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    • Dag 76

      75ème étape ~ Bath (jour 2)

      17 oktober 2022, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nous profitons d’une deuxième journée à Bath pour aller nous détendre aux bains thermaux.
      Il s’agit des seuls sources d’eaux chaudes naturelles d’Angleterre.
      Les photos n’y étaient pas autorisées malheureusement. 😣
      Petit rafraîchissement capillaire et barbaire pour Florian.
      Puis nous nous sommes baladés et avons mangé note pic-nic sur une superbe place accompagné d’un trompettiste.
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    • Dag 5

      The Pump Room

      14 juni 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      After our tour of the Roman Baths, we enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea in the Grand Pump Room. Many scenes from my favourite Georgette Heyer Regency novels occur in the Pump Room, where the members of the ton would gather to see and be seen, as well as partake off the mineral waters, which you can still drink today. We all tasted the water, and it is as foul as the books proclaim.Meer informatie

    • Dag 36

      The Roman Bath

      25 september 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Las termas romanas situadas en la localidad de Bath (Somerset) son un edificio de interés histórico, uno de los más importantes a nivel turístico de Inglaterra. El complejo está muy bien conservado, gracias a lo cual se pueden apreciar muy bien los elementos arquitectónicos presentes en el edificio Las termas propiamente dichas se sitúan por debajo del nivel de la calle y los edificios construidos a raíz de su descubrimiento se pueden dividir en cuatro grupos entre los que están el «Manantial Sagrado», el Templo Romano, el Baño Romano y la Casa Museo. Estas estructuras, que se encuentran a nivel de la calle, datan del siglo xix.Meer informatie

    • Dag 109

      Bath time

      21 december 2023, Engeland ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      After getting up and having a lovely included breakfast that was better than it had any right to be from an inexpensive hotel, we hit the road in Bartholomew II for the last time in the direction of Bath. Only stopping briefly for fuel and to give the car a quick clean.

      We handed the car over and walked along the riverside into the town centre. The town is chock full of beautiful Georgian architecture with a characteristic yellow stone. It looks fantastic, one of the most pleasing cities to date.

      After a long walk with our familiar heavy bags weighing us down once more, we arrived at our hotel, hoping to drop the bags off. We got lucky again and were able to check in a few hours before the official time!

      Once in we booked some tickets to the Roman bathhouses which we assume provide the city with its name. After a brief rest we headed over and were immediately taken aback by how impressive these restored ruins were!

      The baths are smack bang in the middle of the city across the road from their huge Abbey. And you could walk past the museum site without even knowing they were there (like we did!)

      While you can't swim in the baths anymore, some of the pools are still filled with hot water, with satisfying bubbles coming up to the surface.

      The museum was surprisingly packed, but we were still able to have a thorough look at all of their exhibits, most importantly being the pools of course, but also large parts of the temple that they had adjacent to the pools, and even a fancy bronze head of their goddess Minerva!

      Once we eventually finished with the museum (and Phill convinced himself not to buy a mini Roman soldier's helmet) we left and got some afternoon tea which included one of the best cookies that we've ever had! Nice!

      Afterwards we walked around the town a little more, exploring the general area before it got dark. We made it to a few other nice places like The Circus (not the clown kind) as well as the Royal Crescent, areas which look amazing and contain a lot of impressive Georgian style homes... Where the kind of people live that probably fell into the favourable side of generational wealth...

      Eventually we made it back home and used our fun little app to find food that was close to being thrown out. We found another Gregg's and excitedly booked it. While it was still a good haul, it wasn't quite as impressive as the previous ones we've had... But it's okay, Gregg. We still love ya.

      Step count: 13.3k
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    • Dag 75

      75ème étape ~ Bath (jour 1)

      16 oktober 2022, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nous arrivons a Bath lors du semi-marathon, le centre ville étant fermé à la circulation, nous nous parquons à l’extérieur. Nous trouvons un parking d’un pub. Nous pouvons y stationner si nous y mangeons, ce que nous faisons avec plaisir. 🍽️
      Puis nous allons visiter la ville, nous prenons le thé dans le salon de thé Jane Austen.
      Nous avons fini la journée avec un plateau apéritif dînatoire devant la série 🥰
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    • Dag 5

      Bath Abbey

      14 juni 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Tom was feeling a little weary, I think jet lag and several days of walking all over Windsor and Bath has caught up with him, so Danielle and Tom went back to the apartment to let him rest up for the afternoon.
      Simon and Annabelle paid a visit to the thousand year old Bath Abbey, and then a tour of the country side on a tourist bus.
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    • Dag 36

      Visita a Bath: Nonno, Claudia y Sandra

      25 september 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Bath es una ciudad ubicada en el campo ondulado del suroeste inglés, conocida por sus termas naturales y la arquitectura georgiana del siglo XVIII. La piedra color miel de Bath se usa ampliamente en la arquitectura de la ciudad, incluida la Abadía de Bath, famosa por sus bóvedas de abanico, su torre y sus grandes vitrales. El museo en el lugar de los baños originales de la era romana incluye el Gran Baño, estatuas y un templo.Meer informatie

    • Dag 87

      Bath and Thermae Spa

      17 juli 2023, Engeland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Getting my bearings today, a reception person at the Y gave me a ticket for the hop on hop off bus (20 pounds worth) so am very delighted about that...

      It has started raining again so I came into the library to do some catching up. I thought I had booked a room to myself but lo and behold a young woman came in around 8.30 last night to take up space! Then out again she went barreling in at 11 pm. That's a hostel for you! More later when I finish my day.

      So Today I did the hop on hop off buses one went around Bath and the other went up into the hills to give a view of Bath from on high, but what a joke! The bus didn't slow down or pull over to allow photos and the amount of trees on the drive hitting us in the face meant we had to lean over to miss being struck by sticky oot branches!! What a laugh, some kids up the back of the bus gave some screams then hysterical laughter, poor things..

      The sun came out which was brilliant as it had solidly rained earlier in the day and I held my face up to the lovely sun which doesn't feel like its burning you even tho it may be!! I met a lovely woman who was escaping her sisters for the day, they live in NZ and she in Sidney town Australia. She was telling me that some places aren't accepting the old notes and even some places are demanding Euros?? I wonder what's that about?? Meanwhile my dollar is only worth 48 cents ... which is a bit of a nightmare when I come to buying anything, accept travelling.

      Here's to a good day travelling to Castle Coombe. I forgot to say something on my "leaving Frome day," so I will go back and add some info.

      I did get some lovely photos I hope and will upload them when on my way to Castle Coombe today. After my sojourn on the buses, I felt in need of a hot soak and made arrangements to go to "Thermae Bath" for a "hot" swim. The thermal waters called indeed! I went through the door only to be ushered out again by an anxious reception person. Oops I thought its because I'm early for the 6.30pm closing time?? But no, no sooner had I gone out than a line of people started pouring out of the spa.
      White dressing gowned, flip flopped footed persons/ clients appeared everywhere out on the road, clutching towels and nothing else. A fire had been started in the "Minerva" suite which is on the lower ground floor and the alarm had to be attended to. There seemed like maybe on 100 to 120 people standing outside. As time went on another woman and I began a conversation about the whole thing, no information given as to what else might be happening inside, nothing.
      Funny people we are, we don't expect anything untoward to happen, then when it does, it feels like a personal assault!! We want what we want now!! Very interesting to watch the faces of those who had been in the middle of treatments, and to listen to one guy whose treatment had just finished and were leaving but stuck with their telephones bolted inside a lockable bag which could only be opened by a maching inside the building!! He was fuming!!

      I will upload pics on my way to Castle Coombe today. So watch this space.
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    • Dag 12

      Drinking Bathwater is good . . .

      8 mei 2023, Engeland ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      . . . for the wallet.

      Today was the sort of day we had been anticipating all along. It was wet - all day.

      (Before getting into the day’s events, a side note about ‘Cornwall connections’. Others have private messaged us telling us of their own family roots stretching back to Cornwall, as indeed do my own.
      My great, great, great Grandfather (Francis Dennes) lived in this region, was tried at Truro Court (no longer exists) in the early 1820’s for petty theft to sustain his family and was transported to Botany Bay sentenced to 14 years of hard labour for his crime. He was then given a parcel of land in the Manning river area in N.S.W. where he settled - and the rest is history).

      We woke to steady drizzle, but despite this we still decided to go for our planned walk before breakfast around to the next little Port - Port Gaverne.

      This is because before we left Sydney we had decided that, as much as possible, we were not going to let inclement weather stop our planned activities. So far there had been little to challenge that. Today was a day to test that resolve.

      Port Gaverne was similarly pretty and worth the effort, with a final walk out to the eastern headland through grass long enough to thoroughly soak shoes and socks.
      We returned for the 8.30 breakfast commencement and fortified by an excellent ‘Full Cornish Breakfast’ at The Slipway, I walked up the somewhat deserted streets (now with strong currents of water flowing down them) to retrieve and return with the car to load up and drive to our next destination (Bath), but not before banging my head on a few more low doorways.
      Having braved driving the narrow streets of Port Isaac yesterday, the drive out now seemed ‘a piece of cake’ despite the rain.

      The drive should have taken just under 3 hours, but it took considerably longer due to heavy traffic on the M5 (it must go with the name!). On approach to the second long delay, Waze suggested an alternate route due to the congestion and we gratefully accepted this. As it turned out we were actually pleased about the new route, as it took us through dozens of tiny picturesque villages along equally tiny roads to finally emerge into Bath. Additionally, we had the pleasure of some WhatsApp calls back home along the way. Bible readings and podcasts helped make the time go more quickly as well.

      We checked into our Villa at exactly 2pm. I had only booked a standard room but because the room hadn’t been cleaned on arrival we were pleased to receive a complimentary upgrade to their best room. As the drizzle continued outside, we were both thinking (but not saying) the same thing - let’s stay here and enjoy the lovely accomodation. However, historic Bath was just down the road to be explored, so we donned the rain jackets and set off in the steady drizzle armed with an online audio guide and map to spend about 2 hours following the guided tour around the major features of this unique city.

      First stop was ‘The Pump Room’ where ancient Romans would come to bathe in (and Edwardian English would come to drink) the natural mineral waters emanating from the spring. The Pump Room would be closing soon but the Roman Baths themselves would stay open until 6pm, so this determined the order of events. We would line up and pay a ‘walk up’ fee at the Roman Baths when we had finished at the Pump House.
      This ‘Pump Room’ is now a very upmarket restaurant, but I had read (thank you Trip Advisor) that you can go into the restaurant and sample the spring waters for a very small fee (50p) without having to dine there. So we fronted up looking slightly bedraggled, asked in the confident Australian way if we could sample the spring waters please as we had read that this was possible?
      ‘Yes, of course, just there at the back of the restaurant sir’.
      We were pointed in the right direction and then left to our own devices. While sampling the said waters (palatable but lukewarm - we both made the Laodicea comment) we unexpectedly noticed that through the window and directly below us were the famed Roman Baths which people were lining up for outside (long queues) and paying a relatively large fee (AUD$100 each) to view from a vantage point little different to what we were enjoying here. So we ‘sampled the waters’, enjoyed the view and took our snaps of the Roman Baths. The 50p fee was reduced to zero as they didn’t want our money - perhaps they were pleased to be rid of these two uncouth tourists who were dragging down the tone of their expensive restaurant. Two points of interest done and dusted ‘on a budget’ :)
      We walked our way around the rest of the audio tour of Bath, noting and appreciating the transition from Roman through to more modern architecture - albeit through the haze of a steady rain that barely let up.

      A 20 minute uphill walk from the point at which our audio guide finished through the ever present drizzle back to our accommodation concluded our day.
      As I write this blog, Loss is literally enjoying ‘a bath in Bath’ :).
      Our ‘wet-weather resolve’ is still intact.
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    • Dag 34


      5 juni 2023, Engeland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today we drove back into England, with the town of Bath, in the county of Somerset, our first stop. Bath is a UNESCO world heritage site on the River Avon.
      It is famous for its Roman Baths, built by the Romans, of course, with artefacts found on the site dating it back to at least 76AD.

      The Royal Crescent in Bath is also a famous photo stop. It is a row of Georgian townhouses and was used extensively in the TV series 'Bridgerton'.

      The Pulteney Bridge on the River Avon is also another well recognised construction from Roman times.

      After Bath we had a stop in Wells. We were here a few weeks ago on our 'Backroads Corners of Cornwall' tour, so didn't need to visit the cathedral again. Instead, we walked the town and had an ice cream. But we did get a good photo of the cathedral, as last time we were here the village green in front of it was being used for the kings coronation party, so it was full of people.

      Our destination for the next two nights is Plymouth, in Devon.
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Bath, Baðanceaster, باث, Bat, Горад Бат, Бат, Caerfaddon, Μπαθ, באת, Բաթ, QQX, バース, ბათი, 바스, Aquae Sulis, Batas, Bāta, Ba, باتھ, บาธ, باتھ، سومرسیٹ, 巴斯

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