can have breakfast.

      Aylin suggested that we all meet at By Melly this morning for a late breakfast. Great idea!

    • Day 65

      Back from Samsun

      November 8, 2021 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      We woke up to a cool day with clear skies. It was 56F in Samsun when we left the condo with Kerim, who drove us to SZF.

      Mui and I prefer to arrive at the airport around two hours before a flight. Not so today. Taking our cue from Kerim, who said it would take us about ½-hour to get to the airport as there would be little to no traffic at that hour, we arrived just an hour before our 8:30a flight. As small as the airport is, that worked out OK

      Since we had already checked in online, we had nothing to do but continue to the gate. Except that it wasn’t clear which gate we were supposed to go to. So, we asked a guy at the security checkpoint for gate 1 if that was the right place. He said to go to gate 2 for our Sun Express flight. Not wanting to take a middle seat between people already in the gate area, we opted to just get in line for the short wait before boarding was called.

      At SZF, there are no jetways. Passengers go through the boarding gate and directly onto the tarmac, and simply walk to the airplane. We were amongst the first passengers to board the aircraft and soon we were settled in our XLeg exit row seats — 18B/C.

      Unlike our inbound flight to SZF, this 737-800 was not packed. In fact, we had the three seats on our side of row 18 all to ourselves. Others wanted to move to exit row seats once boarding was completed, but the cabin crew stopped them from doing so since those seats are only available if you pay the higher airfare. I was happy to see this as it is not otherwise fair to those who pay for the privilege of those seats.

      Soon after the aircraft leveled off, our breakfast was served. As has been the case on every Sun Express flight we’ve been on thus far, we were the only ones with meal service, though others could purchase from the service cart … and did.

      Despite the slight delay leaving SZF, we landed at ADB 10 minutes ahead of schedule. With no checked bags to worry about, we walked directly to İzban to take the train into Alsancak and then transferred to the tram to get home. Again … easy peasy … and far less crowded than it was outbound because of our mid-morning arrival.

      The bags are now unpacked; the laundry done. I am now going to head over to mom’s for afternoon tea. Mui will join us for dinner. Thus, we’ll back to our daily routine … at least for a while.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Birinci Kültür, Birinci Kultur, 1. Kültür

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