House 3 and 3.1 Scotland ending

Scotland is a great place to visit. It’s different than the U.S. but not so different that it’s all strange. It’s just enough to keep you on your toes.
The weather was generally nice with aRead more
Scotland is a great place to visit. It’s different than the U.S. but not so different that it’s all strange. It’s just enough to keep you on your toes.
The weather was generally nice with aRead more
Eigentlich hatten wir beschauliche Highland-Games erwartet. Statt dessen gab es Rummel, Sportwettbewerbe, Hill Race und nur ein bisschen Highland-Games.
Trotzdem hat es uns sehr gefallen, besondersRead more
Pitoreske route
End of war scene with Claire filmed here over 10 years ago. Now it is in disarray. We hiked though the woods to get there
Heute morgen, bevor Annika und Rob zur Arbeit mussten, haben wir zusammen einen Spaziergang mit ihrem Hund Arnie gemacht.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Clackmannanshire, CLK, Clackmannanscīr, Клакмананшър, Siorrachd Chlach Mhannainn, Swydd Clackmannan, کلاکماننشر, Siorrachd Chlach Mhanainn, Coontae Chlagh Manu, クラックマナンシャー, 클라크매넌셔 주, Clackmannanensis, Klakmananšyras, کلاکموننشائر, Клакманнаншир, 克拉克曼南郡
Traveler I do hope you have both enjoyed your time in bonny Scotland xx 😘 we look forward to following your onward journey 😀 safe travels 😀
1 Planet 1 Bag Very much. It was an adventure all the time. Good friends and family were a huge joy.
Traveler Hope you come visit us again in the not too distant future xx 😘 enjoy your time in Split xx 😘 ❤️
Traveler I foresee us meeting up at least once every 2 years if we meet up in Scotland. Of course, you are always welcome to join us at any one of our nomadic apartments. Just drop us a line and let us know you are interested.
Traveler Thank you Marc x 😘